The DS Badfic Challenge: Assignments!!

Aug 31, 2009 12:14

Are you ready to write something really, really wrong? Right, then! Away we go!

The Rules:

You have from now until Monday, September 7th at midnight (Chicago time) to post your story.

Your story can be any length, any rating. What you do with your prompt is entirely up to you. You can choose to write a whole ficlet based on it. You can write the opening/closing paragraphs of a hypothetical long fic; or give us a cookie from the middle and throw in some Author's Notes to explain the rest of the plot. Or any other option that appeals to you.

Remember, too, the prompt you've been given can be viewed as a guide to the fic you're writing. You don't have to match it up word for word, or idea for idea. Does your prompt have something in it you're not as familiar with? A crossover reference or something else you don't know all that well? WING IT. Really. This is a CRACKFIC challenge. Take the idea and just run with it! Have FUN!

Also, while I know we had a LOT of fun with the horrific spelling and punctuation in the prompts, PLEASE use regular grammar and punctuation in your story. We'd like to be able to *read* them, you know *g*

When you post your fic please make sure to use this as your header:

Prompt written by: (whoever suggested the prompt you wrote from)

Don't forget that the subject line should be: "2nd Badfic Challenge, by [your username]"

If you fall down a twenty-foot ice crevasse or are abducted by aliens, and you realize that you're not going to be able to submit your fic on time, please drop a comment in this post. This challenge is meant to be fun and not stressful, but at the same time we want to read your madcap ideas!

Also, please keep in mind that people are going to regard your creation as badfic, so if you get lots of comments about how bad it is, you should probably take those as compliments. ;-)

This announcement has been shamelessly plagiarized from Estrella's post for the last DS intentional badfic challenge.

alex51324 When Frannie Vecchio saves Ante from the pound after LadyShoes is imprisoned (okay, so she sooo deserved to get dropped but Fraser is a Good Guy(YAY!) so he didn’t), Dief thinks he’s died and gone too heaven. But Fraser won’t let him spend time with Ante because he doesn’t want to give Francesca (because he’s a Gentleman and never uses her nickname) the Wrong Idea About his Feelings for her (which she would totally know that he loves Stan but she’s too busy buying skimpy clothes and throwing herself at him to notice).

So Dief hypnotizes him (he learned about it when Fraser hypnotized Ray and Thatcher, okay? He’s a Really Smart 1/2Wolf) And makes Fraser think he’s In Love with Frannie. And so he wants to marry her and that makesDief happy because he can be with his True Love (Ante) 4EVAH.

But what about Stan, who has been waiting for his chance to tell Fraser how he really feels but has been too worried to because he’s undercover and Vecchio is straight and what if Fraser doesn’t Like him Like That (which he would totally know if he wasn’t so worried about Not Letting his Love for Fraser show because he’s trying to be a Good Undercover Cop).

Will Stan get over himself and figure out what Dief has done? Can he get to the Consulate in time to stop The Wedding and save his True (Seekrit) Love? What will Dief do if he can’t be with Ante? Does he use his new trick to get more donuts?

Warnongs: angsty boy-crying, Turnbull singing, Hot Gay Sex, possible dog/1/2Wolf sadnesses and a cameo appearance by??? (Read and Find Out!) for mizface

bluebrocade Due South, the High School Musical. for shayheyred

jadelennox Okay, so like we just did this poem Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? And it's totally Fraser talking about ray! And Ray is totally an immortal! because he says Death can't brag about having killed him. But he's sad becauseFrasers not so how can they be together? for mergatrude

innocentsmith When someone starts stealing treats and toys from the students' lockers at Chicago High School for Dogs, all noses point to the new boy--Diefenbaker. Will he find the real culprit, and win the heart ofSunnydale's Magnificent Sue, Agility champion and the hottest bitch in school, in time for the big dance?

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Character Sheet!**~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Name: Sunnydale's magnificent Sue
Breed: Lab mix.
Color: Black
Markings: White on chest and feet. Lovely white "glove" up to right elbow.
Body type: petite
Clothing: Sparkly purple collar!
Speshul Abilities: Agility champion, can understand English, French, Cat, and Squirrel. *SUPer* popular!!
Extra-curricular activities: Agility team captain, dance committee chair, student council vice president, international club.
Love interest: Bruno Bellona, the Italian Spinone student council president and Obedience team captain. And maybe Dief?!?
Special possession: Purple octopus toy with rhinestones (OMG, what if the thief steals it?!?)

