Love, Life & Loss. Chapter 19.

May 31, 2010 18:10

Title: Love, Life & Loss.
Author: Pure_Ecstasy6
Pairing: Andy/Miranda.
Rating: 17+ For some smut.
Summary: Andy is a cop in NYC and falls in love with the queen of fashion.
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine and I make no money from this.
Authors Note: Another chapter of the very late Secret Santa I've been working on for mirandaminerva I hope whoever reads likes it.
Beta: worst_liar_ever Thank you so much for being a brilliant Beta reader. It means a lot to me =)
Feedback: Comments are brilliant so please leave your thoughts.
Previous Chapter:


When Sarah saw the look on her wife's face when she came back inside she knew exactly what Alex was thinking of doing. She grabbed her hand and Alex looked at her. "Honey, calm down and then talk to her." Sarah said.

Alex shook her head. "No. She isn't going to get away that easy by how she's acting." she said before she walked into the kitchen where her Mum was standing at the sink looking out into the night sky through the window. "What exactly do you think you're playing at?" she asked firmly.

Mary turned to look at her and sighed. Before she could speak Alex continued "I can't believe myself for how I just sat there letting you diss Miranda like you were. Do you realise how completely rude you were? How upset you made Andy and Miranda! I cannot believe you right now and I actually don't think I can be around you while you're like this!"

"Please Alexandra, I just.." Mary trailed off.

"You what? There's no excuse for the way you were acting. You neeed to sit down and have a really good think of how you've been treating your dughter and especially the way you've been treating Mirnada. If you'd just give her a chance you'd find out that she's a lovely and kind woman that is in completely in love with Andy and only wants the best for her."

"She's going to be another Carrie all over again I can see it now."Mary replied with a shake of her head.

"Stop doing this!" Alex actually yelled. "I have to agree with Andy; you must be pretty thick in the head to not be able to see the way Miranda looks at Andy. She loves her Mum and I believe and trust that she isn't going to hurt my sister. I wish you'd just believe  in it as well." with that Alex gave her mother a final look before turning around and walking out of the room towards her old bedroom with Sarah.

They silently undressed and got into the bed and held each other.

"I hope what I said actually sinks into her brain and doesn't just go through one ear and out the other." Alex said and sighed.

"I hope so too. Judging by the look I saw on her face before we left her I think she understood how much of a bitch she's been." Sarah replied.

"Yeah but I wonder when she'll actually admit it to herself and then god knows how long it'll be until she actually apologizes to Andy and Miranda." Alex said.

"You're right." Sarah said. "But hopefully it'll be soon. I hate seeing Andy so sad when she's been so happy the past few months."

Alex nodded and they were silent for a few moments before she spoke again. "So onto another topic; I booked reservations for that restaurant you like so much down the road and then we're getting a hotel and spending a beautifully romantic night together." she said as she leaned down and kissed her wife.

Sarah kissed back before she pulled away and stared into her wife's gorgeous and kind eyes with a smile on her face. "Sounds wonderful honey." she said and Alex laid her head back on her pillow. "But I don't think I can wait til tomorrow." Sarah continued as her hand began wandering it's way up Alex's thigh towards her... Alex swatted her hand away. "You know the rule; no love making in the parents house." Alex said knowing that the walls were paper thin.

Sarah groaned in annoyance. "Oh that rule is so old now! Please make love to me." Sarah actually whined. "I'm so wet for you." she added before she slipped her hand underneath Alex's shirt and began to touch Alex's breasts.

Alex breathed in deeply and closed her eyes. It was difficult for her but she didn't give in so she softly took her wife's hand in her own and pulled her hand away. "You know I can't do it and relax when I know my Mum's just down the hall." she said and visibly shuddered.

Sarah laughed. "Well just a little heads up; you're so gettting it tomorrow night honey!" she said as she rested her head on her wife's chest and sighed in contentment. "I love you." she whispered.

Alex bought her hand up and ran it through her wife's blonde hair."I love you more. More then you will ever know." she whispered back before they soon fell asleep in each others arms.


Meanwhile at the Townhouse the girls were cleaning up after they'd had a small party with a few of their friends seeing as their Mum and Andy were out  of the city for the weekend. "You know we could always clean up later." Cassidy said as she grabbed another garbage bag and started picking up empty coke and sprite cans. She wanted to go up to her room and speak to Lana for a couple of hours.

"We're nearly done unless we just get Rosa to do the rest." Caroline replied with a laugh.

