Guide: Using Textures

May 09, 2006 16:23

Intro: I can't even begin to say how many times I've been told, "I love your textures, but I have no idea how to use them!" So, in an effort to alleviate my usual shrugging response and maybe enlighten what textures can be used for and, possibly, even, how to use them, here's a small tutorial. I'm not kidding when I say small. I'm really, really ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

peaceolgy May 10 2006, 01:33:35 UTC
Ok, I have a question. I'm using PSPX and everytime I try to use textures it always turns to the color of my palette, I had no clue why... I'm complelty stumpted...
Any help would be awesome!


hermintage May 10 2006, 01:47:01 UTC
Sorry, but I can't help you. I have no idea when it comes to PSP.


peaceolgy May 10 2006, 03:03:56 UTC
Alright, cool.

I suppose I shall ask now :-P.

Oh, I forgot to mention, awesome tut! Hopefully I can use it once I figure it out!!


x_jerseygirl October 10 2006, 23:32:12 UTC
I use PSP7, but I'd reckon it's the same. Go to colors-->increase color depth-->16 million colors. Hope that helped!


lavaliere May 10 2006, 04:27:46 UTC
Thanks for the tutorial/explination. Using this in conjunction with a couple other tutorials, I've made this and this. +mems.

Yes, I did use your textures. ♥ They're very pretty.


gloryforever May 10 2006, 04:38:02 UTC
pretty useful, thanks!


30yearwar May 10 2006, 05:21:18 UTC
I love it! It's great and easy to understand! Mem+


iwaswrongforyou May 10 2006, 05:34:47 UTC
oh man, your Colin Meloy ones are awesome...I mean right off the bat they're amazing because's Colin Meloy...but they look even amazing-er...


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