There is an art to randomness

Nov 14, 2004 13:53

Oh y'all think I be jokin. I was walkin to the subway Friday morning and Marvin was on my mind. I started thinking of Inner City Blues and thinking I could do a play on words referring to the color blue. Then this came to me ( Read more... )

revolution, voy a aprender español, yap, schmapitalism, parenting, polls

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Comments 18

moneda November 14 2004, 19:15:18 UTC
Do you know how frustrating it is to get excited about one or two lines then have your flow stop there?!?!

YES.   :'(

also, i'm feelin' the move from this outsourcing bank to a non-outsourcing bank idea, but feel that just our lil' group doin' it might not make as big a wave as we need. letting know about it and having all their people participate would definitely make a much more powerful statement, but like you said, it'll be a pain to do, so who knows how many people would go for it.... i'll check with Washington Mutual if they outsource though. i hope not though, 'cause i JUST switched to them, lol.


moneda November 14 2004, 19:16:45 UTC
P.S. my e-mail has switched from moneda7/at/ to mr.moneda/at/   =)


dyvinesweetness November 14 2004, 20:11:49 UTC
You know, I have that one in my contacts list and I thought about sending it to that one too, but... I didn't. lol I'ma note that though. lol =)


dyvinesweetness November 14 2004, 20:07:01 UTC
"i'll check with Washington Mutual if they outsource though. i hope not though, 'cause i JUST switched to them, lol."

lol I hope not too 'cause I want to believe at least ONE of them doesn't. And they have free atm services, right? lol Yeah I'm rootin for them.


rnddaway November 14 2004, 20:14:26 UTC
Ive gotten a whoopin but I think that's different than a beatin. But that was only when I was really offdachain. But boy did i have welts!


illwauk November 14 2004, 20:51:09 UTC
For clarification purposes... I was BEAT as a child, but I'm gonna WHOOP my kids.

And Inner City Blues is my SHIT!!! I think I told you it was I Heard It Through The Grapevine, but then I downloaded a live version of ICB 5 mins later and we had a new champion.


infamousone November 14 2004, 21:13:20 UTC
Do you know how frustrating it is to get excited about one or two lines then have your flow stop there?!?! =(

For real I'ld be like the illest emcee alive if I could get passed one line. I'ld think of something and be like OOOOOOH that was tight...and then stop there and go back to playstation


valencia112 November 14 2004, 21:34:55 UTC
Is it just me or are Saturday and Sunday the shortest days of the week? I promise you they cut off a few hours, make the clocks speed up for those two days or SOMEthin.

No, it's just not you.

As far as ringtones are concerned, I never knew if I could do that on mine.

My thing with my cell phone is having a picture to correspond with people whenever they call. I get a kick out of that.

FYI, I just bought "Any Given Sunday"{will watch it later} & "Donnie Darko", I'm just now thinking I should've bought "Ocean's 11", maybe next time. I bought the actual soundtrack to "Ray" just for "The Right Time."


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