The Sef Legacy 1.1 - PT DITFT Challenge

Feb 27, 2012 17:52

My first attempt to play and post a legacy: part 3 of pixel_trade's Alien Stuff:
Polarity in the Pollinators - Differences In The Family Tree.

Meet the siblings Kina (left) and Idbas (right) Sef. They're the 'end product' of the previous challenge. Idbas was pointed out as heir, but since I don't know if I can keep him alive until he produces a child, Kina will be around as a spare. I've changed their skintones from black to a pink and blue one of my own because I don't want to have too much custom content in my game when I'm actually playing. Anyway, here we go.

Starting Out
-Create a founder.
-Move them into any size lot.
-No apartments.
-No money cheating, obviously.

Generation One: Farmer Giles
“I always wanted to be a farmer. There is a tradition of that in my family.”

Your family was always into the farming deal. They spent their days working hard and asked for their children to do the same. So when you turned eighteen, your parents surprised you with your own plot of land to continue on tradition. Having always been one to impress the folks, you began creating your own small garden, dedicating your time to that rather than dealing with a dreadful 9-5 suit and tie job.

-grow every kind of fruit and vegetable (trees & plants)
-get married and have kids. No premarital woohoo
-have a boy & a girl. Keep trying until you do (plantbabies from plantsims can count)
-earn gold gardening badge
-max enthusiasm in nature
-never have a “regular” job. Earn everything from the land. Digging up treasure is acceptable

Optional Objectives
-catch every type of fish
-earn gold fishing badge
-become a plantsim

I moved Idbas and Kina into an empty lot and made them both watch birds, hoping Idbas would have Nature as his One True Hobby. Of course, it's Kina instead. Idbas turned out to be a music and dance kinda guy.

This is their house with the three trees, some garden ground and a little pond to catch the fishies:

Quite a colorful inside. They both got a single bed to prevent ACR from breaking the "no woohoo before marriage" rule in case of bolting with townies. Of course, I totally forgot about the couch... (but that's for later).

Farming it is!

Idbas went fishing...

...and caught a boot.

Kina watered the tomato plants,. One tree ended up being sickly within the first 5 minutes of the game. :(

But hey! Look at that face!

Fishie #1! (And then I lost count. *lol*)

It was time for the welcome wagon. A teenage Lothar by upendoaushi dropped by.

He started hitting on Kina, who is a Romance Sim. (Idbas is Pleasure, by the way.) Idbas turned out to be very protective of his sister.

Poor Lothar ended up crying. :(

Seeing the instant success of his sister, Idbas called the matchmaker service and told her to get him a date.

She ripped him off took his money and ...

...Candy by engram_au fell out of the sky.

In the meantime, Lothar was watching Kina taking a shower. Weird Science, much?! (Aaaaand I just showed my age. I loved that movie back then.)

Candy and Idbas had 1 bolt, and they seemed to like each other.

But then Kina took over the flirting conversation.

Kina: So you're the one joining us?
Candy: Not when you're around.
Idbas: … :|

It was late, Candy couldn't stay because there was no extra bed, so they said goodbye.

By then Candy was very impressed.

And left a rose for Idbas, which he found the next morning. :D

Kina thought it was a good idea to greet a visitor (Zeke by racetrackd) in her underwear.

Zeke approved.

Idbas tried to catch more fish (the underwear thing runs in the family it seems). Kina told Zeke about the kinky stuff with handcuffs she's going to do once it's certain she won't be heir.

Zeke approved again.

Zaren (by courtney_shea) walked by and Kina instantly ignored Zeke.

They hung out until a teenage Nitrik (by mousemedic) dropped by and wanted some attention as well.

This seemed probably like a good idea to get some...

Two men already at her feet wasn't enough, so Kina welcomed Azure (by adalaemay). (Where are all the girls?!)

He waited patiently for his turn...

... but then Nitrik wanted some attention again and they started fighting.

So Zaren was the lucky one for a dance and...

... I caught them on the couch for a naked cuddle. No woohoo (yet) though, but they had 2 bolts, so I had to keep an eye on them. By then I was fed up with all the guys so I sent them home, much to Kina's dismay. As a romance sim all she wants to do is woohoo. (I waited for Idbas to have a want related to Candy but he never once even thought about her.)

