It is finished

Jan 03, 2011 15:29

So before I even start this entry, lemme say to Linda this NOT the entry about my trip. lol! Sorry! I just want to document this madness first and this is easier to write up than the trip entry. But that one is coming soon ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

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dyvinesweetness January 3 2011, 22:25:57 UTC
"And what a shitty way to treat someone who's supposed to be your friend."

That's what I'm saying. Like I wouldn't do what he's done to a stranger, let alone someone I allegedly consider a best friend.

I feel bad for whomever he moved in with. I imagine he'll be jumping from apartment to apartment with no ability to take ownership for how things turn out with those other people, continuing to label himself a victim and likely labeling all NYers as bad people who don't understand him and treat him unfairly.


forwhataim January 4 2011, 02:40:29 UTC
Um, I'm almost speechless, so yes what she said.


i_dreamed_i_was January 3 2011, 22:59:14 UTC
That's how they do things in Cali?!

$50 a month?!

Old Pimpin'?!

Lord help us all...


bellarisa January 3 2011, 23:18:33 UTC
Um, everything above. I thought Dave2112 was bad, damn o.o


dyvinesweetness January 4 2011, 00:28:26 UTC
I was thinking of you and what you dealt with when he stayed with you as I wrote this.


dyvinesweetness January 4 2011, 00:27:47 UTC
Indeed. The old pimpin thing in particular. 'Cause again the privilege in it reeks. The idea that his need for "freedom of speech" is more important than my need to not be offended is amazing. The fact that he even started that conversation with me (of all people) alone was maddening, but his subsequent response when I asked him not to talk like that around me is just insanity.


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dyvinesweetness January 4 2011, 01:46:09 UTC
I dunno how much of it was portrayed, but Mike and I were really really close (or at least I felt we were). Like I considered him one of my best friends before this. So my patience lied in having a view of him that, in hindsight just wasn't accurate (that he was anti-sexist, considerate, mature, etc). And in general I hold my friends in high esteem. I kept wanting to believe I misreading what was going on. =/


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dyvinesweetness January 4 2011, 01:53:40 UTC
I think it'll be more of a hassle to get a knew main lock (notify management and such, at least I think I need to). So I'm just gonna get a second lock. I need one anyway. There used to be one on my door.

I feel bad for them too, but I'm also sure they will have a much lower tolerance than I for his bullshit so I assume his ass will be kicked out sooner than later. Hopefully suddenly and with no notice.


imjustice January 4 2011, 01:08:22 UTC
this is all deep but the cat vomit & pubic hair is super wow.

i'm sorry it ended this

better to know though...


that's a big wtf...i'm not surprised but i am surprised. yikes


dyvinesweetness January 4 2011, 01:50:59 UTC
"better to know though"


".i'm not surprised but i am surprised"

That's how I felt Sunday. I was like "wow, he really left like that?" Like it shocked me a bit, but not really. Then I saw the dirt and didn't see my key and was infuriated. But in the end I'm just happy his sorry as is gone.


deedee_dancer January 4 2011, 02:03:22 UTC

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