(no subject)

Mar 05, 2010 20:45

Priestly's Piece of Paradise
by Coco (i_heart_cuddy)
rating R
pairing Miranda/Donna
disclaimer I don't own the Devil Wears Prada or Mamma Mia or Meryl Streep: I'm just borrowing them. No money is being made off of this and no infringement is intended.
summary Caroline, Cassidy, Andy, Emily and Nigel come to see how Miranda is settling into her new life of leisure. Is retirement everything Miranda dreamed it would be or is it driving her slowly over the edge into insanity?

Author's Note Continuation in the fic verse set up in Letters to the Editor

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten

Emily looked up as Serena planted herself in front of the chair in the break room. "What?" Emily asked tiredly.

"It's quitting time. Come on, liepchen, let's get a drink."

"I'm not going anywhere with you. I hate it when you call me liepchen and that's a really ugly dress on you."

Serena laughed, "you picked it out yourself for this month's shoot."

"It makes you look stumpy." Emily grumbled.

"Liepchen, I'm 6'1," and I haven't met a dress yet that could make me look stumpy."

"Fine. You're tall, statuesque and you have a set of legs that goes on for miles." Emily looked up at Serena. "Now go away."

"You're really never going to forgive me?" Serena sighed.

Emily cocked an eyebrow, looking back down to her work. "If you have to ask..."

Serena pulled a chair up to Emily's. Emily pointedly ignored her. Serena put a hand on Emily's arm, effectively pulling her attention away from her work. "Liepchen- Emily," Serena corrected herself before Emily could protest, "when I broke up with you... it didn't feel good."

"Nobody twisted your arm." Emily sneered.

"No, nobody did." Serena shook her head, "it was one mistake I made entirely on my own. You always talked about forever. You were so young, I'm ten years older than you and I panicked a little. Okay, I panicked a lot. I thought how could you possibly know what you wanted when you were still figuring out who you were. I realized I was the one who was still figuring out who I was. I was so naive to think you didn't know what you wanted."

Emily stared at her in disbelief.

"Emily, when I broke up with you, I made the biggest mistake that I've ever made. I know that. But I'm happy that you've found your forever."

"Yeah..." Emily was nearly speechless.

"I'd like to still be your friend. I'd like it if we could put it behind us." Serena looked at Emily pleadingly, "Emily, I've been trying to be coy but I can't do it anymore. I just want you to say you forgive me. I want you to say we can still be friends."

Emily was torn between being flattered, offended and self-satisfied. She watched Serena for a few long moments pondering the sincerity before she finally nodded, "yes, alright." Emily nodded, "alright, I forgive you."

"We can be friends again?"

Emily nodded, afraid to speak.

"I'm glad." Serena smiled brightly. She stood, "so how about that drink?"

Emily shook her head, "no, I'm working."

"What does Ms. Sachs think of you working so late?"

Emily looked up again and scrutinized Serena for a few long moments. "I'd be surprised if she even notices."

"Trouble in paradise?" Serena bit her lip.

"Don't do that." Emily scolded.

"Do what?"

"Flirt." Emily narrowed her eyes.

Serena put a hand on her chest. "Me? Liepchen, you cut me to the quick. I was merely pointing out as a friend that it sounds as if you went looking for forever and found an absentee."

"I'm not discussing this with you." Emily shook her head. "You can just forget that."

"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow, hm?" Serena mussed up Emily's hair playfully and was met with a harrowing glare, to which she only smiled. Emily glared at her retreating form. Once she was gone from sight and ear shot she shook her head going back to her work.


This time when the front door opened and a sleepy woman looked up from the couch, it was Emily who offered a small apologetic smile. "Didn't mean to wake you." Emily whispered.

Andy shook her head, sitting up, "I'm glad you did, I was waiting up for you."

Emily sat down on the couch next to her. "Why?"

"Because I wanted to say that I'm sorry." Andy admitted. "I wouldn't like it any better if Miranda came into the Mirror and tried to tell me how to do my job. I understand that it's really hard on you having Miranda back in New York. It was selfish of me to just be happy to have my friend back and not think of how it affected you."

Emily looked down at her feet. Andy leaned over, nudging Emily gently with her nose. Emily smiled, reaching up and cupping Andy's cheek.

"Still love me?" Andy whispered against Emily's temple, placing a soft kiss there.

"Yeah." Emily wiped at her eyes, she turned and kissed Andy's forehead. "Duh."

"So what do you say, sailor?" Andy's lips kissed down Emily's neck, "take me to bed?"

Emily stood up from the couch, taking Andy by the hands and pulling her up and against her body. Andy's arms wrapped around Emily's waist as she dragged her to their bedroom.

Emily made quick of work of Andy's clothes as they struggled down the hall. It didn't escape Andy's attention that Emily was always so haphazard about Andy's clothes but was always so protective of her own. Andy was determined one day to rip an expensive and beautiful outfit off of her lover. She figured it would be best saved for a time when there relationship wasn't so rocky.

Andy only had her underwear left when they toppled into bed. Andy grinned at the lust in Emily's eyes. Emily stood back, stripping off her own clothes and climbing over Andy on the bed. Emily's warm thighs moved over Andy's, her skin flushed.

Andy arched her back into Emily's body, Emily groaned. She loved the feeling of Andy's figure pressed against hers, the ample breasts, the womanly size six hips, it was intoxicating. One thing that Emily had always loved about the way Andy's body felt on her own was that, because she was a little thinner than Andy, she couldn't feel her all pressed against her at once.

"You are so sexy," Andy whispered into Emily's ear right before pushing her fingers up into Emily. Emily moaned and sat up, rocking against the fingers. Her hands splayed out over Andy's abdomen, sliding up toward her breasts.

