(no subject)

Mar 28, 2010 21:43

Priestly's Piece of Paradise
by Coco (i_heart_cuddy)
rating R
pairing Miranda/Donna
disclaimer I don't own the Devil Wears Prada or Mamma Mia or Meryl Streep: I'm just borrowing them. No money is being made off of this and no infringement is intended.
summary Caroline, Cassidy, Andy, Emily and Nigel come to see how Miranda is settling into her new life of leisure. Is retirement everything Miranda dreamed it would be or is it driving her slowly over the edge into insanity?

Author's Note Continuation in the fic verse set up in Letters to the Editor

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve

Miranda paced the floor in the airport. Donna sat on a bench watching her pace and knowing the futility in asking her to calm down.

"So Miranda," she said.

Miranda stopped mid pace and turned to Donna. "Yes?"

"What do you think of the idea of Villa Donna New York?"

Miranda sat down on the bench next to Donna. "Well," she began, thinking for a moment, "I think that the natural projection of any enterprise is growth."

Donna laughed, "which is Miranda code for what?"

Miranda smiled, "I think that it's your decision because it's your hotel and your name. If you think it's a worthwhile venture and you think that it will be done well without compromising-"

"Mira." Donna cut her off. "Your opinion. You don't think I should do it, do you?"

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't say anything."

Miranda paused for a moment, "I don't think it's a bad idea."

"Mira, don't insult me." Donna smiled. "If I didn't want your honest opinion I wouldn't have asked you. Level with me."

"That is my opinion, I don't think it's a bad idea. I just haven't really formed an opinion about it yet. I want it to be your decision though, I don't want to influence you either way. I'd feel better, though, if you consulted a lawyer. I think you should talk to Lucas. Gopher worked for him and he's used to his work, if he's trying to trick you about anything Lucas will spot it."

"Do you have reason to distrust Simon?" Donna asked, "that's something I'd really be interested in."

"I wouldn't say distrust, exactly."

"Mom!" Caroline cried, dropping her carryon and running to embrace Miranda. Miranda stood just in time to be knocked back over by 120 pounds of happy teenager.

"Oh sweetie," Miranda kissed her cheek, "it's so good to have you back again." Miranda hugged her tightly.

"Donna!" Caroline cried excitedly, just noticing the smiling blond next to them, "wow, I'm spacey, I didn't even see you there. I didn't know you were here!" Caroline transferred to hugging Donna tightly.

Donna smiled adoringly, hugging her back. "I can't wait to hear all about school."

"Caroline," Miranda put her hand on her shoulder, "they're going to think your bag is a bomb if you don't go get it."


Emily woke up that morning with a gasp and no idea where she was. As she sat up in the strange bed, her head starting to throb, memories of the night before came flooding back to her. Oh god... She ran her fingers through her hair and looked around the room, she wrapped herself in the sheet and walked out into the apartment. There was no sign of Serena.

For the best, probably. Emily returned to the bedroom and started to dress. The front door opened, Emily froze. Serena appeared in the doorway, "you're up."

"I'm out. I'm leaving." Emily pulled on her blouse.

"I got lattes and egg white omlettes, stay for breakfast." Serena took Emily's hand.

Emily yanked it away from her, "just stop touching me."

Serena grinned playfully, "what a change from last night. Last night it was all 'Serena, touch me,'" she moaned breathily, "'touch me like you used to... touch me...'"

"Serena, all I can do is thank the Lord that I'm a blackout drunk." Emily sneered, now fully dressed. "I have to get home."

"Home to what?" Serena snapped, trying desperately to make Emily stay, "home to the girlfriend who called you Miranda? You should be with someone who has eyes only for you."

"She loves me."

"She loves you so much she can't remember your name?"

"Stop that!" Emily demanded, "stop trying to play mind games with me. I'm going home to my girlfriend and we are never going to speak about this again."

"You deserve someone who has eyes only for you. That's me, Liepchen, not Sachs."

Emily stood with her hand on the doorknob, gazing into Serena's eyes for a few long moments. "Goodbye, Serena." She opened the door and left.


Donna whipped up soutzoukakia with a side of falafel, at the request of Miranda. She'd missed Greek food even though at Villa Donna she often groused that she missed French food. The girls chatted excitedly as they ate, co-conspiring on their plans for the evening.

