((Back. Busy day today. X_X Anyway... Being in Gaseous Form means that he actually won't show up in conventional visual sensor systems. At most, he'll be like indistinct particles, like static in transmission. Of course, this would scream heavy magic use to magic detectors.))
Squee kept to the corners, way out of sight. Even in intangible form, it never hurts to be a little more careful.
((...Do'h! I just realize that Squee has one of the locator watches. Would it be temporarily inactive while he's still intangible, or should it still work?))
((I thought the watches were just a countdown thing, not a locator... I didn't come up with them *grins*. Your call, though inactive sounds more likely.))
Guards walked past. One paused for a moment. "You hear something?" His partner looked around. "Nah, MC. Nothing here. You're imagining things." They continued on their way.
There are signs and computer panels on the walls in a variety of languages.
Comments 16
The footsteps came closer. Guards on patrol. So far, they're unaware of the intruder. In fact, they're just talking to each other.
Squee kept to the corners, way out of sight. Even in intangible form, it never hurts to be a little more careful.
((...Do'h! I just realize that Squee has one of the locator watches. Would it be temporarily inactive while he's still intangible, or should it still work?))
"You hear something?"
His partner looked around. "Nah, MC. Nothing here. You're imagining things."
They continued on their way.
There are signs and computer panels on the walls in a variety of languages.
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