Ficlet: Mirror, Mirror (OTH/DC, G)

Feb 28, 2009 16:12

TITLE: Mirror, Mirror
AUTHOR: empressearwig
CHARACTERS: Adam Reese, Dawson Leery
SUMMARY: Adam Reese meets someone with a very familiar face.
SPOILERS: Set immediately after 6x15.
DISCLAIMER: The characters of the One Tree Hill and Dawson’s Creek belong to their owners. No copyright infringement intended.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is entirely leobrat’s fault.

"Are you Adam Reese?"

Adam looks up, his face having been buried in the neck of a leggy brunette that was sitting in his lap. "Can't you see that I'm busy here? Who wants to know?"

Dawson raises an eyebrow. "That would be me."

"And you are?" Adam prompts. "Run along, son. I don't have time for you now."

The brunette raises her head and looks back and forth between them in confusion. "Are you two twins?" she asks, confusion laced through her overly breathy voice.

"What? No," Adam denies. "I have no idea who this is."

"Dawson Leery." He crosses his arms over his chest. "And I most certainly am not related to this insensitive, sleazy hack."

Adam grins. "So you know my work!" He nudges the brunette off his lap. "Be a good girl and get me a drink, will you? It seems that Dilbert -"


"Won't be going away anytime soon." He watches her walk towards the bar, hips swaying seductively. He sighs and turns back to Dawson. "What could you possibly want that's more important than that?"

"You directed an Unkindness of Ravens."

Adam nods. "Are you a fan or something? Because if you just wanted an autograph, I'm going to ring your neck."

Dawson snorts. "Do you really not know who I am?" he demands. "I have a hit television show."

"What did you say your name was?"

"Leery. Dawson Leery."

"Leery..." Adam puzzles over the name. "Wait, I do know that. Yours is that terribly pretentious teen soap, The Creek or River or something else stupid. The show where everyone talks like they swallowed a dictionary."

Dawson grits his teeth. "Your characterization of my work aside, yes, that's my show. The Creek."

"And you had the audacity to call me a hack?"

"If the shoe fits."

They glare at each other.

The brunette returns with Adam's drink, but quickly departs when she sees that he's not in the mood to play any longer.

Adam sips, and he asks, "So what could possibly have been your problem with Ravens? It did quite well."

"You ruined the book," Dawson accuses. "It was a beautiful character driven novel, with an incredibly touching story, and you turned it into a typical Hollywood teen movie. Did you cast anyone that's IQ was bigger than her breasts?"

Adam snorts. "Please. I saved that movie. No one would have gone to see a movie about a bunch of pretentious, whiny teenagers, whose biggest problems are whether or not the basketball team won. I made that project work."

"Don't you have any respect for your original source material? For characters? For a story?"

"Not when it's romanticized drivel. Sex sells. The rest... well, it doesn't." Adam drains his glass. "I'd say it was a pleasure to meet you Dilbert, but that would be a lie, and I get the feeling you're one of those truth teller types." He stands. "See you around."

He walks off, heading back towards the bar, and the bevy of beautiful women surrounding it.

Dawson watches him go and shakes his head.

He's not like that, he assures himself. His time in Hollywood hasn't turned him into a cynic and a womanizer and a hack.

He still believes in his ideals.

He looks back at the bar, sees Adam with his arms around two different, but equally stunning women.

It's just too bad that his ideals don't look like that.

crossover, fandom: one tree hill, fandom: dawson's creek

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