January Challenge: It's a new year!

Jan 01, 2007 14:20

January Challenge: It's a new year!

New year, new beginnings. This month's challenge is a grabbag roulette sort of a challenge - with a difference. The prompts are based on the meaning of the cards of the major arcana of the tarot. However, we've shuffled the cards so that if you pick a number thinking you'll get the corresponding card - surprise! You won't. Isn't mystery exciting?

This month, we encourage you to write within the theme of the corresponding tarot card. So pick a number, brave writer, and wait with bated breath to see what card you recieve. The numbers you may pick from are 0 - 21 inclusive. You can only pick one number at this time. If all the major arcana cards go, the rest of the tarot deck will be opened up for claiming, with the same grabbag roulette.

Jolly exciting, eh?

Fic of all types set in the Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures Universes are all acceptable. Slash, het, gen. You write it, we want it. Fic must be a minimum of 500 words. Non members are as always welcome to participate. Members post your fic as normal, non members, comment to this post with the link to your fic. The challenge will close on the 31st January 2007 with the masterlist of fic posted on the 5th February. If anyone's interested in which deck I used, it's the Archeon Tarot.

Good basic tarot meanings site http://free-tarot-reading.net/meanings/index.php and for the minor arcana: http://www.taroscopes.com/minorarcana.html

[Edited to add: Wow, I did not expect such a response! You guys are awesome! In the spirit of giving more numbers to choose from, there are an additional 14 numbers. These are minor arcana, drawn at random as the major arcana was. As they get filled up, another 14 numbers will be added, and so on, until the Tarot is completely claimed. Thank you so much everyone, for your interest and enthusiasm!]

So. Pick a number between 0 - 21 35 40.

0. VIII Strength Claimed by leviathanmuse
2. IX The Hermit Claimed by fajrdrako
3. IV The Emperor Claimed by ravenscanary
4. 0 The Fool Claimed by lotus79
5. XIV Temperance Claimed by by_starkiller
6. XVI The Tower Claimed by bibliophile1887
7. VII The Chariot Claimed by lizbetann
8. XXI The World Claimed by badonkatonks
9. XVII The Star Claimed by diannelamerc
10. III The Empress Claimed by iamsab
11. XIII Death Claimed by ladykoori
12. XI Justice Claimed by lordshiva
13. XIX The Sun Claimed by g_shadowslayer
15. I The Magician Claimed by stormriderjd
16. X Wheel of Fortune Claimed by aibhinn
17. V The Hierophant Claimed by bellasianna
18. XX Judgement Claimed by vandonovan
19. XV The Devil Claimed by animegurl65
20. II The High Priestess Claimed by nightbeast
21. XVIII The Moon Claimed by kalleah
22. Three of Wands Claimed by snapesbabe
23. Ten of Pentacles Claimed by amberite
24. Knight of Wands Claimed by ninamazing
27. Knight of Cups Claimed by timelords_rose
33. Queen of Swords Claimed by atheneunknown
34. 6 of Cups Claimed by warinbabylon
35. King of Pentacles Claimed by bellasianna

Numbers will be crossed out with the card revealed as they are claimed.

1. Fics must be a minimum 500 words long.
2. Any genre is acceptable: gen fic, het fic, slash fic.
3. No trolling or flaming.
4. Please make sure that your work is proof read or beta'd.
5. Non members are welcome to participate. When you've finished your fic, post a link in a comment to this post.
6. Members, please post as normal.
7. Don't forget to use a LJ cut for long fics.
8. One prompt claim per person at once. If you finish your fic in record time, you are more than welcome to come and claim another prompt.
9. Dates: The challenge runs from January 1st to January 31st.
10. Have fun!

!monthly challenge

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