Title: Notes from the (temporal) Journey
Summary: Where the future might lead Jack didn't know, but after nearly dying the thought of even having a future was a feeling like being drunk on champagne.
Characters: Jack, Nine, Rose
Spoilers: The Doctor Dances
Rating: Mild PG
Word count: 6421
Notes: Written for
wendymr who won me over at
help_haiti and who wanted to
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Comments 34
This is gorgeous and I love it.
I adore post-TDD stories showing how Jack found his place with the Doctor and Rose. He's so certain, here, that he's going to be kicked out, and then when that doesn't happen that he's going to be judged and found wanting (and, incidentally, I just loved the Doctor's one-word answer, Potential, when Jack asked what he saw in humans). And then when he shows he's a hero after all - not that we had any doubt - and almost kills himself for it... that gave me a lump in my throat :) You write these three wonderfully.
And perfect final line:
"Welcome aboard," the Doctor said, and Jack fell asleep with the sensation of the Doctor's hand resting on his shoulder.
Thank you!
One tiny suggestion: check your paragraph breaks, as sometimes you only have one hard return, so there's not a clear para break.
And please link this one betterwiththree!
It was too late for backpedalling now. Jack was travelling with a Destroyer of Worlds, and the being was answering his questions.
Oh, yes. Fear and wonder.
Re-reading this, I love it all the more. I did notice what might be a typo. Should 'temporal' be 'temporary'?
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