Fic ~ Wrong Momentum

Apr 27, 2010 10:12

Title ~ Wrong Momentum

Fandom ~ The Losers (Movie)

Rating ~ PG

Warnings ~ Angsty introspective drabble…that earns a warning, in my book.

Disclaimers ~ I disclaim disclaimers and claim Cougar’s hat. *hides*

Notes ~ I may be becoming obsessed.  One more Losers fic done, another on the way.  Also, because there doesn’t appear to be a Losers fanfiction community, I started one myself at losers_fic .  Did I mention I may be becoming obsessed?

          Roque’s right. They need to get moving.

Maybe he knows. Maybe he knows that Clay still has that damned bear. Maybe he knows that it’s wrapped up inside one of his old shirts, burnt and torn, at the bottom of his bag. Maybe he knows that Clay spends every night debating whether to get it out and look at it again.

It was his decision. None of the others would have done differently, but that doesn’t change the facts. He put those kids on that helicopter. He gave the order. That’s his to live with.

They need to get moving.

fanfiction, the losers

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