Three applications you have voted on:
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Name/Nickname: Cami, Ciel, Chibi-Liet
Would you mind if you are stamped as the opposite gender?:Nope, not at all.
Is this a re-stamp? If it is, who were you previously stamped as?:Not a restamp
What do you like/love:I love animals, taco bell, yaoi, sunshine, japan, art, Books, music, video games, the Japanese language, The german language, accents, Vocaloids, Cosplay, ADVENTURE TIMEEE, Flapjack, Invader Zim
What do you dislike/hate:I really don't like small spiders, heights, and I'm pretty scared of roller coasters. I thoroughly dislike them. I actually don't really like change, I want things to stay as they are, and never have to be any different. I dislike a lot of things about people, not being dedicated, repeating stuff over and over again, money problems.
Strengths: I'm generous, kind, caring, thoughtful, I love to make people laugh and I usually have a smile on my face
Weaknesses:I can be a bit selfish sometimes, and very childish. Sometimes i look back on my actions of the previous day and wonder why I acted that way, and I don't like that. I'm extremely shy around new people, but i warm up fast. I keep all my thoughts to myself and let them build up.
Describe your personality: (give at least a paragraph of 4 - 5 sentences here about your personality) I'm usually a very happy go-lucky, optimistic person, and even though there are problems, I try to smile and make the best of everything. Although,I usually keep feelings inside and let them build up, and eventually they come out when no one's around. I love my friends as if they were my family, and will sacrifice anything for them. I also spend alot of time on the computer, which I sometimes regret. I love to meet new people with similar interests and I'm a total Otaku, I'll relate anything to anime or yaoi if I can. I'm very devoted to the people around me and try to be the best friend I can, but sometimes I do it wrong and end up very upset, because I don't want to lose them.
Hobbies:Drawing, writing, singing, dancing, playing video games, watching TV, I like to swim, but its not the season yet, I also like to ride horses,but I live in the city, oh well...
Goals/Dreams: I really would love to be fluent in japanese and live there for a little while..I was only there for 2 weeks, but I felt so content there.
Fears:I'm afraid of losing my friends, that is my greatest fear, I'm also afraid of heights and people holding me in a position where I can't escape, it really makes me uncomfortable.
Favorite Color: Red~ <3
Mature or Childish?: I'm mostly mature about situations, but i can be VERY childish.
Lead or Follow?: I'm all right with either, but I'm not very good at leading, and no one usually listens to me...But I can still do it.
Outgoing or Shy? I'm extremely outgoing and nice to people who talk to me first. If I'm required to talk to someone first, it'll take me five minutes to gain the courage to do so, so I'm pretty dern shy.
Upbeat or Calm?: Calm when I'm alone and not doing much and just...chill, but usually upbeat all the time
Impulsive or Cautious?: I'm very cautious. I think about the situation, what would come of it if it were to go wrong, but if everyone seems all right with it, I relax and go along with it.
Logical or Imaginative?: Imaginative~ My mind is always goin.
And Here's DURARARA!!
Favorite Character and WHY:Ohhh man, i have to pick? Um....Well, my first favorite character was Izaya, and I still love him. I always go for the psycho, somethings not right with them/they know more than the viewer does type of characters. Just that little smile of his. He's
What do you think about the series? Good? Bad? Any opinions?:I adore it. It was a little slow at first, but by the time episode 3 rolled around, I loved it. I remember wanting to watch it even more because of the seiyuu who were in it <3
Whose character design is the best according to you?:I love Celty's design, to be honest, but I also really like Shizuo...Those sunglasses at night.
Any favorite pairings?:Shizuo x Izaya, Shinra x Celty<3
What episode that appeals to you the most?:I've been really liking the recent ones, but I REALLY liked 3 and 12. Maybe because 3 was the one where stuff started getting awesome, and 12 was when a pairing became uber canon.
Masaomi is asking you to hang out with him and he lets you choose where to go! So, to what kind of place would you go to?:Awww, lets go to Animate, Kida-kun!~ If you don't wanna stay long, we can catch a movie after~
Have you ever thought of doing suicide?:No, I don't really see what i would gain, I would be gone, nothing would be accomplished
Do you believe in legends/myths?: Of course I do. I believe in all sorts of sprites, gods, goddesses...
What kind of sushi do you like?:I love me some yellowtail and eel(unagi)...They're so good...I know Unagi is cooked, but I can't resist...I also really like Ootoro
You encounter a gang/dangerous person/someone who wants to hurt you-- real bad! What course of action would you take if you happen to meet them?:......RUN LIKE HELL or try to lure them into an area with more people so they can help me...Please?
You are about to be transferred to another city so that you can attend a particular school there! Sounds like fun! What kind of things do you expect upon moving there?: I expect a bunch of new friends, new experiences, new places to hang out and a great time...Hopefully some interesting rumors.
Do you prefer to make friends on the Internet (or any other long-distance communication) or by meeting them in person?I prefer to make friends that I meet in person, because then there are no secrets of age and appearance. Internet I used to do but I was very cautious with it, because you never know who you're really talking to
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one:
My hair is a bit different now, its short on the right side and longish and wavy on the left....I'm 4'2 (little person) and my glasses are thick-rimmed.
Any final words?:I'm going to be cosplaying Shinra soon, I'm excited! Also, sorry if I repeated myself alot in this application... XD