Next morning.

This is the lovely Savik by dark_moon689, who I aged up to be an elder in my game. Finally a female walk-by but she isn't fertile anymore. *rolls eyes* Kina kept showing off her underwear while Idbas tried to dig up a treasure to pay the bills (in his pj's).

Kina is very neat and tries to clean up her brother's mess all the time. She also found a gnome while digging and placed it in front of the house, which instantly got stolen...

... by Clue (charterzard).

The next run-by walk-by was the sexy Biscottino by bondchick_nett, but Kina was taking a shower and didn't get to greet him.

Next in line: Wolfram by failsim, who looks awesome as an elder. I adore that beard on him. He looks so very repectable. :D

By the time I was giving up hope, Galatea (by littlerunningbee) popped up. She admired Idbas...

... but when he wanted to hug her, she didn't want any of it.

Instead, she joined Kina fishing and discussed whether or not they're gonna eat what they might catch.

Witch such a charismatic sim as Kina on the lot, I decided to get Idbas out of the house. I sent him to this community lot: the skate rink and small restaurant.

There, I found Azure and elder Vijay (by slyndsey) engaged in some serious smustling...

... and JJ (by chitown_gal) and Biscottino having dinner. (Love his hamburger vs her plate.)

Idbas met Olive (by lesimhot). (Kina's reputation is the talk of the town.)

Olive didn’t really avoid awkward topics...

... but Idbas wasn't shy either.

Although he was actually searching for a relationship.
Olive: Score! (And then she left, but they have 2 bolts. She was playing hard-to-get.)

Idbas tried to make friends with the awesomely hot and sexy Bonaventura (by charterzard), but he only had eyes for Elm (my own sim). In the background, JJ and Biscottino were still dating.

I so want Bonaventura in this legacy, but Idbas is straight. (I let ACR decide who’s what.)

He talked to the very cute Ois a bit (by maranatah), while Elm's got his groove on.

Ois agreed with Idbas that kissing random strangers might not be a good way to start a healthy relationship in a legacy. (And Elm was still very much into the groove.)

JJ and Biscottino bonded over Elm's dancing moves...

... resulting in this!

Yes, very subtle, you two. :) (At least they're getting some. Poor Kina and Idbas still have to wait.)

So Idbas came home (slipped into something comfortable) and told Kina about his attempt to make friends. (Love that they sit on skintone-matching chairs.)

Kina: maybe we should become friends as well?

And that started with having no shame in the bathroom apparently.

The next morning, Elm dropped by and bored Kina.

But then he did this...

... and Kina returned the favor.

Idbas wanted to talk to Olive, so I made him call her and invite her over.

Things went well...

... and I forgot to chaperone Kina and Elm!

Since Idbas still didn't have a kid, Kina's still a spare and she wasn't supposed to woohoo yet. I decided that she had to marry Elm, so I made her ask him to move in. Elm gladly accepted and brought $10.000! (I forgot that she's not allowed to marry a sim of my own.)

Idbas and Olive were more careful about the physical aspects of their relationship.

So then I left the computer for a moment to get a drink, not bothering to pause, and when I came back, I found this:

I checked Idbas' memories, but nothing 'inappropriate’ had happened. I don't know why he was in his underwear all of a sudden, but things went well after that. Olive turned out to be Chief of Staff and was willing to give up her job to work on the farm.

She moved in, bringing $12.000 and this:

I sold pretty much all of it to build this:

Kina and Elm celebrated the bigger house on their own terms...

... and Kina fell in love with Elm in the process.

Since there was no option to propose Olive yet, she took Idbas' bed and dreamt about Azure. *rolls eyes*

Idbas waited patiently, like a real gentleman, on the couch.

The next morning, Olive already started to worry that maybe she'd made the wrong choice. (Bet that dream of Azure wasn’t helping…)

Elm was talking about the moon and stars Kina made him see last night. Very helpful as well.

But then Idbas popped the question! (And I forgot to turn off the special event camera.)

Olive was thrilled. :D

Olive: Ooooh! Shiney!

Post-engagement glow: Idbas carelessly wandered off to the bathroom...

... making Elm very nervous, because - what's going to happen with him and Kina once there is a new heir?!

Thank you for reading!

pixel trade challenge, ditft: sef

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