Fic: Angels We Have Heard On High (GH, Ensemble, Lanaverse)

Feb 24, 2009 18:08

Title: Angels We Have Heard On High
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 74 - Angel
Pairing/Character(s): Lucky/Maxie, Lulu/Bobby, Nikolas/Elizabeth, Cameron, Jake, Spencer, Audrey, Ella, Gia, Lucy, Sean
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Any character first appearing on the series GH does not belong to me.
Word Count: 1905
Spoilers/Warnings: Written as part of the Lanaverse.
Summary: A Spencer-Cassadine Christmas.
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus.

The sound of Christmas carols filled the room.

The tree was already strung with lights, and boxes of ornaments were laid out just waiting to be hung on the tree.

Maxie and Lulu were sitting on the couch chatting, while Lucky and Bobby stood talking shop. Sean, Lucy, and Gia were clustered around their fathers begging for cookies, knowing they were easier marks than their mothers, while Ella sat on the stairs and tried not to look interested in the outcome of the pleas for cookies. Because she was too grown up for that.

There was a knock on the door.

Gia ran towards it, flinging it open before either of her parents could admonish her for not checking to see who it was.

On the other side stood the rest of the family, who all came tumbling noisily into the house. Nikolas and Elizabeth, as poised and dignified as they always were, even as they were apologizing profusely for being late. Cameron and Jake, Gia’s much adored older brothers, who immediately swept her into their arms and started tickling her, a torture that she pretended to hate, but secretly loved. Spencer and Audrey, the more reserved of the four children, Audrey making a beeline for Ella, and the two girls began conversing rapidly in fervent whispers, while Spencer hung back, silent and alone.

The volume in the room went from a dull roar to a violent cacophony.

Chaos reigned until Lucky dug his old police whistle out of a drawer and blew. Loudly.

Heads snapped towards him, children and adult alike falling silent.

Lucky grinned. “I’ll have to remember that.”

“Daddy, that hurt my ears,” Gia complained, hands still raised to cover them.

“Sorry, baby,” he said contritely. He looked around the room. “Should we get started on the tree?”

“I think that sounds like an excellent idea,” Maxie said, standing and running her hand across her daughter’s hair. “Is there a plan involved in this or is it every man or woman for themselves?”

“Everyone for themselves, definitely,” Lulu said, grinning at her brothers. “Right?”

“I believe we have our answer,” Nikolas said drolly. “Don’t you agree, Lucky?”

“I know better than to counter my sister when it comes to Christmas,” Lucky said, laughing at the expression on Lulu’s face.

Bobby wrapped an arm around his wife’s shoulders. “I knew there was a reason I liked your brothers.”

Lulu looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. “Do you really want to be on my bad side at Christmas time?”

“I take it back. I hate your brothers,” Bobby deadpanned, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.

Lulu sighed. “Why is it my fate to be surrounded by men that are smart alecks?”

“We love you, too, Lu,” Lucky said, grinning at his sister. He clapped his hands together. “Alright, let’s get started.” He gestured towards the boxes. “Go on, dig in.”

The kids made a beeline for the boxes and immediately began hanging ornaments haphazardly on the tree.

Maxie tried not to wince as they all clustered them together. If she’d had it her way, she would have brought in a decorator to do their tree, but Lucky had insisted on this ritual of family togetherness. And seeing her daughter in her being held up by Cameron so that she could hang an ornament on the top of the tree, she could see that he had a point. Not that she’d admit it to anyone.

She did have a reputation to protect.

Lucky wrapped an arm around her waist, and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “It’ll be fine,” he said.

Maxie frowned. Either his mind reading skills had improved or what she’d been thinking was written all over her face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Liar,” he laughed. He tugged her towards the ornaments. “Come on, let’s help.” He snagged his daughter away from Cameron, and settled her on his hip. “Go on, pick out an ornament,” he encouraged Maxie. “We’ll hang it together.”

Maxie gave in, smiling at her husband and daughter. She bent down and picked out an ornament she’d made as a little girl, doing arts and crafts projects with her mom and sister, before her mom and left and her sister had died. It was a simple thing, just an angel made of shimmering foil, but she remembered being so proud of it and thinking it was so pretty. She handed it up to Gia.

“Ooh, shiny!” Gia said happily. “Where should we put it?”

“I wonder where she gets the love of shiny things from,” Lucky teased Maxie, wrapping his other arm around her waist.

She elbowed him and directed her attention to her daughter. “Where ever you want, sweetheart.”

Gia reached out and hung it near the top of the tree.

“Excellent choice,” Lucky complimented her.

Gia rolled her eyes. “You’re silly. Can I get down now?”

“Absolutely.” Lucky set her back on her feet, and she scampered off to find another ornament.

Lucky and Maxie stepped back as Sean and Lucy stampeded towards the tree.

Maxie took a deep breath, trying to tell herself it wasn’t a big deal if anything broke.

Lucky saw the expression on her face, and laughed. “Come here,” he urged, tugging her into his arms.

She went willingly, wrapping her arms around his neck. She looked up at him, and caught the glimpse of the mistletoe hanging above them. She frowned. “Did you put that there?”

“Who me?” he asked innocently. “Would I do that?”

She nodded.

“Guilty as charged,” he murmured, bending his head to brush his lips against hers.


Spencer sat on the couch, watching the chaotic scene.

