Mar 30, 2006 20:59

So lets end this debate over how long the test results should take and whether or not the DA is withholding the results. This website provides the biological process used for crime scene DNA examination ( Read more... )

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Comments 53

anonymous March 31 2006, 03:53:54 UTC
Today on Scarborough country they were questioning this as the "Gang rape hoax." The national media is already realizing how all of this is just not adding up.


anonymous March 31 2006, 04:08:13 UTC
Scarborough country?


anonymous March 31 2006, 04:16:10 UTC
MSNBC. It was also on the "Abrams Report" as well (Dan Abrams being a Duke alumnus).


anonymous March 31 2006, 14:06:57 UTC
What I find most entertaining about this (if there is something to find entertaining) is how all this confirms how full of shit the pundits and commentators on a lot of these shows are. It's one of those things that I always suspected but until they started shooting their mouthes off about something which I do in fact know more than they do (what it's like to go to Duke, Duke-Durham relations, etc.), but this whole thing just confirmed it. I never really cared before when "debate" went from silence to shrill screaming in the matter of a few seconds but whenever they pair one of these former prosecutors and one of these defense attorneys together, that's exactly what happens. And usually it is the prosecutor who starts shouting and making all kinds of claims about what actually happened (as if she were there and knows much more than everyone else). And then she starting saying that even if there is no DNA evidence, they can still get a conviction....I really doubt it, though, unless she can identify her alleged rapists out of a ( ... )


anonymous March 31 2006, 05:21:54 UTC
WRAL now says the woman has a record, including a DWI, three license suspensions, and a misdemeanor eluding arrest charge.


anonymous April 4 2006, 01:58:47 UTC
And what, so women with records don't get raped? Many of the players had records, too.


anonymous March 31 2006, 05:39:15 UTC
as someone who's spent some time in bio labs, dna sequencing for about 1500 base pairs took about 2 weeks to get back to me. i have no idea how much dna they need to compare to do this sort of stuff, nor how busy whomever the da sent the samples to is compared to the company i sent the sequence i had to...but yeah. 2 weeks sounds reasonable if it's 46 runs.

when i first read the news and observer articles over the weekend i did think in the back of my head that this was too sensational to be true. way too many issues thrown into the mix. almost too perfect, yknow? but if you were lying, don't you think you'd just simplify things down? be short and sweet and have less bases to cover? who knows. all we can do is wait.


anonymous April 1 2006, 09:29:42 UTC
They're not doing sequencing...they use PCR for forensic identification. It takes like 5 hours MAX.


anonymous April 1 2006, 20:33:32 UTC
He's already said he might not release the results publicly anyway. Which means, basically, if they come in negative he won't tell us. However, I'd assume he'll tell the guys' lawyers and unless they're barred from commenting on the results, I'm sure they'll be very pleased to announce their clients came up negative.


PCR anonymous April 3 2006, 00:59:04 UTC
I agree. Quantitative PCR could be even faster. Takes me 40 minutes to prep and 3 hours to run. Granted you could only do eight samples per 96-well plate. But what's that? 48 players/8 players/plate=6 plates x 4 hours/plate=24 hours? Speed like this would get a post-doc injected with an overdose of pentabarbitol.


anonymous March 31 2006, 06:03:33 UTC

i won't comment on this as my fellow duke students are more intelligent than me and will reach the same conclusions.

but supposing a rape did occur but dna tests come back clean, it seems very possible that lawyers for any player charged could demonstrate more than sufficient reasonable doubt to acquit each laxer charged, meaning in the end, the whole team could walk away without felony charges. now THAT would cause riots.


anonymous March 31 2006, 07:26:45 UTC
Well, this is very strange. The police arrived 2 minutes later and there were no signs that anyone was at the house? Assuming the police were thorough and they weren't just all hiding somewhere, isn't that awfully odd? No one denies that a party took place at the house, yet, by 12:55 in the morning, it's cleared out. It would seem that something must have gone awry. But yeah, that totally calls that first 911 call into question.


anonymous March 31 2006, 07:38:15 UTC
Yeah 2 minutes is not enough time to leave, nor is it possible in that small of a house to just hide 40 lacrosse players in the closets where police can't see them when they shine their flashlights through the window


anonymous March 31 2006, 07:47:10 UTC
However, a fake call could've been placed by anyone in the world, including a disgruntled neighbor. The caller doesn't sound drunk or high, and people say that both the girls were intoxicated and on some shit. I'd also wonder what would really be the point, from the alleged victim's standpoint, of placing this fake call.


DURHAM is ridiculous anonymous March 31 2006, 06:37:04 UTC
Durham is the worst city ever. Their District Attorny is a joke and a hack. Now that he knows the DNA will likely not support his case he is going to try to bury it. Stoke the fire all you want Mikey but you won't stop the public from finding the truth. And when we do and if the lacrosse players are vindicated I hope they sue you and the city of durham for defamation of character, and for bastardizing the legal process in order to bring some recognition to this worthless anus of a city. Durhamites you want to generalize us Duke students as rich, drugged up, drunk, loud, obnoxious, white, racist, assholes.

Well guess what we generalize you as uneducated, classless, and criminal. I know that this is an unfair generalization of the durham population, but so is the way you generalize us. Here is one person that is saying judge the individual not the group.


Re: DURHAM is ridiculous anonymous March 31 2006, 16:37:38 UTC
way to take the high road.


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