The DS Badfic Challenge: Assignments!!

Apr 10, 2006 13:59

Ok, all! Here we go! The rules are as follows (and are completely stolen, word for word, from svmadelyn *g*):

The Rules:

You now have from this point on, until next Monday, April 17th at midnight to complete your challenge. Your story can be any length, any rating. What you do with the summary is entirely up to you. Write a whole ficlet based on it. Write the opening/closing paragraphs of a hypothetical long fic - or give us a cookie from the middle and throw in some Author's Notes to explain the rest of the plot. Or any other option that appeals to you.

I think the most important thing is that the prompt you've been given can be used as merely a *guide* as to the fic you're writing. You dont have to match it up word for word, or idea for idea. Take the general theme and run with it. Does your prompt have something in it you're not as familiar with? A crossover reference or something else you dont know all that well? WING IT. Really. This isn't supposed to cause anyone any stress or have you trying to cram every HP book into you brain in the next four days. It's a CRACKFIC challenge. Take the idea and just kinda...go! Have FUN!

Also, I know we had a LOT of fun with the horrific spelling and puncuation in the propmts, but please, for the love of all of us reading the fics, PLEASE use regular grammar and punctuation in your story. We'd actually like to *read* them, you know *g*

When you post your fic please make sure to use this as your header:

Prompt written by: (whoever suggested the prompt you wrote from)

Again, this is all for fun, but if you signed up, please try and get your fic done in time! This should be a quick and easy process! Have some fun with it! If you realize that you're NOT going to be able to participate, please drop a comment in this post. Everyone else, if you would like to pick up a prompt or do a second fic, etc, check the comments here and grab one when it suits your fancy *g*

brooklinegirl - After "Some Like it Red" FRASER decides that he wants to be a woman forever. He goes to the nearest Vodun community to see what they can do. He meets KOWALSKI and they fall madly and deeply in love. But oh no, the RayK has no idea Fraser's not what he seems. What happens when VECCHIO appears and pregnancy is involved? for lozenger8

Ulthyria - Wait... Fraser has a girlfriend? He likes girls? OH NOES! Will he never notice Ray's pure and ass-virginal love for him? for maryavatar

Girl_clone - Ben wants to have children, but the love of his life, Ray Vecchio, refuses to even consider the possibility. Left a broken man when Vecchio leaves him for the bright lights of Vegas, can Benton find balm for his wounded heart in Ray Kowalski? Will Frannie be prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice? And does Welsh really expect to be the godfather? Does Stella mean it about the court order? What was that about the hair gel? ONLY TIME WILL TELL. for buddleia

Missapocolyptic - The rumors are unclear as to whether Ray has been abducted by aliens, taken on the profession of performance arsonist, or become the new messiah. Which of these (if any) is true? Which Ray does it concern? Benton wants to do an impromptu investigation, but Dief says he can't do so until he finishes his chores. On top of this, Thatcher makes a strange and strenuous demand. Will Benton be able to cope with these various sources of stress? Will he rescue Ray? Arrest Ray? Become his most devoted disciple? Read and find out. for marcellapolman

Lyra_sena - At Chicago Hi Skool, new boi Benton Fraser transfers in from Canada!!!1111! and meets Ray Kowalski, a poor but kewl kid from the wrong side of the tracks, and Ray's arch enemy, the slick and smooth Ray Vecchio, head of the 'Tudes, the kewl gang at school. What happens when Benton declares his love for -- one of them? Can he make peace between them before the big fight? or will Principal Welsh expel someone first? for shayheyred

Ifreet - Fraser is Dorothy. Dief is Toto. Kowalski is a friend of Dorothy the Scarecrow. Vecchio is the Lion. Thatcher is the Tin Man. Wacky Hi-jinks ensue when the gang at the 2-7 are transported beyond the rainbow! for bethbethbeth