"Let's do that." Cassidy replied. She wasn't one to usually get their house keeper/nanny to clean up their mess from partys they had but she just wanted to chat with Lana.

They found Rosa on the first floor in the kitchen. "Hey Rosa! There's a bit of a mess up in our entertainment room. Think you could clean it up for us?" Caroline asked.

"Of course. Cleaning is what I am here to do." Rosa replied and gave them a smile before she left the room.

Cassidy and Caroline high fived one another. "Now that was an easy out!" Caroline said.

"That is was." Cassidy replied as she turned and made her way out of the kitchen with Caroline following after. "So off to talk to Lana huh?" Caroline asked nudging her sister in the arm.

Casdy grinned. "Yeah. Hopefully she'll be on to chat for a couple of hours."

"Have fun. I'm going to call Rick." Caroline said as they went their seperate ways when they reached their third floor.

Cassidy rolled her eyes. Rick was the new guy who Caroline had her eyes set on. She wondered how long this one would last for. She went into her room and grabbed her laptop and sat down on her bed and saw an IM waiting for her from Lana.

"I'm sitting here trying to concentrate on my homework but I can't 'cause I'm sitting here thinking of you. I know we've only been chatting for a couple of weeks but but I gotta say it; I really miss talking to you! Come online soon xxx"

Cassidy found herself smiling widely at the words. She'd never had any sort of online relationship before but she found herself thinking that that may be where they were heading as she found herself slowly falling for the gorgeous blonde.

She typed off a quick message for Lana who was currently set to away and waited until she came back and they started to chat.


A Few hours Later.

An exhausted Andy and Miranda walked off their private jet and into the waiting towncar. Once inside Andy laid her head on Miranda's shoulder and by the time they made it home Andy was nearly falling asleep. Her litttle argument with her mother, crying and the flight back had worn her out and she just felt like curling up with her lover and falling to sleep.

"Let's get you in bed darling." Miranda softly said just as Roy opened her door and she stood out of the car along with Andy and they slowly made their way hand in hand to the front door.

Even though it was 1:05am Miranda wasn't surprised to see lights still on on the third floor considering her girls seemed to be night owls these days.

The lovers made their way inside. Miranda flicked on the hall light and kicked her heels off. Andy pulled off her boots and stumbled slightly down to the kitchen and pulled open the fridge. "You want anything to drink?" she asked over her shoulder.

"Mineral water please darling." Miranda replied as she entered the kitchen.

Andy pulled out a bottle of Pelligrino and and a Jack Daniels for herself.

Miranda went to Andy and wrapped her arms around her. "Are you alright?"

Andy nodded her head. "Much better now I'm home." she softly replied.

"Good. I'm going to go check on the girls and then I'll meet you in our room." Miranda replied.

Andy kissed her. "Okay." and with that Miranda turned and left the room.

Miranda made her way up to the third floer where she went to Caroline's room first where she found her daughter laying in bed watching TV.
Caroline was surprised to see her mother entering her room when she was supposed to be in Cincinnati with Andy. "Hey. What are you doing home?" she asked.

"Hello." Miranda said with a small smile as she sat down on Caroline's bed. "Let's just say Andrea's mother wasn't very pleased to see me there and Andrea and Ms. Sachs had a small argument that led us to leaving."

"Oh. I'm really sorry. She's sounds like a bitch." Caroline said and was glad she wasn't told off for using that language.

Miranda surprised her by actually chuckling. "Yes you could say that." she replied.

"Is Andy alright?" Caroline asked.

"She's upset but she'll be alright." Miranda replied before she leaned forward and kissed her daughter on the cheek. "I'll see you in the morning darling."

"Night Mum." Caroline replied as she resumed watching Dexter.

Miranda walked to Cassidy's room  and heard laughter coming from the other side of the closed door. She softly knocked before she opened it and stepped inside.

"You seriously did that?" Cassidy asked refferring to something Lana had told her.

"Yes. It was so embarrassing!" Lana replied and they began laughing again.

Cassidy then looked up and sobered her laughing when she saw Miranda. "Mum!" she said to her in surprise.

"Hello sweetheart." Miranda replied.

"Didn't go well with Andy's Mum then?" Cassidy asked knowing that Mary Sachs didn't apporove of Andy being with her Mother.

Miranda shook her head. "It didn't."

"Oh damn. Andy alright?" Cassidy asked.

"She's upset." Miranda said.

