my boss was telling me about the yankees tickets, and it's ridiculous. i think he used to have either full season tickets or the weekend tickets, and the yankees called him this year and said "you can either have the tuesday-wednesday-thursday package or nothing." so he told them nothing. i don't remember what the price increase was for him specifically, just that it was crazy.
The thing that gets me about it is that there are seats with obstructed views at the new stadium. Obstructed views! What is this, 1950? How do you build a stadium in 2009 with obstructed views???
Well you have a better memory then me. Other then the standard stuff I only remember what me and my friends kept saying. THE SEPARATISTS WILL EAT YOUR BABIES! I'm sure there was much juicier (and realistic) stuff I can't remember.
Comments 6
You can look up the Question Periods from the coalition period for juicy quotes.
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