Aug 15, 2004 09:13
IM gonna leave 4 Palm Springs really soon. After that im gonna go to sleep away camp. Im going to miss everyone!! Ill be back next week!
Aug 13, 2004 23:00
Well the camp im just at ended which means that the school year is really close. It sucks soooo much.
Aug 08, 2004 19:36
I went to Nicoles party today. We filled a balloon with shaving cream and we put shaving cream around it then we shaved it with a razor. It was fun when the balllon popped and all the shving cream flew everywhere. Yeah so Nicoles real birthday is tommorrow and Happy Birthday Nicole!!!
Aug 07, 2004 15:45
Im about to go to Ashleys birthday party now.
Happy Birthday Ashley!
Aug 04, 2004 17:54
I'm soooo happy that we are actually starting to dance in camp instead of wasting our whole time galloping like 3 year olds. The class still sucks but o well at least its a little bit better!
Aug 03, 2004 22:25
Camp is turning out to be a lot of fun except for dance because all we do is like gallop and its really retararted. Yeah but my other classes are turning out to be a lot of fun and because we get to be creative and do stuff that is a lot more fun. Well comment!
Aug 02, 2004 08:13
Hey im at Emilys house and we are about to go to camp for the first time today! I slept over last night and we had a lot of fun! Help me think of a sn!!
Aug 01, 2004 09:21
Im soooooooo bored rite now! My cousin slept over last night and we went swimming and stuff. Im trying to think of a new sn comment if u can think of one!!!