Janet_carter - Fraser and Dief switch bodies. What whacky hijinks ensue when wolf-Fraser makes moon eyes at Kowalski and Frannie needs a sitter for Ante? Set to a Nine Inch Nails "Closer" if it were covered by Weird Al. for moosesal

Pixiecatfish - Fraser and RayK are married!!! and livng n Canada, with Maggie whose carrying their baby!!! But what happens when Ray gets amnesa whille Fraser is out on Patrol?!?!!?! READ AND FIND OUT PLZ REVU. for shoemaster

Isiscolo - RayK & Fraser track a suspect to the Lincoln Park Zoo, only to find themselves backstage at Chicago's annual Save the Zoo benefit concert! Diefenbaker goes wild in a trailer full of PETA-supporting supermodels, but Ray and Fraser can't stop to fetch him - the concert producer and the promoter are having a fist fight in the green room, Frannie, Welsh, Huey, and Dewey are riding elephants and dromedaries through the crowd, and (*gasp*) is that Armando Langoustini drinking buttermilk cocktails over on the ampitheater's VIP balcony? Songfic to ANIMAL (by Def Leppard). for sageness

Shayheyred - Fraser dyes in a fire lol and his boyfriend Ray is so sad so he drinks a lot and wears black all the time and one night hes drinking beer and listening to Evanessences (omg such a great band!!!!) and he thinks maybe hell kill himself lol and he starts cutting and stuff and then fraser comes back as a ghost and says NO! lol and then ray cries and the power of his tears and the music brings Fraser back to life right there in Rays kitchen and now Rays tears are all of joy lol! Plese include lots of lyrics of my favorite band EVANESSCENSE! THEY ARE GR8 THEY WILL CHANGE YOUR LIVE!!!! for apetslife

Bethbethbeth - Ray Kowalski has punk rock in his SOUL...but hard times mean he has to moonlight as a hooker. When he's caught up in a vice crackdown, he thinks the dream is over. But if Detective Fraser has anything to say about it, things are just beginning... AU, NC-17 for sex and eyeliner and MAJOR angst. (Watch out for Dief in a special cameo!!) for sprat

Moosesal - It was the alien influence from his abduction when he was 10 that made rayk join the police force. The aliens placed a subversive mental command in his MIND that the first time he had sex with his one true love he would go after his true life passion. An undercover hotdog vender disguised as a prostitute. for monroe_nell

Riverlight - Franny discoveres fanfic and starts wrighting her orig chars, but things go wrong when her muse Frasier doesn't cooperate. (Possible XOver) personal fic, no flames plz! R&R! for refche

Sherriasiling - Fraser is tired of having to hide his beautiful wings, but who can he show them to? Can he trust Turnbull to accept him and not cover his wings in cheese or shuld he tell Kowalski, who is his true love 4ever? Will Ray still love him when he finds out Fraser is half golden eagel? Will Turnbull get Frannie to put his fromage in her mouth? Will Frasier fly away for ever? Will Ray understand that there true love is ture even with Fraser's giant wings and Ray's lace panties? Red to find out!!! WARNING: slush, poetry, and Ray's kind of a hore but its totally NOT ooc so shut up u h8erz!!! for geekwriter143

China_shop - Ray and Frazer are kidnaped by Nuns who work for the KGB. Can they excape? Or will Deif and Frannie have to rescue them? And will Thatcher and Trunbul ever admit there love? Pls R&R NO FLAMES THIS IS MY FIRST STROY> ^_^; for girl_clone

Kinetikatrue -Ray Vecchio was the best -- and most exclusive -- designer in Chicago until Metcalf, Inc. opened up their offices on Magnificant Mile. Now Ray's best clients are disappearing! And the police think he's responsible! And what does the Mountie have to do with it? And who is that fabulous blond detective at his side...? Vecchio/Victoria Metcalf, Vecchio/Bennie Fraser, Vecchio/Frank Zuko, Vecchio/Stan Kowalski, NC-17.

