FIC: What is Offered

Feb 27, 2012 01:50

Title: What is Offered
Author: lash_larue
Pairing: Fleur/Gabrielle
Rating: R
Prompt: She wanted to teach her little sister about boys and sex. Somewhere along the way that plan broke down.
Content Information/Warnings: Femmeslash, Incest
Summary: Who teaches whom, and what?
Author's notes: I hope that this fits the prompt okay. I actually had a much harder time with this than I thought I would, believe it or not. Especially with the chan aspect.

“Gabrielle, what is wrong?” Fleur asked her younger sister.

“Nothing,” Gabrielle insisted, “I am fine.”

“Gabi, that is not your ‘I am fine’ face. Something is bothering you.”

“It is embarrassing…”

“Then who better to talk with than me? It is fortunate that I am home for your graduation. Come, let us go to my room and see what may be done, yes?” Fleur encouraged her.

“Very well, you at least will not lie to me.”

Gabrielle headed to Fleur’s room, followed by a very concerned Fleur. Gabi plunked herself down on the edge of the bed and Fleur sat beside her and put an arm around her.

“What is bothering you, Gabi?”

“Some girls at school were talking about sex, and they made fun of me because I am a virgin,” Gabrielle admitted.

“Shame on them, then. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin.”

“I am glad to hear you say that, because I shall be one forever,” Gabrielle said flatly.

“That would also be fine, but may I ask why you feel that way? Sex can be quite nice, with someone you really care for and who cares for you as well,” Fleur asked gently.

“Then I guess I’ve never had someone who cares for me. I don’t mind kissing, but the boys keep trying to get their hands in my panties, and they keep grabbing my breasts. I feel as if I am being assaulted,” Gabrielle told her.

“If they are doing that without your consent, then you are being assaulted. How do you deal with this?”

“I tell them to stop. Usually they do, but they take me home right after. Once I had to stun Pierre, and he has not spoken to me since,” Gabrielle told her.

“That is no loss. Tell me, did you ever become aroused with one of them?”

“I think so. I mean, yes; but then things got out of hand. Do all boys act this way?” Gabrielle asked.

“No, not all, but boys your age are not exactly known for their patience and control when they are excited. And then there is our Veela heritage as well.”

“So this is my fault? Is that what you are saying?” Gabrielle asked, fighting back tears.

“No, no, my sweet! Not at all, it is just that quite apart from being very beautiful, now that you are a woman your thrall has an effect on them. It does not excuse them, but it may contribute to them losing control.”

Fleur took a deep breath.

“I hope that you have been taught the proper protective spells, Gabi, have you?”

“Yes, the class at Beauxbatons was quite thorough, and mere has always answered any questions I have had,” Gabrielle told her.

“I am glad to hear it. Is there anything you wish to ask that you have not been able to ask mere? Some things are difficult to ask a parent.”

"Well... does it really feel good, having sex? I conjured a dildo once, but all that did was rupture my hymen and hurt," Gabrielle asked.

"That can be painful, yes," Fleur told her. "It is usually better to be quite thoroughly aroused before any sort of penetration."

"Oh. Do you like having sex?"

"Sometimes, yes." Fleur sighed. "People have sex for all sorts of reasons, Gabrielle. Some girls have sex because they are afraid that their boyfriends will leave them if they do not. Some boys think having sex makes them more of a man, or even view it as some sort of victory; no doubt some women have a similar outlook. Some wives view it as a duty, and sometimes even in a very good relationship one partner will accommodate the other even if they are not very interested for themselves at the time, because they love their partner. And sometimes people have sex just to get it over with, because they think that being a virgin is somehow shameful. This last is among the very worst reasons, Gabi."

"It sounds very complicated," Gabrielle muttered.

"I enjoyed sex with Bill, he was patient and gentle at need, and he truly loved me. Some people can have sex purely for the physical pleasure, without any love involved. It is indeed complicated, Gabrielle," Fleur told her.

"Were you very upset when Bill left?" Gabrielle asked tentatively.

"By the time he left, the pain had nearly passed. I am still sad that our marriage failed, but we both changed over time. There are many reasons that we ended our marriage, Gabrielle. We still care for one another, but..." Fleur fell silent, and Gabrielle hugged her.

"What is wrong with me, Fleur?" Gabrielle whispered.

"Absolutely nothing, Gabrielle my sweet. I think that you, like me, need the love before the sex for it to work. There will be a boy who loves you enough to be patient. Or perhaps not a boy at all, have you ever felt attracted to a girl?"

"It is possible..."

"It is also fine to be attracted to both boys and girls." Fleur shrugged. "Attraction and love cannot be pigeon-holed, Gabrielle. Love is love, attraction is attraction. It is the love, the attraction, that matters, not the body."

Fleur hesitated a moment, then pressed on.

"Tell me, Gabrielle, do you ever masturbate?"

Gabrielle turned scarlet.

"Sometimes," she mumbled.

"That is nothing to be embarrassed about," Fleur said emphatically. "Masturbation acquaints you with your body, with what is pleasurable for you. Also, it is a fine means of relieving tension."

Gabrielle giggled.

"So I am not defective, you think?" Gabrielle asked. "For not having really wanted to have sex with anyone yet, I mean."

