Mar 30, 2006 20:59

So lets end this debate over how long the test results should take and whether or not the DA is withholding the results. This website provides the biological process used for crime scene DNA examination:


At the bottom of the page, you will notice it states that this is the same process used for paternal DNA testing. Now I want to direct you to the website of a company that does paternal DNA testing:


You will notice they offer the same testing in 3 days (including overnight shipping). Its safe to assume this company receives far more DNA samples then the local crime lab (or wherever those samples are supposedly sitting right now), and yet we supposed to believe that this process is going to take Durham over a week to conduct when the samples were taken last Thursday. Lets face it, the process of comparing DNA is neither unbelievably complex, nor time consuming. If they wanted it done in a day, go ask your biology professor, it could be done so and without compromising accuracy.

Though this proves nothing, it only adds to the mounting evidence that the DA and the Durham Police Department are trying to manipulate the public into believing the rape allegations are true. There is more to this story and a lot of unanswered questions. Nobody should be rushing to any conclusions.
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