The Sef Legacy 2.5 - PT DITFT Challenge

Mar 01, 2012 12:04

Last time, the Sef's moved into a big-ass house in the city. Thomas hated the place and beat up Teddy. Idbas was being whiney, failing old fart who pissed himself and passed out when I wasn’t looking after him. I'd completely ignored his LTW to date 50 sims and it wasn't gonna happen any time soon either, so I made him stick his head in the reprogram thing (forgot its name) and he came out with a Grilled Cheese related LTW. Now, he’s as happy as can be, munching on GC whenever he can. In the meantime, Kes gave birth to another baby boy: Alfred, who looks exactly like his brothers Thomas and Denzel. Denzel grew up, promptly peed himself and made the best face ever, see my current icon.

NOTES: I finally caved and posted comments under the pics.
Featuring sims:
Olive by lesimhot
Aidan by racetrackd
Clue by charterzard
Vivek by foreverred
Hershey by needlecream

We start with Olive going mental.
Olive: *boogies*

Olive: Tadaaaa!
Clue's convinced her MIL has completely lost her way.

To make the breakdown and misery complete, she peed herself in front of the toilet.

I heard some terrible screaming. When I figured out where it came from, I saw Idbas coming out of the elevator like this. Apparently it broke and electrocuted him or something? I didn't know this could happen. (EDIT: Heard that it fell down. Wow... that's scary!)

No money for the repairman, so Kes gave it a try. It wasn't much of a success but she luckily she didn’t die.

This, however, she totally rocked. Just one more level...

My first perma-plat sim ever!! (Without cheating that is.) Go Yerban! :D

This is Yerban being happy. *lol*

To make his awesomeness complete, he gets promoted. :D

Random shot of Alfred. He's just as cute as his brothers, since he’s a clone.

Iris grew up to be a child. I keep forgetting birthdays because there are 10 sims in the house, plus a dog. I’m kinda busy watching everyone and I’m not much of the caring kind to begin with. Anyway, I so love those ears.

I caught Iris dancing to her mother’s music. I used to do the same thing when my mom was playing the piano. :D (We also had a dog who watched me the same way Ichabas does in this pic .*lol*)

Iris and Denzel found the playground! All on their own!

She’s very much going to continue this legacy, together with one of the clone-bro’s.

Proof that Yerban does have a (bit of a) social life. He calls his friends sometimes. (Totally BS-excuse to show him in his half-naked glory.)

They sure do like walking around in their PJ’s…

But he gets promoted just the same. Just one more level for Yerban as well.

Time for Thomas to become a teen. I actually remembered this one and gave him a cake.

Aww... Love him.
Stats: Knowledge/Pleasure
LTW: Become World Class Ballet Dancer
GP: bi (low)
+ Facial hair & Unemployed
- Athletic
OTH: sports

Olive was being such a bitch, crying and screaming and only wanting really expensive things like stereo’s and TV’s (which she never uses), so I decided to try out the aspiration-sucking thingy to get her out of orange/red. The poor maid was her first victim because I didn’t want anyone else of the family to drop.
Olive: Look, there’s still a bit of dust on the shelf…

It was quite traumatic. *lol*

I decided to make her call her old buddy the witch to suck some aspiration outta her as well. Olive greeted her like this. Judas kiss much?!

She instantly went cookoo.

Olive doesn't have any sympathy at all.

Lerit came to visit, but by then Olive was high on aspiration and she greeted him with genuine love.

Woot! Yerban fulfills the main goal of this challenge.

I wanted to know if Thomas had someone 'special' out there, so I made him call the matchmaker.

She gave him the paperboy. >:( No bolts whatsoever. They played videogames while Lerit made fun of the poor witch and his aunt Kina (who is a plantsim by now.)

No idea how his happened. I blame the exercise bike. I got rid of it.

Vivek dropped by. Thomas invited him in because they have one bolt. They talked for a bit and then Vivek left, but I’m keeping my eye on him as a potential spouse.

Random shot of Olive and Ichabas. He turned old. I really don’t want him to die. :(

Lerit stayed in the tub for hours, and when he came down for a bit, this happened.

YAY! Kes rocked the challenge, just like her brother!

Hershey was suddenly around and started singing. Ichabas joined in. (I love this dog so much.)

Aldred grew up and I forgot. Again. At least he grew up well. Aidan and Idbas take care of the kids all the time.

He made this face at me, like he was accusing me for having to grow up all on his own in the spare bathroom where I’ve stashed nursery stuff in case someone gets oopsed again.

Olive went hiking and brought home this statue. I guess she’s really stong, having to haul the thing around. 0_o


Ah… talking about the weather, it seems. *raises eyebrow in suspicion*

Olive: Wanna play doctor, honey?
… Yeah, I guess she got in the mood after spending a few hours talking with her SIL on the bed.

Well well well. Look at that. Olive autonomously playing with Denzel.

And she's so happy!

The doll not so much.

Alfred: There! Told you they’re watching!
(Yerban wanted to learn Physiology. He just keeps on skilling.)

We’re ending with a random shot of Thomas having a really good time.

Previous updates & current stats HERE. Thank you for reading!

pixel trade challenge, ditft: sef

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