I-Con Weekend!

Apr 02, 2012 14:15

So this weekend there was a local Con going on that I attended with a few friends. Thought I'd post some pictures!

Best part of the weekend?

Being in a photoshoot with Paul McGann. Aka the 8th Doctor! He was very sweet and had his arm around my sister the entire time. Jealous!

We found a pond!

The outfit I was most excited to do with my friend Elliot as Rory. <3

My friend Mike as Day of the Moon Doctor! That TARDIS cosplay was so cool!

"Go to your room, River!" Haha our friend Cat had an awesome River cosplay. <3 tomincloset

We take cosplaying very seriously, dontcha know.

Matt and Karen are cosplaying Liz and Elliot, can you believe it?! sinkingslowly and frplswim18

Awesome Pirate!Pond cosplay. Her mom made that coat, it came out beautifully.

Don't. Blink.

All the companions together. <3

Amanda and I. <3 I loved her Martha cosplay so much! bluetooth16

Yay Ponds! <3

For each 11th Doctor, there is an Amy. :P

It was a great weekend! Made new friends, hung out with old ones and just had a good time!

river song, companion: rory williams, convention, pic spam, companion: amy pond, doctor: eleven, companion: martha jones, the tardis, companion: romana two, frivolity, companion: rose

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