Fic ~ Wrong Momentum

Apr 27, 2010 10:12

Title ~ Wrong Momentum

Fandom ~ The Losers (Movie)

Rating ~ PG

Warnings ~ Angsty introspective drabble…that earns a warning, in my book.

Disclaimers ~ I disclaim disclaimers and claim Cougar’s hat. *hides*

Notes ~ I may be becoming obsessed.  One more Losers fic done, another on the way.  Also, because there doesn’t appear to be a Losers fanfiction ( Read more... )

fanfiction, the losers

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Comments 2

emocezi October 23 2010, 04:43:25 UTC
So, I'm kinda poking through your Losers fic.

And you know what hun, we're all obsessed with the Losers. It's been eating my brain since I saw it at the beginning of July and hasn't let up.

Just roll with it. It could be a beautiful thing. Lol


e_goddess October 24 2010, 00:37:46 UTC
It has been a beautiful thing! It's funny when I think back to the first days after I started losers_fic, when I was the only one posting and was beginning to think that once again I'd become a fandom of one. Now there are over four hundred people watching and SO many great authors. It's awesome.

Oh, and most of my Losers fic is over at the community. I didn't want to spam my un-interested friend's list with it all. The easiest way to find it is by going into the archive. I was posting about a story a day back in April and May. Someday, I really need to go a master fic post.


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