(I've never seen any of the episodes but I love all your stories!! I read "Chicago's Most Wanted" and just knew I had to write in this fandom! Apologies in advance for the run-on sentences and the changing POV! If I get enough feedback, I might do the sequel (Vecchio/Gardino!!1!!!).) for aerye

take_no_ko - Someone or something is BRUTALLY MURDERING people in Chicago...and RayK has these dreams that make him think it's him! Can RayV and Fraser find out the truth before it's TOO LATE? Will RayK tell Fraser about those other dreams he's been having? Please R&'s my first story and I won't write ANY MORE unless you COMMENT!!!1!!! for lordessrenegade

mondschein1 - OMG you guys, Genevieve Olivia Diana Dessing had a iceskating accidnet and faints lol!!1! When she wakes up she finds shed ben transportered to teh Frozen North lol!1 She is their Ice Princess and only she had teh Powr to rescew Frazier from the evil lair of Kowea Kavols Ray lol. Will she be in tiems to save him form teh buttsecks!?!!? pls r/r omg you guys, lol. I won't post the next chapter untill I get 5 good reveiws, lol11! ^_____^ for riadsala

rustler - Fraser is the BEST, most AWESOME and SNEAKY spy in Canada, he always gets his job done and never hesitates to do exactly what it takes! Ray Kowalski is a spy too, all mysterious and glamorous and sultry. What happens when they meet and fall in love??? How do they choose between love and important spy stuff for their country??? WARNING SLASH, ANGST, SAP. for pearl_o

spainja - When raven-haired beauty Lola Vecchio visits her cousins in Chicago she meets Fraser and ROMANTIC SPARKS FLY!! Frannie is jealus and comes up with a plan to get her rival out of the way but it BACKFIRES in ways she could never have expected...because Lola is actually a WITCH! (Crossover with HARRY POTTER) for isiscolo

pearl_o - RayK is the star of his college baseball team (because he was SO HOT in Dr. Longball)! The only problem is the championships are coming up, but Ray's failing a class and he might not be able to play! This is the first chance his school's gotten to go all the way because Ray's a sophomore and last year was kind of a rebuilding year. Everyone's counting on him!

Can he convince the quiet smart kid from Canada who lives down the hall (Ben Fraser) to tutor him for his midterm? And what happens when the school's mascot (a wolf) gets loose during a game? Read to find out the answers to these questions, plus: What class is Ray failing? How do Ray & Frannie Vecchio fit in to all this? What does Coach Welsh say when Ray might not be able to play? for strangecobwebs

Geekwriter143 - Lives are turned upside-down when Fraser, Ray, Thatcher, Frannie and Welsh are in the right place at the wrong time; a massive toxic explosion ensues, leaving the crew with strange superpowers! Meanwhile, Turnbull disappears on a journey of self-discovery, returning days later on the arm of a wealthy businessman. Ray discovers a new species of sea turtle, which makes him famous. slash; fem-slash; angst. for defaultlyric

Defaultlyric - Frannie's taking a Shakespeare course and decides that the station needs to put on Romeo and Juliet, naturally with Fraser and herself playing the two title characters, respectively. Naturally everyone disagrees and proceeds go along their merry way. Frannie seethes. Unfortunately, Fraser and RayK drag in a crate that is filled with shiny purplish stuff. Frannie looks at it, inadvertently breathes some of it in, and turns into VILLAINOUS!FRANNIE. She makes away with Fraser, determined to subject him to playing Romeo opposite her against his will. RayK is appalled, and pulls the last trick he's got up his sleeve: calling Vecchio up and telling on Frannie. However will they prevent Fraser from drinking from the poisoned cup in a last ditch attempt to escape the horror of misused Shakespeare? for mondschein1

J_s_cavalcante - Fraser thinks Ray's cheating him with Dief. OMG. What else can explain his weird cravings and those noises? Fraser MUST fight for the love of his soul mate as he ponders the meaning of life in Canada. Truth will be REVEALED at Mounties annual dance ball, when Ben confronts Ray and Dief. Man or beast? That is the question that will change the course of mankind forever.

