There is an art to randomness

Nov 14, 2004 13:53

Oh y'all think I be jokin. I was walkin to the subway Friday morning and Marvin was on my mind. I started thinking of Inner City Blues and thinking I could do a play on words referring to the color blue. Then this came to me ( Read more... )

revolution, voy a aprender español, yap, schmapitalism, parenting, polls

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Comments 18

valencia112 November 14 2004, 21:40:15 UTC
I was beat by my dad, but talked to by my mama. She always felt like you didn't really need to beat a child all the time to decipline them.{for some anyway} I mean yeah she whooped me a few times, but I think generally me & my brother weren't bad kids. I think beating is all my dad ever knew & still does.


infamousone November 14 2004, 22:47:13 UTC
Must be nice...I used to get BEAT...used to get them dizzy whoopins. You know...the ones where they would grab on to you and start swinging so you try to run but you can't so you end up goin' around in circles and get dizzy.

Let me tell you...having the room spinning with that snot bubble cry isn't sexy.


dyvinesweetness November 15 2004, 01:10:56 UTC


forwhataim November 15 2004, 04:49:49 UTC
So I chose C but it isn't quite accurate. I got pops on the hand (from my babysitting cousins) and like 1 or 2 run-ins with a belt (from my mom) during my whole childhood. Threats don't really count. But I don't intend on random physical discipline for any children I might have. I understand some physicality may be necessary on occasion, but I believe violence begets violence.


dyvinesweetness November 15 2004, 16:18:08 UTC
"I believe violence begets violence."

I agree. Also I think whoopins are kinda hypocritical. If your kid is beating up other kids at school or hits a teacher or something do you hit that kid for that? And what kinda message is that sending them?

According to my sister I got one spanking, but it was before I had conscious memories so I always just say I wasn't beat. She says I spat on her bf and she beat me. lol I can't imagine I just randomly spit on someone, but I don't remember it at all.


richirch2 November 15 2004, 07:13:37 UTC
I got a couple whoopin's... But I don't know where I stand yet on spanking my own kids.

I'm all for outsourcing those thieving banks who want to charge ME for letting them hold onto MY money. I just hope it don't cost Vivica from Acorn Park her job... "What's the f***ing procedure when you're got a gun to your head?!?!?"

Five dollars to whoever gets it first.


dyvinesweetness November 15 2004, 15:15:11 UTC
"I'm all for outsourcing those thieving banks who want to charge ME for letting them hold onto MY money."

So would you be willing to change banks if we found out your bank is outsourcing? And who do you bank with? I'm so happy that everyone I've spoken to so far seems willing to participate!!!

"Five dollars to whoever gets it first."

Set It Off. *holds my hand out for my Lincoln*

Oh and I'ma do a follow-up entry about discipline 'cause I think when you say you're not gonna whoop your child folks assume they'll run over you. Or that your only other option is "time out." lol


richirch2 November 15 2004, 22:22:11 UTC
So would you be willing to change banks if we found out your bank is outsourcing?

If I can find one that isn't, yes.

"Five dollars to whoever gets it first."

Set It Off. *holds my hand out for my Lincoln*

Okay, not really. :-x


dyvinesweetness November 16 2004, 00:21:07 UTC
"If I can find one that isn't, yes."

hehehe Give me a few days. I'll get back to you. =)


toodani November 15 2004, 20:03:03 UTC
i answered the poll but i do want to say that I just don't consider myself as "beat". b/c then it kind of trivializes the kids who were actually beat and traumatized. I got hit with belts, shoes, cords, switches, hands... but i never felt attacked or actually beaten. just punishment. I know it's hard to grasp if you haven't lived it but.. that's just how it was.


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