The Sef Legacy 2.6 - PT DITFT Challenge

Mar 01, 2012 12:05

Wow. It’s been a while. Real life and such. I’ve been playing, though. I just didn’t have time to post until now. So, where did we leave off? Last time, Olive went mental. She peed herself but ended up surprisingly happy after sucking aspiration from the maid and her best friend/crush, the good which. Yerban became permaplat (skilling) and reached his objective (Media Magnate). His sister Kes reached hers as well (Business Tycoon). Some of the kids grew up a bit: Thomas became a teen, Alfred went from toddler to child, so we start with this entry with 2 elders, 4 adults, 1 teen, 3 kids and 1 dog. The dog (Ichabas) got old. The family only ate grilled cheese, since Idbas was in charge of the food and he’s a happy GC sim. Lots of time was spend singing on the karaoke machine. Everybody got along greatly and no one fought.

Featuring sims:
Olive by lesimhot
Aidan by racetrackd
Clue by charterzard
Laraine by legacyfreak
Fifi by freudroid
Alfie by rhiannon_alexis
Ois by maranatah
Flora by to_conjure

By now it’s totally normal the Sef’s are going to work by helicopter.

The kids are being sweet. They’re all friends and play with each other.

And then the moment I’ve been dreading: it’s time for Olive to leave the picture. :(

She didn’t have a good life, the poor thing. She didn’t even get hula dancers or a drink. She was simply ‘dismissed’ :(

I tried to give her a nice place. She will be moved to the official cemetery as soon as I start a new generation.

Idbas was either totally oblivious or he was celebrating his wife’s death, because this is what he did right after…

Dancing on his mother-in-law’s grave… Aidan isn’t above it. *lol*

Skilling, skilling, skilling. God, these 3 are so boring.

Although Kes and Aidan do have time for romance once in a while.

It was time for Denzel to become a teen.

The suspense is killing me… (/sarcasm, as the boys are all clones.)

Yep, cute, just like Thomas. :) His stats:
Aspiration: Pleasure/Romance
2-8-9-6-1 (there are a lot of grouchy sims in the house but no one fights)
LTW: become celebrity chef
OTH: sports
He likes glasses & charisma, dislikes fatness

First thing as teens: Thomas noogies Denzel just to show him he’s top dog.

Denzel’s got his romance-thing going on with Larraine.

She’s totally into him (3 bolts!)

Just a random shot. I love how the kids are friends enough to share a bed to pass out in.

Mother and son bonding.

This blue guy is Damon. He’s Kina’s and Elm’s son (Kina being Idas sister). That would make him Denzel’s uncle.

Boys being boys…

One of the kids brought another kid home. Idbas had a very interesting conversation with her.

I love how they’re totally into it.

Fifi dropped by. She and Denzel also hit it off (2 bolts).

Fifi is throwing in some extra charm. *lol*

Thomas totally digs his uncle Damon. I’m not sure what to think of it.

This is Yerban’s aspiration chart. He’s being quite awesome…

… but somehow he can’t prepare lobster. His first failure ever.

It was time for Iris’ birthday.

Here we go. Iris as a teen. Her stats:
Aspiration: Fortune/popularity
LTW: become a prestidigitator
OTH: sports
Likes: formal wear & hard workers, dislikes: black hair

Inappropriate backrubbing in underwear between cousins.

I love this shot. One of the few moments most of the family sat down to have grilled cheese together. Even Ichabas was there.

It was time for Thomas to become an adult. I don’t want this generation to go to college, since they should be the opposite from their parents.

He promptly went into aspiration failure. *sighs*

I love this guy.

Meanwhile. Iris met Alfie and they seems to like each other very much (3 bolts!).


.. resulting in an awkward first kiss in the air.

Yerban and Clue are still in love, by the way. I love how Alfred is quietly observing in the dark. (Practicing his stalking skills?)

Thomas isn’t doing so well. As a knowledge sim, he really wanted to go to college and learn stuff.

And Idbas finally misses Olive. The social bunny dropped from the sky to keep him company.

Iris met Ois (who I love dearly). They got 2 bolts. I’m very tempted to keep that in mind.

But then!! Oh, NOES!!!

The end of Ichabas. :(

He died next to his own puddle of pee. :(

This is better, right?

Idbas was more upset about Ichabas’ death then Olive’s…

But that didn’t last long. More singing with his grandson.

Poor Alfred always seems to grow up alone in the bathroom. :(

But here he is:
Aspiration: Family/Knowledge
LTW: become education minister
OTH: sports
Likes: stink & zombies, dislikes fatness (something tells me we have a winner for the next generation!!).

This is quite disturbing. Aidan is watching Yerban and Clue making love…

… and just keeps on staring…

… and then participating by kissing Yerban?!!

Aha! His true intentions! (Creepy, dude…)

Who do we have here? Meet the colorful Flora.

Denzel rushes outside and shows her his backrubbing-skills. (3 bolts!)

She stays for dinner, along with her rival Fifi (2 bolts).

A handkiss…

… and I just missed their first kiss (looks like Idbas is making a move on Fifi, who doesn’t seem to want any of it. *lol*)

Wait! What?! WHAT?! (I checked their memories but nothing happened. They’re just sharing a bed. Still, I’m keeping an eye on them!)

Flora, being a teen, had to leave eventually. Fifi saw her chance…

… and went on a craddlerobbing mission in the tub.

A snot-sucking kiss?! (EEEEW!)

Iris became an adult. One moment she’s posing happily…

… the next she went into aspiration failure.

She really wanted to go to college as well.

I found her mom doing this...

… and when I lowered the wall, I realized mother and daughter were having a mental breakdown at the same time.

I somehow missed Denzel becoming an adult, because right after, it was time for Idbas to die. NOOOOOOO!!!!

He did get hula dancers though. He more or less passed away contently. *sobs*

Thomas and Aidan instantly started gossiping…

I hope they were talking about how Olive wouldn’t be alone in the hereafter, but somehow I doubt it.

Goodbye Idbas & Olive! I’m sorry I couldn’t/wasn’t allowed to fulfill your LTW’s. :(

Iris reminds me of Olive. Unhappy fortune sims are annoying.

Totally unrelated, Thomas found a NPC and fell in love. I decided that he’s not going to be heir and let them be.

Denzel made his choice and picked Flora over Fifi.

Iris wanted Alfie, so no Ois for her.

That leaves Alfred, who doesn’t have bolts with anyone because he likes stinking zombies and I don’t have any in my game (yet - muahahaha!).

So, the oldies are dead. I’m going to play one more round so Alfred can become an adult and the adults can become elders. Then I’m going to play the next generation with Iris and Alfred, since the boys are clones and Alfred fits the profile of serial killer best.

Previous updates & current stats HERE. Thank you for reading!

pixel trade challenge, ditft: sef

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