so the babies dad's mom been here for a few days already. she's been buying the baby stuff like crazy which I'm grateful for but unfortunately she seems to be allergic to my kitty. We keep the cat in the bathroom and let her roam around when his mom isn't in the house or we put her on the porch to get some sun when its warm enough outside but his
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So its 2am and I'm trying to sleep - - - I decided to stay home while everyone went to my guys family's house. but by the time I stop twisting and turning in bed its about midnight, so I get about 2 hours of sleep total when they get home. First the babies dad wakes me up to let me know he got home - what the fuck do I care? I'm trying to sleep.
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I'm sooo tired of being pregnant already. I only have 5 more weeks til the baby hits her due date but the past couple of weeks I've had the worse back pain in the world and no sleep. I was just googling some natural ways to induce labor. it says to have sex but my stupid guy doesn't want to have sex with me now, he says he's scared he's gonna poke
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On their honeymoon, the blonde bride slipped into a sexy nightie and, with great anticipation, crawled into bed, only to find her new Catholic husband had settled down on the
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I got but 3 hours of sleep last night (from 7am-10am) and this guy comes home with his entire family making tons of noise. There's even little kids coming up and down the stairs where I'm trying to sleep. Talk about inconsiderate
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I haven't been talking too much about how things are going. I've been so busy. We finally painted the babies room pink. I got some pink curtains but they are a little too long so I either gotta cut them or fold them up somehow. We're still awaiting a crib. The dad finally bought something useful for the baby - a carriage and carseat set. I've
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