The plot bunnies attack

Nov 15, 2010 15:10

Hello every one is this wonderful community ^-^

I'm usually a lurker here,reading nearly everything here and loving it all(I DO have a life,I just love reading a lot too though >.>). I don't have much of a talent for putting together a story but i've been attacked by some evil plot bunnies and i'm hoping one of you much more talented beings out there might take this and run with it.

Basically  it's a DWP meets "The Time Travelers Wife"

The whole story line is however you want it,the idea popped into my head,Andy being the Henry like character or something along those lines.

Something like what if Andy didn't really mean to leave Miranda,her condition just caused her to travel into time at that moment and Miranda just got the impression that Andy left her. If you think she should have Andy blackballed or not its up to you of course.

I've always been a big romantic fuzz ball,so maybe if someone did decide to run with this idea they might give it a bit of a happier ending then the actual movie/book from "The Time Travelers Wife". For those of you that might have read/watched said movie/book  I think you know what I'm rambling on about,I hope XD lol

Well I just wanted to put it out there because if I didn't,it'd be nagging at the back of my mind for some time. Thanks for enduring my rambling .

Laters! X3

misc: prompts

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