"Gabrielle my dearest sister, not only are you not defective, you are exceptional. You value yourself, and you are right to wait until it is right for you. Sex is not a contest or a game. At its best it is a true sharing between people who love each other, a blending of hearts as well as bodies. You need someone who truly cares for you, cherishes you. Someone who will be gentle and patient until you wish for something else, someone whose touch you truly crave, and who wants you for all that you are. And you deserve such a one. No one less is worthy of you, of what you have to offer, do you see?" Fleur ruffled Gabrielle's hair, and kissed her cheek.

"I know better than to argue with you, Fleur," Gabrielle said as she wiped her eyes and smiled. "Thank you, you are the best sister any girl ever had." Gabrielle kissed Fleur's cheek in return. "And now we must get ready for this horrid party that our parents insist on having for me."

"Sometimes love calls for sacrifices, Gabrielle my sweet."


The party was not actually horrid, Gabrielle had to admit. Her parents had catered to her taste in food and music and discretely retired, leaving Fleur to chaperone. Gabrielle thoroughly enjoyed it.

“Come and dance with me, Fleur,” Gabrielle demanded, “I need a partner who can keep up.”

Fleur laughed and allowed Gabrielle to lead her out onto the floor where she proved that she could indeed keep up with Gabrielle when it came to dancing.

During the applause that followed their dance, a flushed Gabrielle hugged her sister fiercely.

“Thank you, Fleur,” she said to her, “this night would have been miserable without your support.”

“My love and support will always be yours, Gabrielle. Ahhh, the champagne has arrived. Come, let us toast your victory over Beauxbatons!”

The caterer expertly opened the bottles and poured, and after everyone had a glass Fleur stepped forward and raised hers high.

“To my marvelous sister, Gabrielle! May all of her wishes come true!”

“Gabrielle!” echoed the guests.


Gabrielle and Fleur were relaxing on the couch with a final glass of champagne, having just seen the last guests out the door.

"For me, the best thing about the party was dancing with you, Fleur. It is such a relief not to have to hold back," Gabrielle told her sister.

"I did enjoy the dancing, and the food," Fleur replied, "but for me the best thing is that the caterers are coming in the morning to deal with this mess." She drained her glass, placed it on the table by the couch and rose gracefully to her feet. "Congratulations Gabi, I am so proud of you. Now I must have a shower and get to bed. Tomorrow we shall go shopping for your present, yes?"

"Yes! Goodnight Fleur, I shall be up soon, and thank you once again," Gabrielle said, her eyes filled with emotion.

"You are welcome, I shall be here for you so long as I live," Fleur promised.

"As I shall be for you. Pleasant dreams, ma belle souer."


Fleur's dream was far more than pleasant. The warm shower had further relaxed her, and she had crawled gratefully beneath the covers after opening the window to the cool night air. She drifted off looking at the moon and stars, her last thought being whether or not to get another blanket as there was a bit of breeze and she habitually slept nude.

In her dream she was wrapped in a most delicious warmth, a soft and gentle caressing that first soothed and relaxed her and then occasioned a rising warmth within her. It had been some time since she had experienced this particular feeling, and she smiled in her sleep as she welcomed the feeling back.

A soft sound came from her as her hand sought out her breast, followed closely by a gasp when she discovered that there was already a very warm and soft hand tenderly caressing it.

"What-" she began, struggling to wake.

"Shhh, it is me, Gabrielle," a voice whispered warmly in her ear as an arm circled her waist and pulled tight.

"Gabrielle, what are you-"

"Someone who loves me..."

Soft kisses trailed down Fleur's neck.

"Gabi, we can no-"

"Someone who cares for me..."

Gabrielle's tongue lightly traced Fleur's ear as her hand drifted back and softly teased Fleur's nipples, and Fleur quivered at the feeling.

Fleur knew that she should stop her sister. Somewhere she knew that. But her initial concern had been for Gabrielle, not to be rough with her, not to hurt her in any fashion, and as the shock wore off she had to admit that she had never felt anything remotely like this.

She did manage to turn onto her back within Gabrielle's embrace, and the look on her sister's face in the moonlight stole her breath away.

"Someone who cherishes me..."

Gabrielle's lips met Fleur's, and the warmth, the softness of the kiss was overwhelming.

"Someone gentle, and patient..."

Gabrielle kissed her again, and Fleur found to her dismay that she greeted the kiss eagerly, welcoming Gabrielle's tongue into her mouth.

"Someone whose touch I crave..."

Gabrielle guided one of Fleur's hands to her breast, and Fleur felt the hardness of Gabrielle's nipple even as her traitorous hand caressed the warm softness.

"Someone who wants me for all that I am..."

Gabrielle's hand drifted down Fleur's belly, and the wet heat that the exploring fingers found left no doubt at all about the wanting.

"Even I know what that means. Please, Fleur. Accept what I offer, give me what I wish for..."


Fleur woke early and found Gabrielle sleeping soundly beside her, her hair disarrayed by more than sleep, her lips still slightly swollen. She tried to swallow whatever it was trying to choke her as her eyes filled with guilty tears, she supposed it was her heart.

"What now?" she whispered.

fic, character: fleur delacour, pairing: fleur/gabrielle, 2012, femslash, character: gabrielle delacour

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