Title: "True Friendship"
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles & Scott friendship. Only pre-slash if you want it to be. Scott/Isaac implied but off screen.
Rating: PG-12
Summary: Scott kneaded his hands nervously and took a step back. “I'll do it!“ he said.
“I'll do it! I'll do it for you!“
Stiles was puzzled. “Risking you think I'm stupid but what the heck are you talking about? What do you want?“
True friendship shows in what you're ready to do for someone.
Word Count: 1.459 words
Warnings: Pseudo-incest, friendship, fluff, developing relationship, first time, boys being boys.
A/N: Originally written for
rei17 for the christmas challenge at
This is a translation of a story I wrote originally in German as a gift for rei17. It's called
"Wahre Freundschaft" and you can find it here.
Because I had a bit of writer's block I thought translating this old thing would maybe help to kickstart my creativity again.
Beta: Thanks to liz_mo!
DW True Friendship