Miranda knew that it would be useless to ask if they'd stay in, considering their enthusiasm, but she did so wish they'd all spend the evening together.

Cassidy's phone rang as the girls were helping Donna clean up. "Hey Monica... you're outside? Oh, um, we're still cleaning up dinner..."

Donna nudged Cassidy, "you two go ahead. I can finish up."

Cassidy grinned, leaning up and kissing Donna's cheek. "You sure?"

"Yeah, get out of here. Have fun." Donna smiled, elbow deep dishwater.

The girls bounded out of the kitchen headed for the door. Miranda was coming down the stairs as they entered the foyer. "Hey, where are you two going?" Miranda put a hand on her hip, "there's still cleaning to be done."

"Donna said we could go." Caroline looked at Miranda pleadingly.

"And Donna's your mother now?" Miranda pursed her lips, but as she looked into their deploring eyes she knew she was beat. "Fine. Go."

"Love you!" They each squealed as they ran out the door.

"Caroline," Miranda called from the doorway, "you have work in the morning."

The car that was waiting for the twins roared to life and sped off down the street. Miranda sighed heavily, shut the door and walked into the kitchen. Donna smiled up at her but then frowned sympathetically catching Miranda's face. "Oh come here, sweetie. I know."

Miranda leaned against the counter, a deep pout carved into her features. Donna swooned, "you know I can't resist that face."

"You're such a mother. I come in pouting and you just want to cuddle me."

Donna laughed, pulling her hands out of the water and toweling off her hands. Donna cupped Miranda's face, smoothing away the pout creases. Donna leaned up and kissed Miranda's lips softly. "I always want to cuddle you. Pouting or not. And I am such a mother and I make no apologies. You are such a mother too, you know."

Miranda sighed. "I know." Miranda leaned into Donna. "I just got my whole family back and the two little hellians run off."

"They just love seeing each other and they're happy to be back together. They'll be back. They love you. They love spending time with you."

"Your feeble attempts at appeasing me are endearingly sweet but effectually useless."

"I know." Donna laughed, "and you should know by now that futility is my specialty."

"I can think of another specialty. One that I'm particularly fond of..."


Emily spent the day wholed up in Runway's offices not wanting to face going home. She didn't think she could face Andy. Finally, she figured she'd have to turn her cell phone back on at some point and when that time came she'd have to hear all of Andy's voicemails. So she figured, she may as well just go home.

Andy was at the kitchen table when Emily entered. She looked up at her girlfriend and leapt from her seat. "Emily..."

Emily shook her head. "No, don't say it." She shook her head again, "I forgive you, let's just not talk about it. I wan to take a shower and I need to sleep."

"Can I make you something to eat?" Andy asked imploringly.

"No," Emily kissed Andy once before adding, "thank you," and disappearing into the bathroom.


The next morning Caroline awoke with a groan. Cassidy, who was sleeping next to her, stirred and gave her sister a shove. "Hey." Caroline protested.

They'd been sleeping in Cassidy's friend's basement and Caroline was well aware of a monster hangover. Cassidy rubbed her eyes, "you're such a lightweight." She yawned.

"Yeah, about that." Caroline smirked, "how is it that we're genetically identical but you can drink me under the table?"

Cassidy shrugged, grinning. "Just lucky I guess."

Caroline stood up and stumbled a little. She grabbed her cell phone and looked at the time, "oh god! I'm late. Mom's gonna be pissed!" She pulled Miranda's number up. "And... I seem to have replaced mom's caller id picture with a picture of some guy's ass."

"Sweetie, I think you'll find that you replaced all your caller id pictures with that picture."

"How long did that take me?" Caroline looked up.

Cassidy snorted, "honestly, I think it would just depress you if I told you."

Caroline looked around for her shoes, cursing. "God, I'm so late."

"You'll be fine. Just grab Starbucks on your way in and just be chill about it and I bet mom won't even notice. She didn't call you, that's a good sign, right?"

"Yeah." Caroline nodded hesitantly then again, more firmly. "Yeah, it's a good sign. Alright. Peace out, sister."

