Placebo moodspam

Nov 09, 2010 20:57

I was feeling nostalgic lately, so I went over to YouTube and watched some old Placebo videos. I have to admit that while this band is still among my favourites, they used to be so much better. The first 3, maybe 4 albums were pure gold, and the videos were great, too. I believe the same goes for videos in general: the 90's - early 2000's produced ( Read more... )

fan rant, mood, raving lunatic, i am one, liiiiiiiisssst

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Comments 22

istne_pieklo November 9 2010, 21:15:40 UTC
Awwww! <333 Now I'm feeling nostalgic too)))))
Hey, why didn't you include Teenage Angst?))) It's so... red! XDDD
Ugh, I remember how Shelly and I used to fangirl Placebo during our English lessons and in Uagadugu))) Slave to the Wage was the first vid I saw on TV))) And I think, also the first song I liked))) Special K was the first song I heard on Ultra)))) Pure Morning made me want to buy black nail polish!
I agree about videos having been better in the past... As little I was any music channel lately, I can see that most vids are boring and all look the same. There are, however, a few exceptions.
Tbh I haven't even seen any of Placebo's new vids))
you're either crazy or Erin Since when are those things not the same? XDDDDD


dune_master November 9 2010, 21:23:56 UTC
Haha, that was part of my treacherous plan. ;)

I don't know. I like it, but I sort of got sidetracked by 36 degrees. ;)

Oh, good memories, eh? I remember plenty of stuff connected to these songs and videos.

Like what, for example?

You haven't lost much. They're all the same, rather boring, and to be frank, I'm sort of boycotting new!Steve.

Btw the proper!Steve plays in another band now. Have you heard it? Love Amongst Ruin. It's pretty good.

Oh, right. Sorry. ;)


istne_pieklo November 9 2010, 21:30:50 UTC
Yeah, I figured you out)))))
I'm pretty sure you're gonna hate the song (or you already do), but watch the vid.
I honestly enjoyed it. I saw it first time on TV in Bulgaria)) It has a story and some really good visuals.
For now, it's the first thing that comes to mind. XDDD
I think I heard one song, but for some reason I didn't hunt down any more songs... Got any recs?))


dune_master November 9 2010, 21:38:53 UTC
Oh, well, Eminem mostly has really good videos, even if I dislike most of his songs. This one is digestible, although I have to admit I can't stand Rihanna. Is that the Lost/LOTR bloke in the video? That's certainly a good thing in my book. ;)

I like videos with story. Or at least good visuals. Eminem's absolute number 1 for me is Stan. Predictable, eh?

No recs in particular, just click every link. ;) It's worth attention. It's interesting how they're all doing pretty different music on their own: Placebo, Hotel Persona, and LAR.


helike November 10 2010, 12:22:23 UTC
Well... I did read everything even though I did not listen to everything. Makes me half-crazy? :P


dune_master November 10 2010, 17:51:03 UTC
Perhaps. Though I can't imagine the point of reading the commentary without watching the videos. :)

Do you wish to be half-crazy?


helike November 11 2010, 10:50:55 UTC
Well... The music did not quite suit my tastes, so... ^^;

I think I already am? :P


dune_master November 11 2010, 17:31:25 UTC
Haha, I wasn't asking why you didn't watch. I was asking why you read. ;)



satalex November 12 2010, 12:04:55 UTC
Never actually was a fan of this band, never even familiarized myself with the music, but recently it's grown on me. But this summer I realized that listening to this band too much does me harm of sorts xD Their songs make me high and insane at first, then depressed and wishing to get drunk and drown %)
Out of the videos I like Nancy Boy (surreal) and Taste In Men (hotness) best, as for the songs apart from the videos, Special K is my new drug %))


satalex November 12 2010, 12:28:39 UTC
Ah, the first video I saw was Carbon Kid (thought it's not Placebo really))), and was really impressed by it back then %)


dune_master November 12 2010, 18:57:56 UTC
I think you've just given me an idea for another music spam. XPP


dune_master November 12 2010, 18:54:24 UTC
Haha, then keep away from Meds; it has some really depressing songs. XPP The earlier ones are emotional, too, but in a different key, I'd say. Some songs from Meds are exactly like you've described: drinking and drowning. XPP


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