Lucky (1/12)

Nov 15, 2010 14:12

Title: Lucky
Rating: NC-17 *But it can change
Pairing: Miranda/Andy, others. 
Prompt(s): Prompt given by laintmr : Miranda Blacklisted Andy, but they meet again thanks to Doug and good luck. Complete prompt here
Summary: After being blacklisted by Miranda, Andy has to go back home. Doug comes to her rescue and gives her an unforgettable vacation to Paris. A simple trip to the gas station becomes the biggest opportunity in Andy’s life.
Disclaimer: I own all the rights for DWL, I’m Lauren Weisberger…. Just Kidding! Nothing is mine, I wish it was, though.
A/N: Thanks to my Beta, Polgaria ( also known as wiser_dachshund  :D

Link to

*In case you don't like reading in let me know and I'll post this story to my personal LJ :)

genre: angst, pairing: andy/miranda, rating: nc-17, all: fiction, genre: fluff, user: cammiel

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