Love, Life & Loss. Chapter 37.

Aug 11, 2010 17:13

Title: Love, Life & Loss.
Author: Pure_Ecstasy6
Pairing: Andy/Miranda.
Rating: 17+
Summary: Andy is a cop in NYC and falls in love with the queen of fashion.
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine and I make no money from this.
Authors Note: Another chapter of the very late Secret Santa I've been working on for mirandaminerva I hope whoever reads likes it.
Beta: worst_liar_ever Thank you so much for being a brilliant Beta reader. It means a lot to me =)
Feedback: Comments are brilliant so please leave your thoughts.


They ate a delicious seafood salad before they sat down by the beach on deck chairs underneath the afternoon sun as they and sipped on cocktails.

Andy had looked over at Miranda and Peta who were currently in a deep conversation and smiled. She knew Miranda would get along with the other brunette. She turned back to Poppy, who was chatting her ear off about Australian football and continued talking with her.

All in all, Miranda thought it had been an enjoyable afternoon But she was thrilled to be alone again with her wife and couldn't wait to get her hands on her. She walked into the bathroom where she saw her lover washing her make-up off. "There you are." she said softly.

When Andy saw the look in her wife’s eyes she knew what was on the older woman’s mind and she grinned. "Here I am." she replied. She turned around and took Miranda's hands and pulled her against her. Kissing her wife softly she then pushed Miranda forward gently and surprised the older woman by pushing her against the wall.

Miranda wasn't sure why it surprised her as she'd gotton used to Andrea and her wall pushing. None of her previous partners had dared to push her against a wall and have their way with her, so when Andrea had first done it she found it refreshing and exciting, and welcomed it whenever Andrea did so.

Andrea, who had made her way down Miranda's body, was kneeling between her wifes legs. "God." she breathed. "I love the way you smell." she whispered before pushing up Miranda's robe. It never failed to turn her on whenever she saw how wet and ready her wife was. She leaned forward and began to make her lover moan in pleasure.

An hour later both women were breathing heavily in the king sized bed of the beach house. "Wow." Andy breathed. "That was amazing."
"That it was." Miranda replied, turning to face her lover and smiled when she saw Andrea was gazing at her. "But you're so much more amazing darling." she whispered.

The words her wife spoke made Andrea's heart flutter. "Not as much as you." she replied with a grin.

"I had a good day." Andy said into the silence of the room.
Miranda nodded and made a noise of agreement. It had been a lovely day, she thought., they'd gone out in the morning and saw several gorgeous fishes in the sea. The fish didn't exactly hold Miranda's attention for long though, she thought and chuckled, because Andrea's body was much more exciting to look at when only clad in a skimpy bikini.

When she opened her eyes and looked over at her lover she chuckled quietly upon seeing her Andrea's eyes closed and snoring softly. "I love you, so much." she whispered to her sleeping beauty, as she softly traced her thumb accross Andrea's lower lip, causing the brunette to mumbled something and then snuggle closer to her. which caused  Miranda to smiled widely before she soon fell asleep as well.


"There is no way I am getting on that thing." Miranda said as she glared at the Golf Buggy which Andrea had hired for the day.

Andy pouted. "Not even for me?" she asked.

Miranda shook her head. "Don't give me that look, It won't work."

Andy felt like stomping her foot on the ground like a child. "Would you just humour me, please?" she asked, stepping closer to her wife. "If you let me drive you around on it and see the resort I will do that thing you like to you if you do." Andy whispered.

Miranda, not being able to give in, sighed. "If you want to go on this... thing.. fine. But you will be doing that later." she said, giving Andy a pointed stare.

Andy laughed at her. "Oh don't worry I will be." she replied, swatted Miranda on the backside before getting on the golf buggy and grinned when Miranda begrudgingly joined her.

A couple of hours later when they arrived back at their beach house Miranda was glad that her wife had hired the Golf Buggy as it had been a nice day. They'd gone around the resort, stopped and sat at a couple of nice places and soaked in the sun.

Andy, on the other hand, knew that Miranda would enjoy the day, even the Golf Buggy ride, that's why she had hired it. Oh she knew of course at first Miranda wasn't going to be too pleased with the Golf Buggy but she knew with some bribing her wife gave in, that usually always worked.


