(no subject)

Jun 13, 2009 18:43

Letters to the Editor (13/?)-
A DWP/MM Crossover
Author Coco // i_heart_cuddy
Rating R
Disclaimer I don't own The Devil Wears Prada, Mamma Mia or the characters herein. No profit is to be had by any of this. This is just for fun.
Pairing Miranda/Donna
Summary Donna and Miranda meet up by chance at The Sands hotel in Las Vegas and have a very memorable vacation.
Author's Note Inspired by privatesmile's A Drink from The Fountain.
Author's Note 2 I am well aware that I am playing fast and loose with the time line.

Cassidy watched Miranda for a few moments and she furrowed her brow and frowned. "I was kind of hoping you would say no."

"Cassidy..." Miranda wasn't exactly sure what to say.

"Because if you said no then it would mean that you don't distrust Caroline and I, that I wouldn't have to wonder what other things you were keeping from us."

"I'm not keeping anything from you."

"You're not? Just some secret love affair, right? Just some whole other life." Cassidy got down off the stool.

"Cassidy, stop, I want to talk about this."

"No, you don't." Cassidy frowned, heading for the door, "you don't want to talk about it. You're saying you want to talk about it now because you got caught in your stupid lie, but if you really wanted to talk about it you would have brought it up."

"Cassidy, stop, please." Miranda said forcefully, despite her voice cracking at the end.

Cassidy took off after ascending the steps, Miranda jumped up and hurried to catch her but got into the hallway and saw neither Cassidy nor a clue about which direction she could have gone.

Miranda walked back down into the kitchen, "damnit," she cursed. She punched the wall.

"Like mother, like daughter." Donna smiled, entering the kitchen with the morning mail. She furrowed her brow in sympathy when she saw Miranda's eyes were wet with tears. "Miranda, what's wrong? What happened?"

Miranda let out a series of hysterical, high pitched attempts at coherent sentences. Miranda started to pace.

Donna grabbed her around the waist and pulled her tightly against her chest. "Miranda, calm down," Donna whispered soothingly, "Miranda, shhh, shh. Take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong."

Miranda went straight up to Cassidy and Caroline's room, hoping against hope that Cassidy hadn't gone up to talk to Caroline, hoping that there was a chance she could present her case to Caroline untainted..

She figured that the only person Cassidy would really talk to right now was the person with an exact carbon copy of her own DNA.

Miranda sat down on Caroline's bed, "Caroline, please wake up."

Caroline rubbed her eyes, "what? Is something wrong?"

"I have to tell you something, sweetheart. It's really important, okay?" Caroline nodded skeptically. "I haven't been telling you and Cassidy the whole truth the last couple months. I met Donna in Las Vegas and we've been in a relationship ever since."

"Like, a relationship relationship?"


"Alright, go on." Caroline sat up in her bed.

"And I've wanted to tell you, but I've been afraid. Of course I trust you and Cassidy but I was afraid to tell you two about Donna because I was afraid that everything could end. I was afraid that the happiness I've been feeling could be yanked away from me. I know you two already worry about me and I wanted to protect you from having go through that." Miranda paused to think, Caroline didn't interrupt. "I didn't stop to think that I was being selfish. That by sparing you worry or the pain... I was preventing you from sharing the joy. And I'm so sorry that I kept it from you."

Caroline watched Miranda for a few moments, "I just want you to be happy, mom." Her eyes started to well up, "you do everything for Cass and me. You never miss anything, you move Heaven and Earth to get to us if we need you or want you. All I want for you is for someone to return the favor. I want someone to move Heaven and Earth for you."

"Oh, bob." Miranda's tears started anew and she pulled her daughter to her, holding her tightly and burying her face in the girl's red hair.

After a few minutes Caroline pulled back, rubbing her eyes. She looked around the room. "Where's Cassidy?"

"I need you to find her. I need you to talk to her. She figured it all out and she's mad at me because I was keeping this from you." Miranda admitted, "I need you to talk to her for me. I need you."

Caroline found Cassidy on the dock dipping her feet into the water and staring off into the distance. She sat down next to her.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Just thinking." Cassidy wiped at her eyes.