"Of course." Cassidy replied.

"Who are you talking to?" Miranda asked.

"Lana."Cassidy replied before looking at the screen and turned it to Miranda. "Mum, meet Lana. Lana meet my Mum Miranda." she said finally introducing them a huge grin on her face.

Miranda said a quick hello before she left her daughter to continue her chatting. She went down to the second floor and found Andy already curled up in bed. The older woman removed her clothes and decided to shower in the morning so she could lie with her lover.

"I love you." Andy whispered when they were holding one another.

Miranda smiled. "And I love you." she said and soon listened to Andy's steady breathing as she slept.


Miranda woke to the feel of Andy's hot mouth on her skin as she made her way down her stomach. "Ohh.. this is a lovely way to wake up in the morning." Miranda said and whimpered when Andy cupped her sex.

Andy kissed her way back up to Miranda's mouth and they stared in one anothers eyes.

Miranda hissed when Andy slowly slid two fingers inside of her without any warning.

Andy grinned down at her. She planned on taking this really slow.

She pulled her fingers back out and Miranda whimpered and moaned when Andy began to slide her fingers teasingly through Miranda's wet sex.

Andy did this for a while until Miranda was begging for her to be inside her.

"Please darling." Miranda said.

Andy, who couldn't pull her eyes away from her lovers beautiful face, smiled. "Please what baby?" she asked.

Miranda moaned when Andy's fingers reached her sensitive clit. "Go... inside." she managed to gasp.

Andy grinned and did just that. She pumped her fingers quickly and made her lover come.

The brunette stared in awe at the emotions that went accross Miranda's face. "That's it baby.. let go." she whispered as she ran her free hand through Miranda's soft hair.

When Miranda's eyes fluttered open Andy saw so much love in them it made her heart flutter.

"Have I told you before that you're the only person who's been able to make me come like this?" Miranda softly said.

Andy grinned. "You may have told me a few times." she said and gave Miranda a wink.

Miranda put her arms around Andy's neck and leaned forward and kissed her deeply. "You mean the world to me Andrea Sachs. Never leave me." she said the last words firmly.

"Your stuck with me baby." Andy replied and they kissed again before Andy laughed when Miranda rolled them over so the older woman was hovering above Andy.

Miranda's right hand made it's way down her lovers toned body and found it's way between Andy's legs. She ran her fingers through the small patch of hair before she went lower and drove two fingers inside her lovers soaking wet pussy. She began pumping her fingers.

Andy's fingers found their way back between Miranda's legs again and the older woman  moaned in appreciatian.

They moaned and moved together as one.

"Look at me." Andy said softly as she stared at Miranda's gorgeous face who's eyes were currently closed from the sensations their love making was causing her.

Miranda slowly fluttered her eyes open and stared into Andrea's deep brown eyes and all she saw was pure love in them. She leaned forward and they kissed each other putting everything they felt for one another into the passionate kiss they were sharing.

With one final thrust Miranda came first with a low moan quickly followed by Andy.

Miranda slumped down onto Andy and sighed in contentment.

Andy eased her fingers slowly out of her lover before wrapping her arms around Miranda's slighty sweaty body and held her lover whilst they got their breathing under control.

"We should go down for breakfast soon." Andy softly said.

"Let's just lay here for a while."Miranda replied.

Andy smiled. "Okay." she said.

They soon fell asleep.


"Hey Andy!" Cassidy said to the brunette as she stumbled into the ktichen later in the morning.

"Hey Cass." Andy said and smiled over at her.

"You'll never guess who i've been chatting with for the past couple of weeks!" Cassidy said excitedly.

"I have a fair idea who it may be." Andy replied with a grin as she turned on the coffee machine.

"Lana. She's absolutely amazing. I wanted to thank you for introducing us to one another!" Cassidy said as she hugged Andy.

"I knew you two would get along." Andy replied.

"Yeah. It's just a shame she's over in Australia still for another 7 months." Cassidy replied. She then sat down with Andy and began talking about everything they had in common and her thoughts on how great she thought it would be if they had the chance to actually be together.

Miranda and Caroline soon came in and they ate breakfast together.

"What do you girls have planned for the day?" Miranda asked as she swallowed some of her coffee.

"I want to go buy some new clothes for my date with Rick." Caroline replied.

Cassidy rolled her eyes at this. She wasn't a girly girl like her sister. "Please, you have a closet full of clothes!" she said.

