Be good

Feb 23, 2009 14:58

So SuperNanny has become my "reality tv" fix of choice (which is an upgrade from my previous Flavor of Love obsession). I know nothing in this world wants to acknowledge the experiences of Black folks, particularly young, poor, Black women, but I would really like to see at least one episode that catered to a family where the head of household was ( Read more... )

race, tv, parenting

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Comments 9

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dyvinesweetness February 23 2009, 20:32:56 UTC
It's almost funny to me how people reveal their racism and they don't even realize it. You're a bad mother for not picking up the report card. lol My parents never picked up any of my report cards. I brought them home, they sat with me, reviewed them and sign them. I didn't know not picking them up was indicative of bad parenting. lol@ hippie Mommy Mafia. I can only imagine.


beginnings_end February 23 2009, 20:21:41 UTC
I've only seen a few episodes of this, but I wondered if she helped single mothers at all - regardless of them being black or white. Seems like she only helps families with both Mom & Dad, families that obviously have money if they can live in the houses like they live.


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dyvinesweetness February 23 2009, 20:28:57 UTC
Yes! I remember her! They kept calling her Nana or something like that. And I thought it was a grandmother for like half the episode before realizing it was a nanny. lol

So yeah, single White others are cool. Single Black mothers... Not so much.


captain_brad February 24 2009, 00:28:53 UTC
I can count on one hand the number of times I've watched that show. It just pisses me off.


bellarisa February 24 2009, 01:03:08 UTC
I never miss the show, and she just did help a single black mom who was newly widowed and falling apart. I've also seen families who clearly didn't have much money. I love Nanny Jo :)


dyvinesweetness February 24 2009, 01:35:58 UTC
I stand corrected (though newly widowed single women seem to be some kind of new thing for them. And they still seem to not show the "single/never married" women). I hope that ep is on Hulu though! Do you remember where the family lived?


richirch2 February 24 2009, 17:13:06 UTC
They lived somewhere in California.


richirch2 February 24 2009, 17:12:38 UTC
Yeah, I remember that episode. I believe the husband died of cancer not long after she had her second child. That one was very hard to watch.


FLAAAva FLAAAV!!!-vs-".. now now, Jeremy, listen to your mother.." musikmanmike February 26 2009, 16:42:45 UTC
lol, ima be real, i haven't even made an attempt to watch this show. dont completely remember the premise, or even all the pro's and con's off hand.. but i remember the previews.. didn't really appeal to me. why is somethin so important bein used for entertainment? and folks can claim the show raises awareness.. but c'maaaaahn! a reality show to help awareness? why not make another teen movie to promote awareness of std's and domestic violence? i mean, not that it's impossible to take it serious cus it's a reality show.. but im sayin tho, most people dont take reality shows serious since it became a damn genre. and whas worse, it look like one of the main goals for those who appear on reality shows is to use it as a spring board for a career in the entertainment business (go figure ( ... )


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