It's not wet now--things are drying up rapidly--but the frequent soaking (and sometimes flooding) rains have really made a difference to our summer after five years of stark drought. The creek is running. Fish fry are back--tiny almost glass-transparent minnows a half inch to an inch and a half long are swimming happily in the shallows.
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Comments 10
We generally have to go to the St. Croix River (boundary between Minnesota and Wisconsin, and the upper reaches are protected to varying degrees) to see American rubyspots. They are very fancy indeed.
One of the things I like about whirligig beetles is that if you see a shadow below them in shallow water, it's not their shadow, but rather the shadow of the surface tension.
I DO have one bit of good news... We've had several days of "July gloom" now -- which So Cal "just doesn't do...".
We've got brown grass as dry as dust, reservoirs perilously empty, endangered fish stock being "rescued" to live and breed elsewhere, and we've not had a raindrop for eons, but at least we're not scorching under a typical July sun....
So thank you for the flower pics. Every time I see a flower, I feel like the sun is finally shining on my particular patch of paradise.
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