Title: Anticipation Author: arrow00 Pairing: F/K (implied), Dief/? Rating: G Wordcount: 720 Categories: DitL (day in the life) Warnings: none Now with Podfic recorded by kalakirya!
I love the simplistic way Dief characterizes the nouns around him. Box-talls and turtle-friends and kibble-food! (Butt-of-skunk, eww.) I'm also quite amused by Dief's mangled interpretation of human words, although I admit I spent far too long trying to puzzle out what Ray was actually saying. I'm easily distracted. ^^;
I live in the land of Dunkin Donuts, so the spelling didn't bother me at all. But (to go a little on a tangent) perhaps because of Dunkin's prevalence, I remember when we learned "doughnut" in a fourth grade spelling unit, and a kid in my class raised his hand and asked the teacher, "What's a duff-nut?" =_=;
Anyway, back to the topic at hand, I really enjoyed your fic! Have a doughnut. :)
You know, I knew people would do that (try to figure out what Ray was saying) so I made it as hard as I could. So hard that I've even forgotten what the heck one of them is. Hee.
And don't dis butt-of-skunk! Some of my favorite not-wolfs adore it.
Thanks for the doughnut, bonzaineko. (is that a character? like, Wilykit on steroids?)
I have great love for this. Dief's POV is awesome, especially with how he hears (yes hears, sneaky not-deaf thing that he is) just the important-to-him parts of sentences, and talks with Turtle, and thinks Ray might steal his kibble.
Comments 63
The fandom needs more Dief POV fics!!
I love the simplistic way Dief characterizes the nouns around him. Box-talls and turtle-friends and kibble-food! (Butt-of-skunk, eww.) I'm also quite amused by Dief's mangled interpretation of human words, although I admit I spent far too long trying to puzzle out what Ray was actually saying. I'm easily distracted. ^^;
I live in the land of Dunkin Donuts, so the spelling didn't bother me at all. But (to go a little on a tangent) perhaps because of Dunkin's prevalence, I remember when we learned "doughnut" in a fourth grade spelling unit, and a kid in my class raised his hand and asked the teacher, "What's a duff-nut?" =_=;
Anyway, back to the topic at hand, I really enjoyed your fic! Have a doughnut. :)
And don't dis butt-of-skunk! Some of my favorite not-wolfs adore it.
Thanks for the doughnut, bonzaineko. (is that a character? like, Wilykit on steroids?)
Turtle doesn't understand, but Dief knows Fraser-brother (and even Ray-brother) will overhear.
HEEEE!!! You pistol! :D
Dief tried to give him his own kibble-food, even though he was hungry, so hungry-hungry-hungry
D'aaaw. And Ray's so good to Dief. *happy place* :-)
Turtle doesn't understand! Oh, Dief. HEE.
Absolutely fun to read!
heh, nice Dief-speak.
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