Thursday land o' links list.

Apr 30, 2009 15:04

1. "Bud Selig may tout profits, but it’s now roughly the same price for a middle income family to go to a Yankees game as it would be to put down the initial payment for a 42-inch HDTV. Families will choose the latter option. Their kids will not be watching baseball."
Amen - sing it, brother!

2. According to CTV: "Tories court Bloc and NDP in bid to hold onto power".
Funny, I seem to remember something about how it's never ok to jump into bed with separatists and socialists... Anyone else remember that? I'm trying to recall who said it.

3. They have released the plans for the transit tunnel in downtown Ottawa. I'd say I'm sad about not being there for the transit geekery, but this process has moved at such a ridiculously slow pace odds are decent I'll be dead from swine H1N1 flu by the time they get shovels in the ground. Speaking of...

4. The virus approacheth!

5. Lastly, also on the subject of swine, bacon-flavoured vodka. No joke.

stephen harper, canadian politics, public transit, baseball, ottawa

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