(Note to recipient of my prompt: the OC is a Sue'd-up version of my dog, so for the love of God, don't write anything explicit!) for alex51324

kinetikatrue Ray Kowalski is a Chicago cop. He's also a Cylon. So when Ray and Fraser discover that Mayor Daley is sitting on his own personal hellmouth, and are cursed by Daley's Unicorn enforcer to have their fondest wishes granted?

Well, Cylon MPreg isn't so bad. But it's hell on Fraser and Dief. SO Ray is setting out to make contact with his fellow Cylons, and to get to use their high tech help to make sure everyones babies are fine. When they become tragic tragic victims of Pregnesia.

So now Chicago cop and occasional Cylon Ray Kowalski is expert at tackling impossible missions. But when a striking-and very pregnant-Mountie turned up in a car he was was investigating, suddenly he was in over his head. Shaken and bruised, he couldn't remember what had happened to him or why he was terrified of going to the consulate. Ray made it clear he could be trusted, and vowed to protect him until he was safe. Hours turned to days as they searched for clues to their hidden pasts. Then a family came to claim Fraser, and a happy ending seemed imminent. But had Ray just delivered his Fraser to safety…or into the hands of a killer?

And how many puppies is Dief having? Why are they all born with Unicorn horns? for norabombay

mizface Meg Thatcher is Canada's most dangerous and alluring secret agent. But when her old boyfriend and his new boyfriend are kidnapped by an international crime organization, she'll have to team up with dashing British spy JAMES BOND. Alsotheres a wolf and a really big drill. Will she make it in time? Read and find out!!

I rlly suck at summerys. :((( This prompt is better then it sounds. :) <<<3!!! for innocentsmith

norabombay Lieutenant Welsh discovers Fraser's dark secret and uses it to blackmail Fraser into dumping his true love, Ray [last name of your choice], so that Harding can finally have his shot with the handsome Detective. How will Fraser make things right without anyone else discovering his dark secret?! Is Frannie really trying to help Fraser or are her motivations less than pure? Will Ray succumb to Harding's charms? And why isTurnbull sneaking into the 2-7 with a Polaroid camera and a truncheon...? for bluebrocade

aingeal8c Ray had always known Fraser was special, but he didn't know how special until he learned that Fraser had magical ejaculate - Fraser's cum can bring world peace!1 (And other things)

1Only under certain conditions. No guarantees or money back. All sales are final. for monroe_nell

moosesal Mild mannered Diefenbaker has a secret identity as SuperwolfTM, dedicated to cleaning up crime whereveer he may find it and proteting the city of Chicago from evil menaces. But when Fraser is kidnapped by Diefenbaker's arch enemy - The Evil Mutant Dougnut of EvilTM he must reveal his secret to Ray. Together they must race against time to rescue Fraser before he meets a sticky end (literally. It involves jam). for aingeal8c

etcetera_cat Fraser is like... totally in love with Ray (the blond one), but Ray is all like... I <3 BOOBS! and Fraser is totally sad and shit until he decides to use his FREAKY MOUNTIE POWERS for evil and totally converts Ray by telling him totally made up Inuit stories about prostate glands!

And then Fraser gets to bone Ray like... A LOT. And Fraser totally has to buy fake cocks and shit just to keep up with Ray's totally HUGE ASS-SEX APPETITE! for maryavatar

sprat Fraser wakes up naked and chained to a wall in a dungeon -- and who should be behind this but his good friend RayKowalski , who was conditioned by the aliens who abducted him at the age of seven to eventually snap and lose all will of his own, submitting the the aliens' telepathic demands?!? How will Fraser ever be able to put an end to his imprisonment and free his friend from the alien mind-beams? And what is the fate of his deaf half-wolf? To find out, read on... for mondschein1

