Ficlet: In the Witching Hour (GH, Patrick, Lana)

Sep 28, 2008 14:50

Title: In the Witching Hour
Author: empressearwig
Claim: Robin Scorpio/Patrick Drake
Fandom: General Hospital
Theme: 20 - Midnight Snack
Disclaimer: Patrick is not mine. Lana is.

Lana crept down the stairs quietly to the kitchen. She moved carefully through the house, trusting her instincts to move through the dark rooms without having any serious accidents. When she made it to her destination, she flipped on the light switch, and stopped dead in her tracks.

“Turn that light off,” Patrick hissed, shielding his eyes. “Are you trying to blind me?”

She did as he asked. “What are you doing up?” She crossed the room to pull a glass down from the cupboard, and pulled a pitcher of water out of the refrigerator, pouring herself a glass.

“I just got home,” Patrick said wearily. “Last minute emergency surgery when I was about to get off shift.”

“Aw,” Lana said sympathetically, settling on the stool next to him. She looked down at the ice cream in front of him with an exaggerated frown. “I’m not sure Mom would think ice cream is an acceptable substitute for the dinner you missed while in surgery, you know.”

Patrick shook his spoon at her. “Which is why someone isn’t going to tell their mother.”

“Hm,” Lana considered, tilting her head to the side. With an impish grin, she said cheerily, “I could maybe be persuaded not to tell if someone were to share their ice cream.”

“Deal.” Patrick got up and walked around the counter to pull another spoon from the silverware drawer. He settled himself back onto his stool, and handed the spoon to Lana. “What are you doing up so late, anyway?”

Lana shrugged, digging up a spoonful of ice cream for herself. “Just woke up and wanted a drink.”

“Not up late studying?” Patrick took a spoonful of ice cream for himself and studied his daughter suspiciously.

Lana rolled her eyes. “No, Daddy, I wasn’t.”

“Alright. So what did you do tonight?”

“Homework. Jake came over for awhile after baseball practice let out.” She held up a hand to ward off the coming comment. “Mom was home the whole time and we stayed in the family room where Matt kept spying on us, so don’t you worry your pretty little head about anything you think was going on.”

“Good,” Patrick grumbled. “You know I worry about you.”

Lana laid her head down on Patrick’s shoulder. “I know you do.”

Patrick leaned his head down on top of hers. “Just so we’re clear.” He picked his head back up and peered at the clock on the microwave. “You should be back in bed, young lady.”

Lana sighed heavily. “I suppose.” She stood and pressed a kiss to Patrick’s cheek. “Night, Dad.” She dropped her spoon into the sink and padded out of the kitchen.

Patrick listened to her head up the stairs as he put the ice cream back in the freezer and put their spoons in the dishwasher.

Working late was one of his least favorite things, but getting to have a midnight snack with his daughter was one of his favorites.

character: patrick drake, fandom: gh the next generation, prompts: 30_children, character: lana drake, fandom: general hospital, lanaverse

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