"Godspeed, new Emily." Cassidy saluted as Caroline laughed and stumbled up the stairs.


Miranda was seated at her desk, rubbing her temples, feeling a caffeine withdrawal headache taking over her senses. Emily entered with a thumbdrive in hand. She held it up. "I have the photoshoot takes." Emily announced. "Would you like to choose which ones go into the issue?"

Miranda shook her head. "No. You organized the shoot, you got it done. You finish it."

Emily pulled the thumbdrive back and smiled slowly, "thank you, Miranda."

"Don't thank me. You're the editor." Miranda snorted. She rubbed her temple again. "Have you seen Caroline?"

"No, is she starting today?"

Miranda checked her watch and pursed her lips, "not at this rate."

Emily lifted her brows, knowing that she was grateful not to be on the recieving end of that lip purse. "Uh, I'm going to go get myself a coffee. Can I get you one?"

Miranda looked up at Emily like she was an angel sent from heaven. She nodded gratefully. Emily retreated. As Emily walked down the hallway she saw Caroline coming and diverted herself in the other direction.

Caroline walked up cautiously to Miranda's office. She stepped inside, "hi mom."

Miranda looked up and scowled. "I was about to file a missing persons report on you."

Caroline set the cup of coffee she was carrying in front of her mother. "I'm sorry, mom. Cassidy and I just got a little carried away last night and-" Caroline was cut off by Miranda standing.

"Caroline, I am going to be unusually generous because you're my daughter and I love you but this is your one - and, mark my words, only warning." Miranda's scowl deepened as she talked. "You waltz in here no less than four hours late and you are clearly hung over. Go sit at your desk and get to work on the to-do list I made for you."

Caroline blinked, her eyes were wet but no tears fell. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

Miranda took a sip of her coffee, "and this coffee's cold!" Miranda raged, throwing it into the trash next to her desk. The motion causing her forelock to fall into her face, managing only to make her look more fierce, almost feral.

"Do you want me to get you another one?" Caroline asked softly.

"I told you to go to your desk." Miranda said in a quiet rage, pointing to the outer office.

Caroline watched her for another moment before retreating submissively from the office. She settled into the seat that was Emily's for four years. Taped to the blotter was a to-do list for her. She picked it up and read it over. She got up from the desk and ventured into Miranda's office.

Miranda looked up challengingly. "Yes?"

"I don't know where any of these places are." Caroline held up the list.

Miranda set down her glasses and sat back in her chair. "Caroline, if you can't do this job I'll hire someone who can. Clear?"

"Crystal." Caroline turned on her heel and left the office, grabbing her purse and heading down the hallway. She stopped a woman in the hallway, "hey, could you help me. Can you tell me where these things are?" Caroline showed her the list.

"I had to write a fucking term paper on Human Rights in the Third World for you once." The blonde sneered at her. "Find them yourself."

"I got a B on that paper, jerk!" Caroline scowled as the woman walked away. Once she was out on the street she dialed Andy's number. "Biiig favor. I need help with my slave duties. I just need directions."


Emily set the steaming hot cup of Starbucks in front of Miranda. Miranda picked it up and took a big, burning, gulp and smiled with contentment. "Thank you." She said taking another sip.

"Welcome." Emily smiled a little.

"Emily," Miranda caught her attention as the Brit turned to leave. "Would you and Andrea like to join us for dinner, tomorrow night at the townhouse?"

The redhead nodded, "yeah. That would be nice."


Caroline sat in the back of the car as it carried her away from the Bronx where she'd been sent to acquire a few pieces from an up and coming designer Miranda had decided to patronize. She wiped at her eyes and picked up her cell phone, "Cass?"

"Hey, sweetie, what's wrong?" Cassidy asked in a hushed voice. "I don't have a lot of time."

"Mom is so mean." A few tears slid down her cheeks, "she's horrible to work for, she's a demon, she's a huge fucking bitch."

"Oh, hon, I know." Cassidy moved away from the phone, "hey! I didn't say you could stop! Switch teams, you're not helpless, don't treat me like an idiot!"

"You come by it honestly, I guess." Caroline smiled a little.

"They're playing softball and one team just got three outs and they stand there like they don't know what to do next. Like they need me to tell them how to wipe their asses."

