Dualbunny's Pets: A Desk Reference

Mar 25, 2005 20:57

Daily round-up: I had today off. Officially. Not just 'cause I wasn't working or something. Boo Boo is cleaning Lily's face and killing me with the cuteness. I finished clipping for my vid, and intend to be in a vidding place tonight and this weekend--and then some. And I got ice cream and have a shiny, fluffly, clean dog with the cutest ( Read more... )

fish, puppy pics, cats, furkids, kitty pics

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Comments 28

youmadeabear March 25 2005, 19:36:25 UTC
This was SUCH fun for me. I enjoyed all of the pictures, of course, but also all of the back-stories. You really have a full house.

I think your dog looks gorgeous. I love when they're fresh from the groomer. :)

("Who are you?! I KEEL you! Who are you?! I KEEEEL you!!")



dualbunny March 26 2005, 13:02:50 UTC
Hee, and yet I bet our house seems perfectly calm compared to yours when all the kids were on break. ;) And yeah, I think Miles looks really pretty right now. I tackled him when he was laying on his bed last night 'cause he was just too fuzzy to resist. He thought I'd gone nuts. ;D


gobi_rex March 25 2005, 21:54:59 UTC
Whoa! That's such an adorable family. And Miles is looking gorgeous and minty fresh. I love the way he sits on a couch.

I'm assuming the fish are safe and out of kitty reach. Actually this reminds me that my mother's colleague has a similar set-up: two huge fish tanks (he used to have Oscar look alikes, but they ended up dying), a rotweiller, a miniature dachshund and an indeterminate number of cats. And they all get along rather well. Do your kitties ever try to get in with the fishies?

The other day he ate a rock he couldn't swallow, and it took him like three days to spit it back out. I figure if fish are dumb enough to kill themselves with rocks, there's not much you can do about it.

Hee! I remember reading somewhere that young ostriches are fond of eating rocks and other indigestible things.


and another thing gobi_rex March 25 2005, 21:58:07 UTC
It probably sounds silly, but I actually believe Boo Boo is my first cat come back to me.

It's not silly because I have a similar theory about our kitty and how he may be Gobi (the dog, not me) reincarnated. I wonder if it works across different species.


Re: and another thing dualbunny March 26 2005, 13:08:05 UTC
We picked up that couch from the back of thrift store one day (they didn't want it) just because I knew it would be the perfect size for him. :)

And the kitties have never really tried to catch any of the fish. They like to jump at them occassionally, and Lily like to go behind her little tank and dip her feet in the water pump sometimes. Mostly they don't seem to get that they could come at the fish from the top. Lily's always trying to reach around the side of the aquarium and suprise them.

It's not silly because I have a similar theory about our kitty and how he may be Gobi (the dog, not me) reincarnated. I wonder if it works across different species.

I don't see why not. Once you get used to the idea of them coming back, the shape doesn't seem like much of a big deal. :)


(The comment has been removed)

ad_kay March 26 2005, 08:42:47 UTC
Our dog found my husband while he was jogging
So I read that and thought for a second that was how you met your husband! Your dog brought him home for you! :D


dualbunny March 26 2005, 13:13:12 UTC
Aw, I love your dog story! :D

I actually broke all kinds of good-pet-habitry rules when I got Miles. I had to put my first cat to sleep, and I didn't deal with it very well. That same day I went out and picked up Miles. From a BYB, who unsurprisingly shouldn't have been making puppies in the first place. Of course, I didn't actually know that stuff at the time. All the same, I'm glad he ended up with people that could handle, or at least try to handle, the problems he's had.

Now it's hard to imagine life without a giant fuzzy barky dog in it. :)


keswindhover March 26 2005, 06:42:37 UTC
You've made me nostalgic for my fish tank, now. (Long gone, after everyone but one goldfish died of a terrible outbreak of scale rot.)

And I notice a lack of black and white cats in your cat collection. Surely this oversight must be corrected one day?


dualbunny March 26 2005, 13:16:55 UTC
The fish bug is a hard one to shake. ;)

And yes, I do bemoan the lack of black and white cats. Although I don't know if you're referring to them separately or as a combined version. :) My Murphy was black. And so was the first cat that adopted our family when I was a little kid. I have huge soft spot for black cats. And we had a white one for a while when I was little too.

Someone just needs to point them toward my house. Gerry can't say no to homeless animals any better than I can. ;)


ad_kay March 26 2005, 08:47:26 UTC
Another beautiful photo essay! I love all your critters! Gonna show this to Husband when he comes back home.

I love how Bettas think their so bad-ass. A former co-worker used to keep one on her desk, and he (the betta, not the co-worker) did NOT like it when I wore red... he would always flare his fins at me and glare. I was scared. :)


dualbunny March 26 2005, 13:18:55 UTC
Hehe, I woulda been scared too! :D And they can breathe regular air too--if I ever find this one on the floor, halfway to our bed, I'm gonna know the cats had nothing to do with it!


ad_kay March 27 2005, 19:31:33 UTC
I was wondering how they could manage without having an aerator thingie.


ad_kay April 6 2005, 17:50:26 UTC
their so bad-ass
Um, I do know that the proper spelling is "they're." I blame my fingers. Me smart, me tech writer!


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