He always felt a little out of place at these gatherings. He was a part of them, but he wasn’t. He’d always thought he was like his father in that, but tonight, his father was participating right alongside his aunt and uncle, cajoling Audrey into hanging ornaments with him and their mother.

He shook his head. When he was small he’d never have imagined that his father, the strict remote man who’d raised him, could ever have been like that. Could be smiling, and laughing, and affectionate. Of course, he could count on one hand the number of times his father was like that with him, but at least Audrey didn’t have to experience that.

Caught in his own thoughts, he didn’t notice his mother coming to sit next to him.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

He blinked. “They’re nothing interesting, I assure you.”

She sighed. “Spencer.”


She shook her head and stood. “Come be a part of the family.” She held out a hand. “I won’t take no for an answer.”

He let himself be pulled to his feet. “Did anyone ever tell you that you’re relentless?”

She laughed, drawing him to the tree next to his brothers. “It’s come up on more than a few occasions.”

“Where have you been, man?” Jake elbowed Spencer in the side. “It’s Christmas. Do the brooding prince routine another time.”

To his surprise, Spencer found himself laughing too.

It was Christmas.

And Christmas was for family.


Lulu was bent over the boxes, rummaging through them.

Arms wrapped around her from behind. “What are you doing?” Bobby murmured.

“Looking for the angel,” she said distractedly, patting his hands with one of hers. She twisted her head back around to look at him. “Have the twins set anything on fire yet?”

He laughed. “No.”

“Thank god,” she said, going back to digging though the boxes. “They are so totally out of control these days.”

“Because that doesn’t totally run in our families or anything,” was his dry response.

She frowned. “Shut up. What’s Ella doing?”

“Besides pretending that she’s too old for things like this?”


“That’s pretty much it, actually.”

She sighed. “She is way too young to be a moody teenager. She’s not even close to being a teenager yet.”

“Just think how much fun we’ll have when she is one,” Bobby laughed. He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Found it yet?”

“I think it’s right here,” Lulu said, pulling a smaller box out. She opened the lid, to find her mother’s angel within.

Ella wandered over to her parents, wrinkling her nose at their public display of affection. “Is that grandma’s angel?”

Lulu smiled at her daughter. “It is. What do you think, you want to be the one to put it on the tree this year?”

Ella’s face lit up, though she tried to hide it. “Really?”

Lulu nodded. “Really.” She handed it to her, and Ella accepted it carefully, more carefully than she did most other things.

Ella wrapped an arm around her mother, surprising them both. “Thanks, Mom.”

“You’re welcome,” Lulu murmured, even as Ella ran off to show it off to her cousins and siblings.

Lulu and Bobby watched, smiling at the scene.

“You know, I think that’s the first time I’ve seen her smile today,” Bobby observed.

“See?” Lulu gloated. “Christmas is magical. If you and the imbeciles I call older brothers would just listen to me…”

She shrieked with laughter as Bobby began tickling her, trying to swat his hands away.


Lucky surveyed the room and the tree.

“So I think we’re about done here, except for the angel, right?” he said loudly, to the gathered crowd.

“I think you’re right,” Lulu said. “Though you know it pains me to admit that you’re right about anything.”

“Ha ha, very funny.”

“Hey, I’m with Lulu, and you know how rare that is,” Maxie added, shooting a conspiratorial wink at her sister-in-law and former rival. She smirked up at her husband.

“I’ll get you for that later,” Lucky promised.

“And on that note, I suggest we finish things up,” Nikolas said wryly. “Ella?”

She stepped forward, angel in hand. She looked up at the top of the tree, which was considerably taller than she.

Lucky, sensing her dilemma, offered to help. “Want me to pick you up, kiddo?”

She shot him a grateful look. “Thanks, Uncle Lucky.”

A voice from behind them spoke up. “Or I could.”

All heads turned towards him.

Lucky blinked. “Dad.”

“Grandpa!” Gia cried out with glee, running towards him, Lucy hot on her heels. The girls threw their arms around him.

He hugged them back, and looked up at his son. “Hi Cowboy.”

“What are you doing here, Dad?” Lulu managed. “We weren’t expecting you.”

“It’s Christmas,” Luke said simply. “I thought I should be here.”

“And we’re glad you are,” Lucky said. “Why don’t you come help Ella with the angel, then?”

His small, blonde granddaughters grabbed his hands and led him back over to the group.

Lulu reached over to hug him. “I’m glad you’re here, Dad.”

“Me too, darlin’,” he said, stroking her hair. “Me too.” He turned to his granddaughter. “You ready to get this show on the road?”

“Sure,” Ella said.

“Alright, I’m still going to give Ella a boost,” Lucky said. “I think she’s probably too heavy for you, Dad.”

“Fine,” Luke grumbled.

Lucky lifted Ella up so she could reach the top of the tree, and together she and Luke reached up to settle the angel on the top of the tree.

When they were finished, Lucky set Ella back on her feet, and everyone looked up at the angel.

“Merry Christmas, Angel,” Luke said softly.

couple: lulu spencer/bobby donely, character: ella donely, character: audrey cassadine, character: cameron spencer, fandom: general hospital, couple: lucky spencer/maxie jones, character: spencer cassadine, character: jake spencer, character: gia spencer, character: lucy donely, character: sean donely, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus, couple: nikolas cassadine/elizabeth webb

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