Dualbunny's Pets: A Desk Reference

Mar 25, 2005 20:57

Daily round-up: I had today off. Officially. Not just 'cause I wasn't working or something. Boo Boo is cleaning Lily's face and killing me with the cuteness. I finished clipping for my vid, and intend to be in a vidding place tonight and this weekend--and then some. And I got ice cream and have a shiny, fluffly, clean dog with the cutest ( Read more... )

fish, puppy pics, cats, furkids, kitty pics

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Comments 28

rollingoveryou March 27 2005, 18:11:13 UTC
*pleads* i come begging, my friend just came begging me if i had my running up that hill charmed vid. which i don't. i'm still trying to find it online if the page wasn't violated. i may remaster that soon with the kate bush version of the song. :) and then again when the dvd's are out in a few years. i'm crazy. it's my ONLY vid. hehe. :) thanks for the help, this seems kind of pushy but hey, it is!


dualbunny April 6 2005, 20:26:12 UTC
Oops, I answered this in my head, but not for real, sorry!

I don't have any Charmed vids saved since I don't watch the show. I've downloaded them for people to check them out (like you :]), but I've never held on to them. Sorry I couldn't help. :(


ad_kay March 27 2005, 19:30:42 UTC
I've been meaning to ask you, you're doing the raw foods thing with your pets, aren't you? Was wondering how that was working out. I have given the Eeelator raw chicken treats (organic, very fresh) and fish if it has been previously frozen. She is highly enthusiastic in anticipation of her treats. As in: "EEE! EEE! EEEEeeeeEEEEeeeEEE!!"


dualbunny March 27 2005, 22:12:09 UTC
Yep. In fact tonight Lily and Boo split their second whole quail--feathers and everything. Of course I had to do the actual splitting. They are not sharers. ;D ( ... )


ad_kay April 6 2005, 18:12:23 UTC
That's really interesting! The raw food stuff I've looked at has been mainly about adding a supplement powder and salmon oil to ground meat, not so much about whole critters:

I bought the powder from Feline Future, but then realized that I need to get an accurate food scale to be able to mix portions properly. Would like to switch them over to raw foods for all the reasons you mentioned.

How did you introduce whole animals? Were they freaked out at first? Ptera loves ground raw chicken, fish and shrimp, and is intrigued yet deeply perplexed by whole chicken necks. (She hasn't grasped the concept that she could hold the neck down with her paws.) Mr. Pants is completely horrified and wants nothing to do with it. I think I could fool him by gradually mixing in a bit of ground raw chicken with some canned food at first. He ain't the brightest kat in the


dualbunny April 6 2005, 20:23:00 UTC
I did spin by the FelineFuture website in my web-trolling. It actually seemed comfortingly complex at the time, if that makes sense. ;) But also complicated enough to make me put it off longer ( ... )


ad_kay March 27 2005, 19:49:38 UTC
Fyi, here's... Catster!
I just found out about this... guess I will be uploading pics of Ptera and Mr Pants soon!


dualbunny March 27 2005, 22:12:41 UTC
I've seen that! Just haven't had any time to add my crew. :D


jacqui April 3 2005, 00:25:10 UTC
Oh wow this was the coolest post in the world. I love Boo Boo Kitty Fuck the most ; )

I am surrounded by kitties as I write this. Life would suck with out animal pals.

Malibu Kitty just walked over my belly. He has had an abscess that I have been treating and it looks like it's finally going from bad to better, woohoo. My Buki, who has skin cancer, or pre-skin cancer, is getting better too. Sorry for the rambling...



dualbunny April 3 2005, 12:23:42 UTC
It's never rambling when your babies are getting better. :) Hope the trend continues!


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