Warnings: animals and stuff... for ulthyrja

Strangecobwebs - Veccyo is a SCAREY vamp with a soar tooth (v mean),a nd Rayks a dentist. Watch the sparx fly when their goin' at it -- rince & spit, if u kno wot i mean. Ha ha! (Frasers = dental nurse, so dont worry, theirs mounteis too! Hawt 3way. NC-17!! for china_shop

Refche - Fuck or Die. Evil criminal mastermind sends henchpersons to take over the 2-7 and "make Fraser and Vecchio fuck" in public. Evil mastermind hasn't specified which Vecchio, so Frannie tries to convince the bandits it should be her. Fraser refuses on the grounds that it would compromise the lady's reputation, and Frannie relents because sex really messes up her hair. Fraser chooses RayK instead, who is a faux-Vecchio, but the crooks don't know that, and whose hair is already experimental anyway, and they fuck. On RayK's desk. In front of the usual residents of the bullpen and anybody else who would be interesting (or interested). Later, somebody has to talk Fraser out of arresting himself for public lewdness. Turns out the henchpersons garbled the instructions; they really were supposed to "fuck over Fraser and Vecchio." Oops.

Warnings: NC-17, public sex, voyeurism, stupidity, really bad coffee for j_s_cavalcante

Pinn2480 - Dief always wanted to be on TV. When a local Chicago camera team wants to make a documentation about the consulate he takes his chance to be the true star of the film.

Subplot: Ray has to save Fraser from the claws of a horny directoress.

Warnings: intrusive!Dief, m/m sex, chaos at the consulate, pregnancy and singing!Fraser. for missapocolyptic

Sageness - Fraser's dead Dad has finally found a way to channel his spirit into a body, enabling him to live forever (!) and all he has to to do in order to ensure eternal life is to sacrifice either a half-wolf or a (male) American-police-officer-who's-called-Ray to the evil god(dess) of the forest/wilderness/jungle/desert, in his/her abandonned temple, deep in said forest/wilderness/jungle/desert.

Can Fraser save his wolf/partner/lover/friend, fighting off the armies of the evil god(dess) and remonstrate with his obviously evil father in time?! for take_no_ko

Shihadchick - In order to save his father's business, Benton Fraser must borrow money from a rich American named Ray Kowalski. But Ray refuses to give him the loan without a few strings attached, if you know what I mean, and Benton winds up engaged to him. Ray Vecchio finds out that his best friend is being blackmailed, and decides to save his first and only love. Little does he know that Benton's not that upset about his situation. "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John was totally the inspiration for this. AU, NC-17. for pinn2480

Apetslife - In the course of an investigation, Ray comes across a [wardrobe/portkey/neat-o airplane/big metal circle/etc.] and winds up in [Narnia/Hogwarts/Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters/Stargateverse/etc.].

Watch as he interacts amusingly with the locals! See the different worldviews clash! Will Ray ever get home? Will Fraser come to his rescue? Chapter 2 coming soon. for lynnmonster

Monroe_nell - Caroline Roberta Fraserwalski doesn't want to go visit her dads' boring old friends in boring old Florida. But the second she lays eyes on RayV and Stella's dreamy son David, sparks begin to fly!!! Will that green-eyed Casanova sweep her off her feet? Will the two families split apart, or finally be joined forever? Will Caroline loose her virginity on lane 6 of the bowling ally???? NO FLAMES PLS. for spainja

Eledwenlin - When one of Frannie's babies gets a severe case of colic, medical tests uncover the fact her children were not Immaculate Conceptions, but were fathered by six different men.

Ray Vecchio finds out and returns to Chicago to track down and beat the shit out of each of the men. Fraser tries to talk reason to him and stop him from his mission, but Vecchio won't listen to common sense. So Fraser and Ray K join Vecchio on his quest to track down the men, a journey which takes them across the United States, Canada, and a side trip to a small tribal village in Africa.

