Fic: Officer Miranda, Miranda/Andy, NC-17

Aug 10, 2010 08:35

Title: Officer Miranda

Author: Sporkmetender

Pairing: Andy/Miranda

Rating/Warnings: NC-17 plus some. No, really. It's not for the faint of heart. There be noncon > dubcon*, BDSM, degrading language, toys, abuse of authority, a flimsy excuse for a plot, and probably some other inappropriate stuff in here, plus a lot of swearing. You have been warned.

Words: 4500

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to these characters, and I’m not making any money off of them. Please don’t sue me.

Summary: Miranda is roleplaying as a cop, and Andy is the helpless young woman all alone in an alley. Need I say more?

Author’s Note: The germ of this fic pretty much popped into my head fully formed and Athena-like, and gizmospur  was kind enough to help me plot it out. This happened about a year ago, and then RL took over and I never got around to finishing it and polishing it up, but here it is, finally.

Thanks go to: My girlfriend, who has been gently nudging me to get this finished since I first mentioned it, and also to skeeter451 , who was kind enough to beta for me.

*Edited to add: For those of you who are relatively new to fandom or don't read warnings, noncon = nonconsensual sex and dubcon = dubious consent. Anyone who is triggered by rape or near-rape should probably steer clear.

Fake cut to my LJ

user: sporkmetender, pairing: andy/miranda, rating: nc-17, all: fiction, genre: pwp

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