When a skirt is no longer a skirt.. it's a belt....

May 06, 2010 21:19

Here's a question for all of you doing amy (or just any of you in general, though it definitely mainly applies to amy and a few other companions)...

Since our new favorite red-head loves her short skirts, are you guys going for length accuracy, or for the shortest you feel comfortable in?

Up until this point, all of my amy skirts end at least 4 inches below the joint of my hip, so i've not thought twice about it.


so far. my question to all of you popped into my mind while i was pinning my kissogram skirt, which is probably the shortest of all of her skirts... is accuracy on the length super important to everyone else doing her costumes?

for example :

this is my kissogram pinned about where amy's ends on her legs.. as you can see, it is REALLY short. Probably two inches (at most) below the bottom of my ass. this is honestly not looking like a skirt right now in this picture.. it looks like a belt, though the waistband of the skirt is actually up above where my hands are.

I've been in public in less, so it doesn't bother me, but i was wondering about you guys, trying to initiate a discussion. Would you guys do a skirt that's accurate length even if you're not 100% comfortable in it, or would you modify it to your comfort level, even if it means losing that accuracy? What is your shortness limit for amy's skirts?

quick edit: I don't mean, like, being horribly uncomfortable for the sake of accuracy. that's stupid, IMO, though i know people who disagree. I mean more along the line of what's your limit for amy's shortness, personally? Like, would you not go above mid thigh, or are you more comfortable with it shorter/longer?

questions, amy pond

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