Vecchio, upset that his sister is such a whore, is in a very foul mood the entire trip, and Kowalski decides that what Vecchio needs to snap out of it is some nice hot sex. With Kowalski himself. Because at the very least, it might make Vecchio stop staring at Kowalski's crotch all the damn time.

Fraser, confused and bewildered at the changes in Vecchio and the unusual direction Vecchio and Kowalski's relationship seems to be taking, retreats inside himself, talking only to his dead father and Diefenbaker, who isn't even on the trip.

Meanwhile back in Chicago, Stella Kowalski offers her own special brand of comfort and solace to Frannie, upsetting Inspector Thatcher, who has taken quite a shine to Frannie herself.

Set to a soundtrack of Tom Jones songs.

Ray/Ray possible Ray/Fraser/Ray Possible Frannie/Stella, Frannie/Meg, Meg/Stella, Meg/Frannie/Stella for pixiecatfish

Aerye - What happens when a small-town Canadian boy falls in love with a hot-blooded American who comes to town with a modern dance troupe? And things can only get worse as the town is attacked by ZOMBIES. Can their love endure the wrath of the undead? And why is the American - Ray (KOWALKSI) - finding himself strangely drawn to the fierce world ruled by the Zombie Princess? The love of a good Canadian is his only hope. for brooklinegirl

Quiet_aversion - SNOWBOUND!!!

There's a blizzard in Chicago, and everyone's snowed in at the 97th. Everything starts out great as the CPD crew, Fraser, and a few alleged felons drink hot chocolate and heat things up with truth or dare, but then strange things start going on - is the department haunted by a vindictive spirit seeking vengeance, or is someone playing pranks? meanwhile, at the consulat,e the power goes out and Turnbull helps Diefenbaker bake cookies so that the eggs in the fridge don't go bad.

Based on my favorite Baby-sitter's Club Super Special for janet_carter

Shoemaster - Fraser's hid his true nature from everyone in America for years. RayV was starting to figure it out but the call from the Feds derailed his probing questions. Whew! But RayK is so much more persistent... and there's something about him that Fraser just can't put his finger on...

When a case involving mysterious giant rabbits leaps into their lives, both of their shocking secrets are reviled: RayK is a Were!mongoose and Fraser's a Were!Pine Martin!!!

Warnings: Watership down references, alfalfa, inappropriate use of a dripper bottle, and the Polish-Canadian version of the Weasel War Dance. for mousewrites

Maryavatar - pOeTrY fIc - I luV pOeTrY

RaY k fInDs OuT wHy BeN iS sO gOoD aT eVeRyThInG! hE's A gEnIe!! AnD dIeF wAs HiS mAsTeR!!! RaY GeTs 3 wIsHeS........... wIlL hE wIsH 4 tHe 1 ThInG hIs HeArT TrUlY dEsIrEs????? ThE sPaRkS deF sTaRt fLyInG wHeN fRaSeR puLlS oUT hIs OlD gEnIe OuTfIt!! WARNING 4 ANGST for the_familiar

Lynnmonster - When travelling Bible salesman Benton Fraser gives a deranged (but OMG SOCUTE!!11!!) homeless man half of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich he can see into the future!!1! But then, like nobody believes him because they think he's crazy and he's like hanging out with a deranged homeless guy and it's kind of funny? But pretty sad too!!1!! Major Woobie Fraser vibes!!!!11!!! for rustler

Marcellapolma - Victoria is a witch and she comes back and finds Fraser having sex with RayK!!! And she turns them both into kids!!! And RayV has to find out how to change them back!!! Is Frannie a better babysitter than Turnbull? What do Thatcher and Stella think? Why are Ray's parents at the station? And who exactly picked Welsh to explain the birds and the bees? (Eventual Fraser/RayK pairing!!!) for sherriaisling