Andy pulled her legs up so that Emily could lean back against them and Andy could penetrate deeper. Emily bucked rhythmically against the thrusting, reaching out and cupping a breast in each hand, kneading the flesh, pinching the nipples. Andy bucked up, the force of her hips helping thrust her fingers still deeper into Emily.

Andy started to sit up, holding Emily tighter to her body as she probed her. Emily clutched Andy desperately, her fingers digging into her back. Andy felt Emily's body start to spasm, she turned them over pinning Emily to the bed so she couldn't escape.

Emily cried out incoherent rantings as she rolled her hips and moaned and groaned. Andy kept right on thrusting into Emily, knowing that she hadn't yet reached full capacity. One of Andy's favorite discoveries about Emily was that if she was brought to three orgasms in a row, she'd ejaculate on the third one.

Based on Emily's cries and jerky movements, Andy knew she was rounding off two and it was only a matter of moments before... Andy moaned loudly, feeling herself throbbing with arousal as the hot liquid flowed freely from Emily, soaking Andy's hand and forearm as well as the sheets beneath her.

When Andy rolled over, feeling sated and awed. She grinned as she turned her head to look at Emily. Emily grunted, "you just love doing that, don't you?"

Andy just nodded, continuing to grin from ear to ear.

Emily laughed, covering Andy's eyes, "stop grinning like that. It can't be that exciting the fiftieth time around."

Andy took Emily's hand and kissed the palm, "first of all, it's only like the twentieth time I've done that, you usually don't let me get that far."

"That's because it's really intense. I just can't deal with it all the time."

"I know," Andy smiled, kissing Emily's hand, "I'm not complaining, I just want you to feel good. And secondly, I always grin like an idiot after I make you come."

"I had noticed that."


Cassidy was lounging on the bleachers casually inspecting her fingernails when the kids filed in. Janet Williams cast Cassidy an unnoticed skeptical look before disappearing back into the building. The kids didn't bother to hide their surprise that they hadn't frightened her off.

Cassidy stretched and stood. "We meet again."

"You have a pair showing up here again." One of the boys scoffed, crossing his arms.

"No. See, you misunderstand me, I have an iron will. Trust me, I don't scare that easily." Cassidy dribbled the basketball she'd brought with her. "I'm here to facilitate sports. That's what I'm going to do."

A particularly confrontational girl, who honestly couldn't be a day over eleven, stepped forward into Cassidy's space. "Think again."

Cassidy let the basketball fall to the pavement and she grabbed the girl by her shirt, "I'm here to do a job and no punk ass teenager is going to keep me from that." She let the girl go and she stumbled backwards. "You all read that loud and clear?"

"You can't talk to us like that!" A few of the kids from the crowd protested.

"Oh yeah? My father is Lucas Gregson and my mother is Miranda Priestly. There's not a damn thing I could do or say that couldn't be made to go away. Keep that in mind." Cassidy stared them down for a moment, giving them time for the weight of her empty threat to settle into their minds. "Line up on center court, we're going to practice foul shots. Move!"


Miranda was settled into the back of the town car as it rolled along. Her day had been so trying that she'd done something that she never did: kicked off her shoes in the car. Her blackberry vibrated. Miranda took it out and was surprised to see that Donna was calling.

"Hey beautiful," Miranda greeted warmly, "what are you doing up at this hour?"

"I couldn't sleep." Donna confessed, burrowing into her pillows pitifully. "I wish you were here."

"There's no place I'd rather be," Miranda felt the twang of home sickness. "I miss you and I miss Kalokairi. I can't wait to come home."

"Oh Miranda, it warms my heart to hear you call Villa Donna home."

"Really it's anyplace where you are that's home." Miranda switched the phone to the other ear. "Don't get me wrong, I love getting to spend time with Cassidy again and I'm looking forward to Caroline's return as well, but I miss you."

"I miss you too." Donna rolled over onto her back, "I think you took my sense of normalcy with you."

"Sweetheart, I don't have it. It must be misplaced." Miranda smirked, "is something bothering you? Is that why you can't sleep?"

"See right through me, do you?" Donna sighed.

Miranda laughed softly, "I'm terrible at that sort of thing. It's just five lines into the conversation and you haven't moved on to your happy stories about the villa."

"Well," Donna sat up again, fidgeting around with pillows. "Sophie's pregnant."

"Oh." Miranda answered, not sure what else to say.

"That was about all I could manage too." Donna admitted, pulling her knees up to her chin, "it's not that I'm not happy for her, if she wants that. I just don't want her to feel stuck, and I feel like I can't tell her that without making it sound like I regret her in some way."

Miranda nodded knowingly, "thus the insomnia." The car pulled up to the curb, Ron got out and opened Miranda's door. She got right out and headed for the townhouse door.

Donna nodded, "when you had the twins it was because you were happy where you were, you were stable in your career. That's what I wanted for Sophie."

"That's a good way to put it, but you don't have to use me as an example. I would generally avoid using me as an example if you want to encourage her to be a normal, well-adjusted person." Once inside the townhouse, she closed the door and started putting away her accessories.

Donna laughed, "Miranda, you're so funny."

"You're delirious." Miranda smiled warmly at Donna, wishing she was there, cuddling her as she fell asleep. "Why don't you try and sleep. Call me in the morning?

Donna yawned a little, "okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

When Miranda hung up she poked her head into Cassidy's bedroom, "how was your second day of work?"

Cassidy looked up with a smug grin, "three words, mom: Veni. Vidi. Vici."

"That's my girl." Miranda smiled.

pairing: andy/emily, pairing: miranda/other, all: fiction, user: i_heart_cuddy, rating: r, genre: crossover

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