"Mom told me about what happened."

"I didn't want to wake you." Cassidy said leaning her head on Caroline's shoulder. "But I'm glad you're here."

"I'm always here for you, you know."

"I know." Cassidy nodded. "So what kind of bullshit sob story did she give you when she woke you?"

"She said she was scared." Caroline started, Cassidy scoffed and Caroline shot her a look. "She's scared that her happiness won't last. She doesn't want us to worry about her. She said she's sorry."

"Of course she did. Everyone who gets caught in a lie says they're sorry. They're sorry they got caught and now she has to try to win us back." Cassidy shook her head, "if I didn't figure it out she wouldn't ever have to told us."

"She said she wanted to know that it's for forever before she told us."

Cassidy scoffed. "She didn't tell us because Donna's a woman. I mean, this is fucking 2009! What does she think we are? Monsters? We don't care if she dates a man, a woman or a goddamned goat!"

Caroline laughed, "I think I'd care a little bit if mom dated a goat."

Cassidy laughed, too, despite herself. "You know what I mean." She looked down into the water, and turned serious again. "It just really hurts my feelings that she didn't trust us with this. When she divorced dad she told us that she'd never keep anything from us. She said right to our faces that we were the most important people in the entire world and that she'd always be honest with us."

"She also said that she would always protect us! She was trying to protect us."

"From what?" Cassidy demanded indignantly, "from what? From her life?"

"From her heartbreak. I mean, you know, she acts all strong and she tells us not to worry and she barks orders and makes demands and she makes you think she's alright. But, oh my god, she's human. She... thinks people are going to leave her. She thinks everyone is going to leave her, that's why she acts like such a total bitch. She's actually really transparent." Caroline sighed, "she was trying to protect us from heartbreak by us seeing her get her heart broken again."

"Selfish cow. I don't want to be kept out of that. I mean, obviously I'd prefer her to be happy. But I'd rather know. I don't want her to go through that alone. I want to be there for her like she's there for us."

"That's what I told her."

Cassidy rolled her eyes. "Well Benedict, why don't you go back up there and tell her I'll see her later. I can't go back right now. I can't look at her. I can't talk to her." She shook her head.

"Fuck this." Caroline stood up, "I'm not playing messenger. Get over yourself. Stop being so self-indulgent, stop being a hypocrite."

Cassidy glared at her sister. She stood up, "and just what do you mean by that?"

"You heard me." Caroline set her hands on her hips indignantly, "you're being a hypocrite. You want mom to be honest about what she's feeling and you won't talk to her. You're just perpetuating this whole cycle. You're being so damn selfish and I'm not going to be dragged into this."

Cassidy walked up to Caroline and shoved her, "don't call me selfish."

Caroline shoved her back, "don't call me Benedict just because I'm on mom's side in this."

Cassidy shoved her again, this time grabbing a fistful of hair. They both toppled over onto the dock, "fuck you! You've been abandoning me all week because I'm limited and you come back when everyone else leaves you. Well, fuck it."

Caroline pushed up on Cassidy pushing her off of her, "oh, don't even go there."

Cassidy scrambled to her feet, anticipating Caroline following suit. Caroline rushed her and Cassidy grabbed her wrist and spun her towards the end of the dock. Caroline's footing started to slip on the end of the dock and reached out with two hands to grab Cassidy's good wrist and they both splashed into the water.

"Hey!" Skye yelled as he and Sophie ran down the dock. Skye dove into the water and Sophie skidded to a halt at the edge.

Skye grabbed a kicking, pissed off Caroline and held her up to Sophie who pulled her onto the dock. "What are you doing?" Sophie demanded.

"My cast!" Cassidy yelled, "my cast!"

"I'm going to go get my mom," Caroline announced, prompting Sophie to reluctantly let her go. She was going to put her annoyance with Cassidy on the back burner to get her medical needs taken care of.

Caroline burst into the lounge where Donna and Miranda sat anxiously waiting. "Mom," she panted.

Miranda leapt to her feet, "Caroline, why are you all wet?"

