Title: Arthur, you came here to...rescue Merlin?
Artist: dudufactory (Du)
Pairing: Arthur/ Merlin
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Merlin belongs to BBC/SHINE. I own nothing.
Medium: Colour pencils
A/N: The scenario is that our Merlin baby was chained by someone(whoever you want) and Arthur came to rescue his manservant. After our valiant prince conquered the villain, he found Merlin almost naked only with his neckerchief hinding his *beep--*. To do, or not to do?That was a tough question/choice for the Hamlet of Camelot as a tempatatiion was just in front of him. At last, he surrendered...
Arthur, you came here to...rescue Merlin?
Oh, Arthur Pendragon, whether your cute manservant was worth disregarding your Excalibur? (Absolutly nonsense, Arthur hadn't got it yet. )
Perhaps, Arthur would really appreciate the one who gave him such a precious oppotunity to DID something on Merlin. *evil smirk*
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