Three applications you have voted on:
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Name/Nickname: Sara/Sarita
Gender: Female
Would you mind if you are stamped as the opposite gender?: Not at all :D
Is this a re-stamp? If it is, who were you previously stamped as?: -
What do you like/love: Writing, journalism, literature, napping, cute things, debates, and anything that has to do with Japan/Japanese culture.
What do you dislike/hate: Dishonesty, ignorance, stress, and although it's very odd, flamingos.
Strengths: Caring, honest, open-minded, creative, determined, optimistic.
Weaknesses: Stubborn, lazy, forgetful, procrastinator, somewhat vulgar, indecisive.
Describe your personality: I'm generally a people-pleaser; but not because I'm worried about what others think, but because I like to see others happy. I always try to be open-minded and understand what others have to say, but I hardly ever let that get in the way of my own personal beliefs. I have a very strong sense of self and I'm not ashamed to admit who I am to the world, no matter how embarrassing or strange it may be. Although I love being surrounded by people I care about, I also greatly enjoy being in solitude. I always try to make the most out of everything and look at the positive side of any situation. I can also be a total marshmallow and find just about everything to be either sweet, adorable, or just so beautiful I could cry. Which half of the time, I do.
Hobbies: Writing, doodling, daydreaming, drawing, reading (especially manga), lurking the interwebz.
Goals/Dreams: I have two main goals in life, which is to visit Japan as much as possible and to make a living out of my writing.
Fears: Time, roaches and bicycles.
Favorite Color: Red.
Mature or Childish?: Mostly mature. But I definitely have my ridiculously childish moments.
Lead or Follow?: It really depends on the situation.
Outgoing or Shy? Outgoing.
Upbeat or Calm?: Again, depends.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Impulsive.
Logical or Imaginative?: Imaginative.
And Here's DURARARA!!
Favorite Character and WHY: Shizuo, because although he's a bundle of beastly instincts he has a very calm and caring side that wishes to change.
What do you think about the series? Good? Bad? Any opinions?: It's definitely the best I've seen in awhile. I think it's pretty brilliant actually, and it's made me think a lot since the time I first watched it.
Whose character design is the best according to you?: Celty, really. She's the most un-creepy headless chick ever. And there's a lot of mystery surrounding her character.
Any favorite pairings?: Shizaya 8D ;; and Shinra/Celty
What episode that appeals to you the most?: Omg episode 7, when Shizuo gets to tell his little history.
Masaomi is asking you to hang out with him and he lets you choose where to go! So, to what kind of place would you go to?: Russian Sushi, of course~
Have you ever thought of doing suicide?: Nope.
Do you believe in legends/myths?: I'd like to. They definitely interest me.
What kind of sushi do you like?: Any kind. I'm a sushi fanatic.
You encounter a gang/dangerous person/someone who wants to hurt you-- real bad! What course of action would you take if you happen to meet them?: I'd probably try to outsmart them or distract them, and run like hell when given the chance.
You are about to be transferred to another city so that you can attend a particular school there! Sounds like fun! What kind of things do you expect upon moving there?: Exploring all the cities' popular spots first, and of course getting to know some of the people in the city.
Do you prefer to make friends on the Internet (or any other long-distance communication) or by meeting them in person? I find it easier to make friends online, but I find it difficult to get close to someone online, as well. Generally I guess I'd prefer meeting them in person.
Please describe how you look or share a picture if you have one:
Any final words?: ...not really, no