They walked down to the Helicopter which would be flying them over the Whitsundays and The Great Barrier Reef. Andy was nearly bouncing with excitement as they sat in the helicopter.

Up in the air both women were speechless at the amazing views of the ocean.

"It's just beautiful." Miranda said.

Andy nodded in agreement. "I'm so glad we came here." she said, taking Miranda's hand in her own and squeezing it softly.

Miranda had been about to reply before she gasped when she saw dolphines down in the water  Oh darling, look." she said in awe. They were her favourite creatures.

Andy smiled as she watched her lover, the soft expression on her face, she was beautiful. It was times like these that Andy loved the most. When she was able to watch her lover.


"Today was awesome." Andy said with a smile as she watched Miranda get into the plunge pool. "You really are exquisite." she whispered when Miranda had swam over to her.

"You are a flatterer, darling." Miranda replied and even in the moon light Andy could see the slight pinkness of her wifes face. It made her smile.

"I love it when you blush." Andy whispered.

"I am not." Miranda replied.

Andy laughed softly. "You are and you know it."

Without saying anything Miranda leaned forward and captured Andrea's mouth with her own in a deep kiss, stopping Andrea from saying anything else about her blushing.

Andy whimpered into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around her lovers neck and her legs around Miranda's waist. "Oh Miranda." she breathed when Miranda pulled away and began kissing down her neck and then to her chest.

Miranda made quick work of taking Andrea's bra off and took one of her lovers breast in her mouth, teasing and making her lover squirm and moan.

"Please." Andy moaned softly, her breath against Miranda's skin causing butterflies in her stomach.

"Please what, darling?" Miranda asked softly, kissing her way to Andrea's other breast.

"I want you inside me." Andy whimpered at Miranda's talented mouth.

Miranda smirked before her right hand trailed slowly down her lovers body before reaching the bikini bottoms that Andrea had on. Not bothering with taking them off Miranda slipped her hand inside and rubbed at her lovers clit which caused Andy to whimper and her breathing to quicken. When Miranda slipped her fingers inside her lover Andrea's eyes slipped closed and not long after she was moaning her wifes name as she climaxed.

"I love you." Andy whispered before kissing Miranda softly.

Their mouths lingered together for a couple of seconds before they pulled back and gazed at one another. "I love you too darling." Miranda whispered back. "This has been the most amazing honey moon that I've ever had. Thank you."


2 Months Later.

It had been 2 blissfully amazing months since their honeymoon and both women were still in honeymoon world.

Miranda smiled when she found a love poem waiting for her by the coffee machine, Her heart fluttered after reading it. Her lover really was brilliant with words. She picked up her cell and pressed her speed-dial number for her wife.

"Hey." Andy said, smiling into her phone, as she and Alex sat in a diner having breakfast before their shift.

"Hello darling. I just found another poem from you." Miranda replied.

Andy's smile widened. "You liked it then?"

"Of course. You have such a way with words darling." Miranda replied.

"Glad you think so." Andy replied before finsihing off her coffee.

"You ready to get going?"

Miranda heard Alex asked.

"Yeah in a minute. Besides I still havent finished my waffles." Andy replied, wanting to talk to her amazing wife a little longer.

Miranda laughed at that. "Waffles? Didn't you just have those 2 days ago?"

"Well yeah, you know my love for them though baby." Andy replied and Miranda could just see her grin.

After a bit more chatter and after finsihing her breakfast Andy and Miranda hung up and they both started their days.


Andy and Alex had just handed over a guy to Shelley at the precinct for some questioning from having arrested them when Andy's phone began ringing in her pocket. She smiled when she saw it was Miranda calling.

"I have had the most awful morning." Miranda said with a sigh when Andy answered. "Nothing has gone the way I want it. Everyone is stuffing everything up."

Andy chuckled. "I'm sorry baby."

"Be sorry for the assistant I am about to fire." Miranda replied.

Andy did feel a little sorry for the poor assistant.

"What's New York's finest up to today?" Miranda asked, as she looked at her Email.

"Just arrested a guy for urinating in a public area. Totally gross, I know." Andy replied.

Miranda scrunched her face up in disgust. "The things people do." she muttered.

Andy chuckled. "Yeah, I have seen my fair share of disgusting things. What's planned for the rest of the afternoon?" she asked her wife.