primroseburrows Stella is secretly a mobster, and she feeds information to Langoustini, and also she spent her entire marriage to Kowalski putting eyedrops in his eyes to destroy his vision in order to destroy his competence. Her cousins -- and mob partners -- the twin sisters Victoria and Angie convince her then it is time to do away with the boys for once and for all, because they are too dangerous. Making them hate themselves is no longer good enough! for jadelennox

monroe_nell Body swap x2! Dief and Turnbull; Fraser and Thatcher. It will take two Ray's to find the crazy pagans who did this and reverse the spell they cast. In the meantimeDief's telephone skills suprise everyone and Turnbull spends a lot of time licking himself. But the real surprise -- What will Thatcher do with Fraser's "equipment"? And what will Fraser do with hers? And with whom (if anyone) will they do what they do? for moosesal

mondschein1 Fraser gets turned into a cat. Not a cute little kittie. A fully grown cat.

It's brought out his evil tempered side (who knew that even existed?!) and he is now growling, snarling, spiting and otherwise being a complete fur-covered little bastard to anyone who comes near him. (ThinkGreebo.)

RayK is the only one cat!Fraser seems able to tolerate.

So now all Ray has to do is solve the case and stop Fraser from scratching everyone's eyes out. for plotbunniofdoom

shayheyred A C6D sitcom based on The Patty Duke Show!

Duck MacDonald is happily living on Wilby Island with his boyfriend Dan, when he gets a visit from his identical cousin Ray Kowalski. Suddenly, other identicals are showing up, possibly due to genetics/alien intervention/wormhole/cylon technology/magical puppies/no particular reason at all...let the author decide! There's Benton Fraser and his identical cousins Geoffrey and Gus! Joe Dick and Mike Sweeney!Leoben and Leoben! Darren Nichols and Ray Lieberman! Wacky hijinks ensue--the possibilities are endless!!!!one!!! for primroseburrows

maryavatar So, Vecchio is a ghost (because he got killed by the Mob in Los Vegas) and he comes back to Chicago to kill Frasier so thety can live together in Heaven, but in a bazaar twist of Fate, an Angel finds out his plan and dooms him to haunt Kowlaski's ass!!1!! The Gay Cult tells Kowlaski that the only way to exorcise Vecchio is to have sex with a virgin. Oh noes! Luckily Fraser steps up to bat. (He didn't have sex with Victoria the Deif-Shooter because he was so burdend by his guilt about imprisioning her that he couldn't get it up.) Ends OT3. \o/!!!!!1!11!@!1 Warnings for major character death and ghosts. for china_shop

plotbunniofdoom Constable Benton Fraser, RCMP: also an employee of the Torchwood Institute.

Aliens and wacky hijinks (and quite possibly a Captain by the name of Harkness) ensue! Which will shock Ray(s) more? The fact that Diefenbaker is an alien, or the fact that Inuvik, NWT is the accepted Interplanetary Transit Terminal for Sol Three?

And why the hell does the 2-7's bullpen now contain 'modern art' in the form of a big blue box with a stupid light on the top? for etcetera_cat

mergatrude So, Ray suddenly discovers that he's actually the heir-apparent to some English noble family's estates - and that they apparently come with an arranged marriage attached. He's been sitting on his ass in Chicago, pining for Fraser and the NWT, so he doesn't actually fight it as much as hemight've otherwise and in short order is packed off to England to see just what he's had handed to him. Unfortunately, the estates are in terrible shape, he's not exactly in funds, and while there's nothing exactly wrong with his prospective fiancee, there's nothing actually right about her either. Plus, he doesn't appear to have any of the skills necessary to the job, apart from the ability to cut a mighty fine rug. But he's the only heir available and Fraser's instilled a major sense of responsibility in him, so he figures he'll give it a go anyway.

So, will Ray manage to restore his estates to their former glory? Will he escape the fate of a loveless marriage? Will he manage to get his man? Find out in the following 350 CHAPTERS!!!! for kinetikatrue

china_shop Ever since he has been a small child he will sometimes turn solid things into liquid compleately on accident!! It had led to the tragic melting deaths of his mother and his father and almost made the people of Inuktootown burn him ALIVE AT THE STAKE, except that Professor Xavier rescued him just in time and brought him to Mutant High, where he fianlly makes real froends for the first time and also ~falls in LOVE~.



badfic challenge 2, admin

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