Now it was Caroline's turn to roll her eyes. "They're all from last season. I need to shop for clothes from this season."

Andy chuckled as she continued to listen to the girls banter with one another. She was like Cassidy and didn't care about fashion and clothes she'd generally just chuck on whatever clothes she grabbed from her closet.

Miranda took Andy's hand in her own and Andy turned to smile at her lover.

The brunette loved moments like these where she was with the girls and her lover.


Afterwards the girls left to go shopping and Miranda and Andy decided to take Patricia and Roxy for a walk.

They made their way to Central Park where they let the dogs off and watched them run around together whilst they sat on one of the park benches.

Andy leaned in to Miranda and softly pressed her lips against her lovers.

Miranda bought her hand up to cup Andy's cheek and kissed her back before she pulled away and sat with her lover silently.

They sat there for a little while before they decided to head back home where Andy sat in Miranda's study on her laptop whilst Miranda did some work.


Monday Evening.

Andy walked down the hall towards the lounge juggling two big bowls of popcorn with a 6 pack of JD. Just as she reached the doorway and was going to enter the lounge she heard a key slip into the front door and the door soon opended and she saw Emily walk inside. She smiled at the Enlgish woman. "Emily!" she said. "Come on in we're about to watch the 2 hour episode premiere of The Pacific." Andy said.

Emily didn't have anything else to do for the night and decided to take Andy up on the offer and nodded her head. "Alright then. Thanks." she said and she quickly hung up the dry cleaning and put The Book down before she walked into the lounge.

She stopped instantly when she saw Alex sitting on the couch and her heart quickened.

"Help yourself to the popcorn and a drink." Andy said as she put the food down on the table next to a bag of marshmellows and a block of chocolate. "You remember Alex right?" she asked as she sat down on the floor and rested her head agaisnt the couch and got excited when the show began to start.

"Yes. Of course." Emily said. "How could I forget this beautiful woman?" she thought to herself as she sat down on the other end of the couch that Alex was sitting on and gave the woman a small smile. "Hi." she said.

"Hey there." Alex replied and smiled at Emily before she turned her eyes to the TV.

Emily turned her gaze to the TV as well and began watching the War show with her new friends.

2 hours later when the show finished Andy and Alex chattered about it before the brunette left the room and left Emily and Alex alone together.

The room was silent for a few moments before Emily decided to struck up a conversation with Alex where after they chattered for a bit she found they had a fair few things in common.


Andy walked into Miranda's study on the first floor which was down the small hallway off from the kitchen. When she entered the room she saw her lover on the couch sitting with her legs tucked under herself her glasses perched on the edge of her nose as she gazed down at a page of The Book as she sat by the lamp.

Hearing Andy enter the room Miranda looked up and smiled at her lover. "Did you enjoy your show darling?" she asked knowing how excited Andy had been for it.

Andy grinned. "Oh it was awesome." she replied as she sat next to Miranda.

Miranda smiled at Andy's enthusiasm towards the new show she liked. "I saw you invited Emily to stay."

Andy nodded. "Yeah. I like her so I might have to start hanging out with her more."

"Maybe while you're at it you can get her to calm down. She is always nervous around me and it distracts me from my work. You need to let her know that I'm not going to fire her even if she mucks up my coffee." Miranda shook her head. "I thought she'd know by now that she's the most competent assistant I've ever had and that it would be stupid of me to let her go."

"I'll see what I can do." Andy replied.

Miranda nodded and gazed back down to The Book.

"How's The Book going?" Andy asked. She bought her own legs up onto the couch and placed her elbow on the couch and rested her head in her left hand and gazed at her beautiful lover.

"Absolutely horrid." Miranda said and sighed. "They've mucked up the layout. It was not what I asked for. I fail to understand how difficult it is for them to follow some simple instructions. And these colours--" Miranda continued her rant for a couple more minutes before she sighed and smiled tiredly at Andy who she saw was watching her lovingly, this was something that always made her heart flutter; the way her Andrea looked at her. She gazed back down to The Book thankful she only had a few more pages to look at. She scribbled something down on a sticky note before she brought her left hand up to rub at her neck which was aching a litte bit tonight.

Andy noticed Miranda's slight discomfort. "C'mere. I'll give you a back rub." she said softly.

Miranda looked up and smiled at her lover gratefully. She alwas enjoyed it when her Andrea would give her a back rub. She moved so that she was sitting with her back to Andy.

