
Oct 21, 2009 22:23

I'm bored like hell. And when I'm bored, oh well, I do shit like this. ^_~ And you know how much I love lists!

Pick 10 fictional characters you would have sex with.

No particular order by the way. And another NB: it's not so much about appearance, but about everything, including what kind of characters they are.

1) Curt Wild (Velvet Goldmine). I mean, look at the guy! I don't think any comments are needed. And his last name tells us all we need to know: he's wild.

2) Brian Kinney (Queer as Folk - US). Doesn't really need any explanations either.

3) Alex Mahone (Prison Break). I have thing for older men these days. XPP Mahone got me through watching PB even when it wasn't at its best.

4) Gregory House (House). It's HOUSE, hello! Needless to say, I've been crushing on both Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry since before I was born probably.

5) John Preston (Equilibrium). The bloke's so out of tune with his emotions that he just needs to get laid. And I happen to find him hot. Also, men in uniforms... I know I'm predictable. ^_~

6) Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars). Because he was cool before Anakin became cool. And he appeared in all six movies. And I wouldn't fuck C-3PO even if you paid me.

7) Mizoguchi (The Temple of the Golden Pavilion). YES, I'M THAT SICK. XDDDDD

8) Sylar (Heroes). He's so crazy and so full of super powers...

And now, SURPRISE! There are two ladies on the list.

9) Gretchen Morgan (Prison Break). Maybe it's the gun? ;)))

10) Niki Sanders (Heroes). You get two instead of one. *_*

Aside from all of the above, there is a huge list of BOOK characters, but that's way too long. In a nutshell, I'm still not past the "fucks everything that moves" phase. *grins*

liiiiiiiisssst, idioteque

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