The Eleventh Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver Review

May 07, 2010 18:46

Sonic Screwdriver 2010 (*read the warning issued by torchwoodny)

This is a Review of the Character Options Eleventh Doctor Sonic Screwdriver Toy / Prop / Replica

First lets start with background info on me, so you know where I’m coming from.

The Troughton Sonic Screwdriver looks cool. I know it’s only a pen-light, maybe it has something to do with Troughon’s acting technique, maybe it’s because it on vintage black and white tv … - “it works”. I believe it’s a tool from another world. And I’d love to own one that was made of metal, had a long slender neck, lit-up and made a sound.

I’m a big fan of the Pertwee / Baker / Davison Sonic Screwdriver. It looks like a tool, it’s metal, it moves up and down, spring loaded, it makes a cool sound. What is there not to love about the classic Sonic Screwdriver? It shall forever have a place in my heart.

The McCoy / McGann Sonic - very similar to the P/B/D Sonic at first glance. It’s more collapsible / telescopic in nature. I’m not really all that worked up about it. Maybe I miss the “spring loaded” part of the equation. Maybe it’s just that it really isn’t used much on screen…

The Eccleston Sonic - slightly thinner / smaller that the Tennant Sonic. Really worked well in The End of the World. The Sonic now has a scanning function (Empty Child, etc.) I liked it. But over the years I’ve lost love for it, maybe because the writers have made it even more of a wonder tool - it just does too many ridiculous things - like reverse teleports, re-amalgams absorbed people and reconstitutes them into a stone brick…. And the Character Options toy had to have a pen in it … the toy didn’t need another function to make it valuable … more importantly it wasn’t rugged enough - the toy just doesn’t have the right feel to it. You know you have a lump of plastic in your hand. It’s too light. The toy didn’t have that really cool busted porcelain look to it.(I don’t know if they fixed these problems with the “End of Time” release.) I don’t like the fact that there are two different places to press to activate the sonic depending on if the sonic is extended or not. You cant press the button when it is only slightly extended, it has to be fully extended or completely descended. ... etc. I still think the Eccleston / Tennant Sonic looks cool, but sometimes a writer makes it do stuff that are too fantastic - and quite frankly I miss the “spring loaded” thing. On the plus side The UV light when you point it at the Green Lantern Ring they gave away with the comic Green lantern Mosaic #1 the center “glow in the dark” bit of the ring glows strangely for a second ….. ok too geeky … but I’m just saying it has it’s good points too.

Now on to Matt Smith….It looks like a tool, it’s metal, it moves up and down, spring loaded, it makes a cool sound. What is there not to love about this Sonic Screwdriver? It shall forever have a place in my heart.

The Eleventh Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver - My god I’m in love. I didn’t realize how cool this thing was until I bought the Character Option’s Sonic. There hasn’t really been a clear shot of the sonic in the new season. I think it must be a conscious directing decision. Thank god for screen capture.

Keep the box. With many replica P/B/D Sonics, artisans are offering cylindrical plastic cases to display your Sonic Screwdriver Replicas. Well the new Sonic comes with a clear cylindrical plastic display case - though I’m telling you it won’t spend any time in there this thing is something you’ll want to play with.

Batteries Included =D They were hidden behind the advertising - a pleasant surprise.

When you go to install the batteries you have to twist release the center of the toy.

Warning: the two tiny black screws that keep the battery cover in place are in there nice and tight and can strip easily. - yeah this sucks …. Keep in mind I’m in love with this toy.

Now that you can examine the inner working of this toy you will note that there are two buttons in the internal workings to operate the lights and sounds. Foolishly I thought this might mean that you could use the same button on the grip to operate the sonic effect in both extended and “at rest” positions. Nope the second internal button falls just short of the mark to let you use the button on the handle/grip when the sonic is extended.

Oh no! The Angels are attacking switching to extended mode. … oh …. Wait …. Ok where is that other button …. Oh it’s in the base under this cap. … wait … wait … ok got it. Now I can fight them off!

So before exploring an alien world / convention / etcetera, spend some quality time with the equipment and get to know your tool better. It’ll come in handy in the field. I.E. play with it often.

By the by : Spring loaded!!!!!! That’s what I’m talking about!!!!

This Toy is made of plastic. Plastic isn’t metal. This thing probably could be scuffed or scratched without too much trouble. So far I have no problems but it’s something to keep in mind.

Place this thing in your hands - go on. It has a nice balance about it. It is still light, but you can almost imagine that there was a “heft” to it. You can flip it around and catch it and if has a good feel to it. (Not as good a feel to it as the real one, but we didn’t shell out that kind on money on it.)

(The Secret Button)
Under a small cap on the bottom there is a shinny red button this activates the sonic in the closed and open positions. (but it cuts out if you active the spring release - but only for a second.)

OK there are Four Sounds.

That’s Right you heard me. 4. (*Please read the warning by torchwoodny after this section.)

I’m sure you’ll find the first two no problem.

The 3rd and 4th secret sounds are a little harder to find but with practice I’m sure you’ll be working it into a sketch at a convention in no time.

In the closed position (you could do it in the open position if you want too) place your thumb so that it rests on the button that makes it light up. You’ll have to experiment with pressure but I find if I tap the button 3 times - the first two times light enough so that it doesn’t set off the lights and the third time fully depress the button the alarm function sets off. It can be quite annoying for other people in the room so don’t do it too much.

For the Fourth Sound ~ the Sonic in Trouble - kind of short circuiting sonic effect. Repeat the instructions above but do it 4 or more times instead of three.

With practice you can set these sounds off on purpose and not just by accident. =P

I'm sure there will be a lot of Elevens Sonicing River Songs at conventions for years to come. I think you will enjoy this toy. It'll be awesome at conventions, and I don't feel the need to shell out tons of money for one made from metal. --- that is until it gets it's first scratch in battle. Then I might think about getting a more expensive one.=P

(Special thanks to kirrilee_t for helping me figure out how to unlock the secret sounds)

(* torchwoodny was kind enough to issue a warning about using the secret sounds. )

( , , )

*OK now I'm ready to buy a metal one. Hopefully the electronics will work better.

Will update this post with pictures and perhaps more review soon.

an early advert for the toy, which must not have been completed or had a prototype on hand yet, because these photos are pretty clearly of the actual filming prop! (Thanks for the info Oldeworldsmith of the replica prop forum

Right now there are lots of people trying to buy the sonic on Ebay. I got mine on ebay for $30 + shipping. But once the frenzy dies down I imagine it'll drop down in price.

@ Dr Who Merch it's $24.99

@ Think Geek it's $25.99

so far I haven't seen a metal one but there are clever people at replica prop forum that are working on the problem

Sad to say I'm going to try to get my money back after torchwoodny's warning (sad face)

If CO fixes the problem then I'll be happy to buy this prop again

eye candy, doctor: eleven, reference, accessories, conventions, costuming events, frivolity

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