The Twitter.

Sep 05, 2008 15:27

I've hated Twitter ever since I first heard about it. For at least a couple of reasons. Probably more if I thought longer about it.

-“Who really cares what I am doing, every hour of the day?” wondered Alex Beam, a Boston Globe columnist, in an essay about Twitter last month. “Even I don’t care.”-I don't really need another gee-dee Internet Thing ( Read more... )

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dzuunmod September 5 2008, 19:57:31 UTC

I mean, what do you like about LJ (I'm making an assumption that there are things you like about LJ...) that you don't like about FB?


wendykh September 5 2008, 21:45:05 UTC
I've never understood this either. Every time I ask I get something about the CIA, or facebook owning your content. Just because facebook says they own your content doesn't mean they do. I imagine they'll revise that when Canada changes it's criminal code to clearly state web sites are liable for their users content, whether or not the site claims to own it. (that will be one interesting debate on your LJ, I am looking forward to it).


kdbuttongirl September 5 2008, 19:58:31 UTC
You know, I was wondering what the hell "Nat C. is twittering..." meant... haven't bothered to look, but I might just out of curiosity.

At first I thought the facebook status updates were stupid, but they can be good if used creatively and intelligently. Just, don't update it 10 times a day saying "x is bored." "x is eating a granola bar at work." ... I don't care.

And I think Concordia finally blocked facebook.


dzuunmod September 5 2008, 20:02:12 UTC
Just, don't update it 10 times a day saying "x is bored." "x is eating a granola bar at work." ... I don't care.

Exactly. Try to give me something I can dig into just a little bit.

And I think Concordia finally blocked facebook.

Really, huh? That's surprising, given that McGill still hasn't. And McGill feels a lot more corporate and strict than Concordia. Or, at least, the Faculty of Medicine feels a lot more corporate and strict than the Concordia Archives.


kdbuttongirl September 8 2008, 19:38:43 UTC
Yep. Access is restricted to wireless connections.

Amazing that they don't mention that it will help reduce slacking... O_o


endersgame3 September 5 2008, 20:04:14 UTC
you know, i'd heard about it. but until this moment, i had no idea what it was.

i don't even use my facebook status that much. and when i do, you usually look and its crap like "lisa is greater than the least common denominator". because i don't think people care that "lisa is taking a nap" "lisa is eating lunch" "lisa is taking a piss"

although, i'm sure if i started doing it, i'd become an addict. thats how these internet things usually go. so i plan on going nowhere near it.


dzuunmod September 5 2008, 20:05:37 UTC
I'm surprised that so far three people who *use Livejournal and as such have some geekiness in 'em* weren't up to speed on this.


endersgame3 September 5 2008, 20:07:17 UTC
guess i'm becoming an old lady. i'm not up on all that "new fangled junk the kids are into" ;)


bee_york September 5 2008, 20:07:15 UTC
I've never heard of Twitter but i hate it already. I don't understand why people like to pretend that everyone cares that they're bored or need a nap or want their fucking coffee or whatever. Why would someone need to tell people that?? Why would someone think that someone would WANT them to tell them that?! (As you know it's one of the things I hated most about Facebook.)
Why why why why why why WHY?????
If someone could give me one good explanation, I would feel SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!!!


dzuunmod September 5 2008, 20:08:12 UTC
Obviously the quote that I give from the NYT isn't cutting it for you.


bee_york September 5 2008, 20:10:16 UTC
No, it doesn't answer my question at all, because it doesn't make any sense.


dzuunmod September 5 2008, 20:12:37 UTC
It makes perfect sense to me. Not saying it's a good enough reason for me to sign up, but it does make perfect sense.

You don't see how, taken on its own, one LJ post might not matter much. But if you read someone's LJ for months and months (particularly someone you don't know in person), you begin to get a good idea of what that person is like?

I mean, it depends on how someone uses LJ, and how often they use it, but I can think of a lot of people on my friends' list who I've never met, but I feel like I know better than some people I actually do know in person.


vawawwee September 5 2008, 20:14:57 UTC
i've heard of it but i don't know how it works... do you text from your phone? does it automatically take your fb updates? do you have to pay?


dzuunmod September 5 2008, 20:16:43 UTC
My understanding: you can do it from your phone, it's free, and I don't think it automatically takes FB updates.

But there is a way to send all your twitter updates to LJ once a day automatically. I know this because I have a couple of friends who do it. And (sorry friends) it doesn't translate across services very well.


wendykh September 5 2008, 21:51:53 UTC
yeah. I dislike seeing twitter on my f-list. I also dislike seeing it on facebook. I've seen it there too.


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