Title: Blue and Gold Banter Fandom: DC Comicverse Characters: Blue Beetle II, Booster Gold, Batman Rating: PG Summary: Beetle bitches, Booster whines, and Batman is disturbed.
BWA HA HA! We can clearly see why Ted is an inventor: even Batman didn't think to use ass-shine as a crime fighting tool!
Except as soon as I thought of Batman in a gold costume, Nightwing's disco collar costume jumped into my brain. And Batman was wearing it. But with his cowl on too and with a billowy, shiny golden cape. o.O?
On the other hand, at least he wasn't dancing in it.
Comments 13
Pfft, Batman doesn't have the ass for Booster's costume.
No, he doesn't, but he'd like to think so, wouldn't he?
And of course Beetle wants Booster for his body. How could he not?
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt! XD
And then, just cos you reminded me of it, I went back through heykidzcomix's tags to find this:
Welcome to the comm! :D
Oh STD!Ted. Poor baby *pats him*
Except as soon as I thought of Batman in a gold costume, Nightwing's disco collar costume jumped into my brain. And Batman was wearing it. But with his cowl on too and with a billowy, shiny golden cape. o.O?
On the other hand, at least he wasn't dancing in it.
...thats it, you win the internet.
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