Buddleia - When suspicious things start happening at the Consulatte, Fraser discovers the truth: there is a PLOT against Canada and the Consulatte has been invaded by SPIES! Is Turnbull a SPY??? Why is Thattcher sneaking around? And will Fraser be in time to save his lover Ray from a cruel and painful death when he's KIDNAPPED??? Read to find out!! (Dont worry it has a happy ending !!11!1) for riverlight

Lozenger8 - When Fraser picks up a dented bottle on the side of the road, Ray figures he's just being Canadian and doesn't pay much attention. But when he whips out a handkerchief to "polish it up a little", rather than sending the mud flying... a swarm of fog comes streaming from the top and resolves itself into a young Persian man. A young, attractive Persian man who's all too willing to answer Fraser's every personal whim. Can Ray swallow his envy as sparks fly? Can this genie really be put back into the bottle? Are there limits to his powers and what happens when Turnbull accidently gains possession of the Olde Artifact in question. STAY TUNED! for shihadchick

Lucifercircle - One day, an owl dropped a letter on the head of one Benton Fraser. Now, he's jetting across the Atlantic to teach Muggle Studies in a magic school, along with a man named Stanley Kowalski. But what's this? Why does Snape have that look on his face? Who's Voldemort, and why is he after Fraser? And where the hell is Harry Potter? (X-over with HP; pre-HBP.)

Warnings: Slash, slash, slash, slash, het, slash. And slash. Because everyone except Stella is gay. Basically. for quiet_aversion

The_familiar - Benton Fraser has an evil identical twin. Who has just shown up in Chicago, seeking revenge against Benton over the 'lichen incident.' Will Benton be able to thwart his twin's plans before they cost him his job? Or worse, his hopes for a closer relationship with Ray?

Warnings: angst, abuse of pizza for ifreet

Riadsala - Ray Kowalski is an enchanted sun faery from East Prussia in reality. How will Benton Fraser react, when he finds out? Will their love survive?

Also what does Turnbull's sudden yearning for lasagna have to do with the Vecchios? Stay tuned, if you want to see Dief having a rather extreme reaction to someone's green sweater. for eledwenlin

Lordessrenegade - Everyone knows Fraser can run faster and think faster than practically anybody else. His senses are also much more powerful than those of a normal person. Why is that? Because he's a mutant. What happens when Xavier and Magneto come to Chicago to recruit him? And how does his human lover Ray Kowalski react? (Fraser's still a Mountie and Ray K is still a cop.)

I would ask people to bear in mind that while Magneto does do evil things he does have a reason and he personally believes he's doing the right thing.
Also movieverse is great but if you know the original comics that's even better. Bring in as many of the other characters as you like. for lucifercircle

Mousewrites - Camp's only been in session for a week and it's already turned into the long summer ever, for the newest senior counselor at Camp Windy Lake, Ray Kowalski. His girlfriend, Stella, who dragged him into this gig in the first place, has told him that she thinks they ought to see other people. The only people who seem to like him at all are the weird Canadian kid, Ben Fraser, and the even weirder Ren Turnbull and Frannie Vecchio. He's gotten into an inter-cabin war with Frannie's older brother over which of them should have the right to the name Ray. And scary senior counselor Victiria Metcalfe and head counselor Meg Thatcher both seem to be gunning for him. And that's not even counting arts-and-crafts and nature hikes and group sing-a-longs. What's a boy who's never been more than an hour fron Chicago before in his life to do? for kinetikatrue

Sprat - So Kowealski goes to Canada to help Fraser out with something, omg cuz he's SO IN LUV@!!!!1 but then he runz in2 vampiRE LESBIANS OMG but dont worry HAHAH cause their only in like, 1 paragraph omg HAHA, but anyway so when Ray gets to Fraser's cabin, like there is SOMONE ELSE THERE OMG WHO COULD IT BE!?!?! pls READ & RVW!!111! I might continue if there are a lot of comments@!@!

warnings: lesbians!! for lyra_sena


admin, badfic challenge

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