Caroline rolled her eyes, "because Cassidy threw a tantrum and landed us in the water. Her cast is completely soaked."

"She'll have to go to the mainland to get that taken care of." Donna said with concern. "The ferry will be here in a few minutes."

"Well, come on then," Miranda demanded, full of authority, like a true hbic.

Donna grabbed her keys, "brave the Jeep again?"

"For one of my girls, yes." Miranda was already heading for the door, "just get me down there as fast as possible."

Miranda launched herself out of the Jeep and stomped down the dock to her soaking, fuming, pained daughter. "We have to go to the mainland."

"I don't want to go with you." Cassidy scowled.

"I don't care how angry you are with me right now. I am furious with you. You had one thing you had to do. Don't get your cast wet." Miranda lead Cassidy to the end of the boat where she made her sit. "Now you've soaked your cast, you're going to have to get it changed, you're probably setting back your recovery by months. You probably won't be able to play lacrosse this upcoming year."

Cassidy started to cry. "If you hadn't-"

"I wanted to talk about. If you hadn't stormed off like a spoiled brat this wouldn't have happened."

"If Caroline hadn't-"

"No." Miranda ground out, "no, don't deflect. This is entirely your fault. No one else's."

Miranda crossed her arms across her chest and fumed.

Cassidy's bottom lip trembled and she watched Miranda while Miranda tapped her foot and pointedly ignored Cassidy's pouting lips and pleading eyes. Damned if Miranda was going to make this easier for Cassidy.

Half the ride went by before Cassidy finally spoke to her, "it just hurt my feelings!" Miranda turned to her, waiting for her to continue, "it hurt that you didn't want to share it with us. You know, like you found this thing that made you happy and we couldn't be a part of it, you kept us out of it. Like you didn't want us to be involved in your happiness."

Miranda's expression softened, "Cass..." she sighed softly, "that was never my intent. I've just been afraid that this happiness won't last. I didn't want you to share my sadness if it ended."

"Yeah right, have you seen the way Donna looks at you? I think you're stuck with her." Cassidy offered a timid smile.

Miranda returned it. She sighed again. "I am sorry." She looked down and pursed her lips. "For whatever that's worth... I am sorry."

Cassidy looked down at her lap and sniffed. "Me too." She whispered.

They didn't get back to the island until almost dinner time. By that time they'd very nearly forgiven each other. Miranda's patience was pushed to its limits and her nerves were thoroughly gotten onto.

The language barrier had proven to be more difficult than she'd anticipated. She spoke very good French and decent Italian. She didn't know a word of Greek but she thought she'd at least be able to find someone who spoke Italian. They'd finally located a local who spoke French fluently, once he was found the doctor's visit was easy.

Dinner was grudgingly silent.

There was nothing worse than a Miranda silent treatment, nothing more frightening or anxiety-provoking. Caroline was very grateful that it wasn't directed at her. Cassidy just felt like crying and had scarcely stopped all day.

"Caroline," Donna said, smiling and standing, after dinner ended, "would you help me in the kitchen?"

Caroline stole a glance at Miranda and nodded, "yeah, of course."

Cassidy and Miranda were alone in the room and, at first, neither of them spoke. Then both of them spoke at once and stopped so the other could continue and the room fell into silence again.

Cassidy stood up and moved to Miranda. She threw her arms around Miranda's neck and hugged her tightly, her eyes were squeezed shut and her face buried pitifully into Miranda's hair. Miranda wrapped her arms around Cassidy and held her close.

Miranda kissed her temple, "I'm sorry, Cassidy."

"I love you mom, and I'm glad you're happy and I just want to be happy with you, I just want to be included in your life."

Miranda rubbed her back, "sweetie, of course, I always want you to be included in my life, you and Caroline are the most important people in the world to me. Truly. I love you."

"Do you think Donna would mind if I hugged her too?"

Miranda laughed a little, "I don't think she'd mind." Something did suddenly occur to her, "let's keep this between us, though, don't tell your father."

"Hey, believe me, I'm not getting into that can of worms."

pairing: miranda/other, all: fiction, user: i_heart_cuddy, rating: r, genre: crossover

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