Title: Merin's Wisdom 2
Artist: dudufactory (Du)
Character: Merlin, Arthur
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Merlin belongs to BBC/SHINE. I own nothing.
Medium: Colour Pencils
- Many dialogue bubbles exist, which means my English expression could, to some extend, make someone confused :(
- My handwriting sucks:(
A/N: This time, "Merlin's wisdom 2" comes into being because
seekintoyou noticed Arthur's royal pants I drew in "Merlin's Weird Wisdom"(see the recap below). I painted Arthur's royal pants in purple on purpose while only she pointed out it to me(not means others didn't find it:3). That triggered our discussion about the Prince's pants, then she gave me an interesting storyline which inspired me a lot. (Not the same as you told me, sorry, hun~=3=~)
Chinese character “禁”in pic1 means 'ban'or 'prohibit', 'cause I don't know what this kind of sign looks like in western country, I only to choose my familiar mark. What behind that sign, I think it's so obviously...LOL