"You hate your job as much as I hate mine?"

"No, not at all." Cassidy shook her head, "they're good kids, they're just high schoolers. Think they can pull a fast one on me, you know, just like we tried in high school."

"How did you pull a job where you're alpha bitch and I get one where I'm the bitch?"

Cassidy sighed, "literally? You were the one who volunteered to work for mom. Psychologically, you're a much bigger sucker for punishment than I am. But, Caro, I have to go, doing my job, you know. Try not to piss mom off by not doing yours, okay?"

"Easier said than done. Peace out, sister."

"Hey Cassidy!" One of the boys yelled, "DeSean got hit by the ball!"

Cassidy pocketed her cell phone and ran over. DeSean was sitting next to home plate on the ground. "Hey, what happened?" Cassidy touched his shoulder gently, leaning down to see the damage.

"I just couldn't get out of the way of the ball, it hit me in the shoulder."

Cassidy nodded, "may I see?"

"May I?" DeSean laughed, "this isn't prepschool."

"Yeah, yeah, smart ass." Cassidy smiled, "pull up your sleeve." Cassidy looked at the darkening bruise on his shoulder. "Oh yeah, that's going to be big and deep, it's going to be a really badass bruise, you're gonna get a lot of female sympathy, tiger."

DeSean laughed. "Starting with you?"

"Me? No. I'm an ice queen, remember? And speaking of which," Cassidy looked up to one of his friends, "Jake, can you go get an ice pack from the nurse and a couple of aspirin if his parents cleared it?"

Jake nodded and ran off into the building. When Jake returned he had Janet WIlliams with him. "Cassidy, what happened?"

"He said he got hit with a pitch."

"He said? You weren't watching?" Janet folded her arms across her chest.

"I had to take an urgent call from my sister. I wasn't more than 5 feet away the whole time. I was looking, I just turned away for a minute."

"It's true, Ms. Williams." Isabelle jumped in to help, "it was an urgent call and she was still here, she even kept giving us instructions."

"It was a split second happenstance."

Janet was stunned that these kids who'd driven off three other supervisors were standing up for Cassidy. DeSean looked up at her, "it just hit me in the shoulder, it's a common baseball thing. I'm fine." He held the ice pack to his shoulder, "and she was really good about knowing what to do."

Janet sighed, "alright, Ms. Priestly, but next time you have to take an urgent call, keep your eye on the field while you're doing it or send someone to come get me?"

"Yes." Cassidy nodded.


Miranda opened the door to the townhouse and put her jacket in the closet. "Mira!" Donna smiled, meeting her in the foyer, "I went out exploring a little today."

"Oh?" Miranda smiled and kissed Donna softly.

"I found a wonderful open air market and I picked up so many wonderful foods. I am making you a feast fit for a queen." Donna grinned.

"You spoil me. You're too good to me, you know."

Donna batted her eyelashes, "oh, I know. And I expect compensation later."

"My dear, you will be amply compensated. If it takes me all night, I will work tirelessly to compensate you." Miranda whispered. Donna moaned breathily, leaning into Miranda.

"Oh, shit!" Donna announced as she turned and fled for the kitchen, thowing over her shoulder, "I left the meat on the stove!"

"I'll be in in a moment to supervise." Miranda laughed, hearing Donna's heartwarming giggle in return. Miranda gently removed her jewelry and set them on the table when a knock came upon the door.

Miranda opened it and a man in a brown uniform consulted his clipboard. "Is this 141 73rd St.?" Miranda confirmed impatiently. "Sign here, then."

Miranda resisted the sigh that threatened and accepted the package from him. He smiled a little and she closed the door. It was addressed to Donna, Miranda didn't miss that and she was loathe to admit that she might intrude upon Donna's business. It was with that in mind that she slid it open gently, careful not to tear the envelope. Sliding the contents from the envelope she saw quickly that it was a draft of a contract for Villa Donna New York, looking up to make sure there were no witnesses, she tucked the contract into her oversized Prada bag, sitting innocently in the closet, completely unaware that it was to be used as an instrument of deception.

pairing: andy/emily, pairing: miranda/other, all: fiction, user: i_heart_cuddy, rating: r, genre: crossover

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