Andy placed her hands on Miranda's shoulders and began rubbing.

Miranda tilted her head to the left when Andy hit a certain spot near her right shoulder and moaned softly in appreciation.

Andy grinned. She loved making Miranda feel good. It was one of her favourite things to do.

"I love being able to do this for you. Make you feel good." she said voicing her thoughts.

Miranda smiled widely. None of her ex-husbands had ever done anything like this before and this made her think of how lucky she was to have her Andrea. She tilted her head back slightly to the right and Andy leaned forward and kissed Miranda even though it was a slightly awkward angle. "I love you so so much." she whispered into Miranda's ear when they pulled away as she continued rubbing Miranda's back.

"Mmm. Yes. I love you too." Miranda replied closing her eyes as she leaned back into Andy's hands.

Andy leaned forward while her hands still moved on Miranda's shoulders as she began placing soft gentle kisses on Miranda's neck.
Miranda sighed.

"Go fill up the bath. I'll be up soon." Andy whispered as she placed another kiss on Miranda's neck before she stood from the couch.

"Hurry up." Miranda said wanting nothing more then to be able to sit in a relaxing bath with her lover.


When Andy entered the lounge Alex and Emily were alking about the English womsn job at Runway.

"Sarah's a pretty big fan of the magazine." Alex had said to her just as Andy walked into the room.

It was this that made Emily remember that she was talking to and crushing on a married woman. She couldn't believe herself. Never had she ever fallen for a married woman!

"Hey. Where'd you disappear off to for 20 minutes?" Alex asked as she saw Andy.

Andy, surprised looked at the clock on the mantel and saw that indeed 20 minutes had gone by as it was 10:50pm. "Just talked to Miranda." Andy said as she sat down.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you just talked." Alex replied.

"Shut up!" Andy said grinning as she sent a cushion flying accross the room to Alex.

Alex grinned. "I'm totally correct because she's not denying it." she said to Emily.

Emily watched as the two women bantered between one another for few minutes before she figured she should get going. Like always she had to be up early for work in the monring.

Both Andy and Alex walked Emily to the door.

"It was nice seeing you again Emily." Alex said.

Emily blushed and was glad she was standing outside in the dark so the others coudn't see her flushed cheeks. "Yes well. It was nice seeing you too." she replied.

They said their good byes and then Emily walked down to the towncar that she'd called for earlier.

Alex stayed for another 10 minutes before she decided she'd call it a night as well. She hugged Andy. "I should tell you that I spoke to Mum when you left the other day. I gave her a peice of my mind. She told me that she thinks Miranda's going to be another Carrie all over again. I think that's the only thing she's worried about Andy. Hopefully she'll think abot how rude she's been and will talk to you soon."

Andy hugged Alex again. "Thank you." she whispered.

"I also wanted to apologize for the fact that I didn't stand up for you both at dinner."

Andy waved her hand. "Whatever. You had a go at Mum once we left. I'm cool." Andy replied.

Alex smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow at work. Love you." and with that she left the house.

Andy made sure the front and back door was locked on the first floor before she quickly made her way up to the second floor where she walked into the bathroom and was greeted by the site of Mirand already sitting in the bath tub with bubbles surrounding her.

The room smelled magnificent, Andy thught, from the scent of the candles that Miranda had lit and the frangrance's she'd put in the bath. The brunette removed her clothes as Miranda watched her every move.

Andy grabbed a hair tie and pulled her hair up before she stepped forward and got into the bath. The water was nice and hot the way they both liked it. She sat down and slid over to the back of the huge tub where Miranda was sitting still watching her.

They smiled at each other and Miranda held out right arm and Andy sat next to Miranda and rested against her body.

After a while of just sitting and relaxing together Andy's hand began to wander up towards Miranda's breasts and she began to massage one and then the other over and over causing MIranda's breathing to quicken. She then leaned forward and began placing soft kisses along her lovers neck.

Andy moved her hand from Miranda's breasts lower down her body and between her legs and slid her fingers through the curls before sliding two fingers inside of her.

Miranda moaned and leaned forward and kissed Andy deeply whilst she let her own had fall down to rest on Andy's left thigh. It soon found its way between Andy's legs and they made slow love in the bath rub together and softly kissed. The night had gone to good to awesomely great, Andy thought, as she rested her head against Miranda's shoulder with a content sigh.



pairing: andy/miranda, user: pure_ecstasy6, rating: nc-17, all: fiction

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