"A meeting with Donatella and then with the Board." Miranda replied with a sigh. "And then I can go home and waiting for my wonderful wife. What time will you be home again?"

"Shouldn't be any later then 9." Andy replied.

"We will talk more then." Miranda replied. "I need to prepare for my meeting with the Board."

"Okay then. Love you baby." Andy replied.

"Love you too." Miranda said before she hung up.



"So what are you doing tomorrow night?" Alex asked.

"Just have a quiet one at home I suppose." Andy replied. "Why?"

"I was thinking we could go out."

"Out where?"

"Dinner and then a few drinks?"

Andy nodded. "Sure. Why not?" she replied just as they were about to pull into the street their precinct was on Doug's voice came through the cars radio. "Hey guys got a call of a domestic. I'm not exactly sure on what's happened but just had a neighbour complaining of some yelling. The apartment building is on..." he continued giving the address and Andy turned the car around and headed to the apartment building a couple blocks away.

Alex indicated to turn left as Andy replied. "Copy that. We're on our way."

"Have you got anything else for us?" Andy asked.

"Yeah apparently, and this is from the neighbour who called in, the guys girlfriend broke up with him but he won't stay away which is obviously getting on the chicks nerves and she cracked it at him." Doug replied with a grin which they could hear through the radio.

"Alright, we'll keep you posted." Andy replied just before she pulled the car up infront of the building.

When Andy entered the apartment building while Alex talked to the neighbour who called in down the hall, she saw the guy inside the apartment building putting things into a box.

"Shit." He said when he caught sight of her and dropped whatever it was he had been holding and darted for the window jumping out of it and began going down the fire escape.

Andy followed after him and went down the several stairs of the fire escape. She watched as he stopped and looked back at her before looking back down to a skip which looked like it hadn't been emptied in days. He jumped over the ledge and fell from the fire escape and into the skip.

Andy stopped when she came to the ledge and looked over and down into the skip. "You've got to be joking!" she said. It wasn't the height she'd have to jump from it was the fact that she had to jump down into a skip full of rubbish and god knows what else.

With an annoyed groan she jumped over the ledge and a few seconds later she fell into the skip with a thud. When she got out she smelt like a rubbish went full speed down the dingy alley way and run after the suspect. "He's coming your way!" Andy yelled into her radio.

Just then a car pulled out from a connected lane and the suspect collided with it but he was okay and continued running down the alley.

Andy jumped onto and over the front of the car and continued after him before the guy came to a stop because he had collided into Alex.

"Hold it right there." Alex said to him as she grabbed a pair of hand cuffs and put them on him and then walked him to the near by patrol car.
Andy followed after them as she caught her breath. "I would've got him, you know." she said when Alex pushed him into the back seat of the car.

Alex closed the door and looked at Andy. "Oh yeah, of course you would have." she said with a grin.

"Oi!" Andy said and punched Alex in the arm.

"Oh you love me." Alex replied and winked at Andy before she opened the drivers side and got in.

"Hey baby. I'm home." Andy said as she closed the door behind her. She walked down the hall and found her lover in the sitting room going over The Book. "I'm sorry I'm later then I thought."

Miranda looked at the clock and saw it was 9:35. "You're only half an hour later. No big deal." she replied and set The Book down.

Andy nodded and sniffed herself and her face scrunched up in disgust. "I've been running around the city for most of the day and reek. I'll just go up and shower then we can have dinner?"

Miranda smiled. "I'll finish The Book while you do."

Andy nodded again and turned around to leave.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Miranda asked.

Andy turned around. "What?"

"You usually kiss me when you come home." Miranda replied.

"I smell like a dumpster Miranda and I'm sure you wouldnt want me to kiss you while I do." Andy replied.

"Come and kiss me." MIranda replied giving Andy one of her glares.

The glare only made Andy laugh which made Miranda's heart flutter. She walked on over to Miranda and leaned down and delivered a soft kiss to her lovers mouth. "Happy now?" she asked.

Miranda nodded and smirked. "I am." she replied.

Andy laughed again before she stood and wandered down the hall. "You going to join me?" she asked over her shoulder.

Miranda looked down at The Book before facing the hall where her wife disappeared down before throwing The Book aside and followed her lover.



pairing: andy/miranda, user: pure_ecstasy6, rating: nc-17, all: fiction

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