DS Match 2 Masterlist!

Sep 19, 2008 22:43

Behold the DS Match 2 Masterlist!

Day 1 - "I can't feel my elbows."

The Harder They Fall by secretlybronte (Reality, NC-17)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski
Warnings: None
Summary: "Ray spent a decade watching Fraser jump; he never prepared himself for what it would mean to watch Fraser fall."

Lift by spuffyduds (Whimsy, R)
Pairing(s): Kowalski/Vecchio, Kowalski/Vecchio/Fraser
Warnings: None
Summary: Ray Kowalski would prefer not to be needy and freakish, thank you very much. But on a day full of bizarre surprises, he needs a hand from his friends.

Day 2 - "You made me come all the way up here for this?"

Suicide is Painless by mondschein1 (Reality, R)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski, Kowalski/Stella
Warnings: This story contains underage death, mercy killing, and gun-related violence.
Summary: Fraser takes a breath, and looks down at his boots. "Love makes people do peculiar things," he says finally, voice soft and creaky. Americans especially, I've found."

Notes on the Impossibility of Nirvana by lamentables (Whimsy, PG-13)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Vecchio
Warnings: None
Summary: When free will means impossible choices, Fraser makes duty his guiding principle.

Day 3 - "This is the third time I tried to tell her - she won't listen!"

The Best Thing To Say by wihluta (Reality, PG-13)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski
Warnings: None.
Summary: Finding out is sometimes not as hard as it seems.

I Am a Man Upon the Land by Stars (simplystars) (Whimsy, PG-13)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski
Warnings: None
Summary: Fraser tells Ray a story. Ray doesn't like the ending. They live happily ever after.

Day 4 - "Pemmican was the first thing I thought of."

Watchman by llassah (Reality, G)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Vecchio/Kowalski, the beginnings of Frannie/Welsh
Warnings: None.
Summary: Welsh watches, and waits for his detectives to come home.

Strange Constellations by catwalksalone (Whimsy, PG-13)
Pairing(s): Kowalski/Vecchio
Warnings: None
Summary: Not until a chance accident strands him in strange lands, does Ray recognize the one constant in his life and exactly what he's left behind.

Day 5 - "Some people don't know the meaning of team spirit."

C-Three-H-Five-(N-O-Three)-Three by akamine_chan (Reality, R)
Pairing(s): Fraser/ Kowalski
Warnings: None
Summary: A journey of discovery.

The Heart's Compass by zabira (Whimsy, PG-13)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski
Warnings: Canon character death.
Summary: To his eternal frustration, he still can't control his traveling, hasn't been able to-not once-in all the years this has been happening to him.

Day 6 - "To which I can only say--oh hell."

Something to look forward to by belmanoir (Reality, NC-17)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Vecchio
Warnings: light bondage
Summary: Fraser has a habit of saying important stuff while Ray's asleep.

I can only by slidellra (Whimsy, R)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Vecchio femmeslash
Warnings: Femmeslash?
Summary: Fraser looks over Detective Vecchio's desk carefully, cataloging what she sees for anything that might be of use in understanding the detective. She adds less disorganized than disinclined towards order to the list of things she knows about Detective Ray -- likely a nickname, though the nameplate on her desk lists no other -- Vecchio, where it joins gangly, voluble, a flashy dresser, the sole female detective working out of this precinct, and at the moment, exceedingly shrill.

Day 7 - "You are not bringing that thing anywhere near me."

Deep Colours Bleed by qe2 (Reality, PG-13)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Vecchio/Kowalski
Warnings: Serious illness.
Summary: I know they'll do this for me. One of them will, anyway-and where one of them goes, the other one always follows. Eventually, and bitching all the way, but it's pretty much inevitable.

The Blue and the Dim and the Dark by umbrella_half (Whimsy, R)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski
Warnings: Swearing, some sexual content
Summary: While investigating the murder of a politician, the boundaries between waking and sleeping blur for Ray and Fraser.

Day 8 - "Look at it this way -- if we don't, we're toast."

For a Good Life We Just Might Have to Weaken by malnpudl (Reality, NC-17)
Pairing(s): Fraser/ Kowalski
Warnings: None
Summary: Math was never Ray's strong suit in school. He got Cs if he slacked off, Bs if he worked hard, which he sometimes did, especially in pre-algebra when he had a crush on his teacher and then again in geometry when he and Stella were in the same class. He had three classes and a study hall with her that year; if anything could salvage being a high school sophomore, that was it. It was the only time Ray ever got an A minus in math.

First One Thing, Then the Otter by alex51324 (Whimsy, PG-13)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski
Warnings: None
Summary: When the guys find signs of a sea otter living in a Chicago pond, Fraser is strangely reluctant to investigate.

Day 9 - "It's been a long time since I kayaked through the sewers."

Next July We Collide With Mars by teaphile (Reality, R)
Pairing(s): Vecchio/Kowalski
Warnings: None
Summary: It had been a good plan, up until Ray realized he'd committed to spending nine hours in the sole company of Kowalski.

Shot To the Heart by elementalv (Whimsy, PG-13)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Vecchio/Kowalski
Warnings: None
Summary: Lather, rinse, repeat. And again. And again. And...

Day 10 - "What do you mean, they did it?"

a problem of memory by omphale23 (Reality, G)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio, Fraser/Kowalski implied
Warnings: None
Summary: Chicago is a city that spans continents.

My Life As a Dog by etcetera_cat (Whimsy, PG)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski preslash
Warnings: None
Summary: For reasons that aren’t freaking being explained at this juncture, the whole of Chicago is trying to beat Ray to death with his nose.

Day 11 - "Well, it's not completely unheard of -- especially in the Amazon basin."

Detail by sisterofdream (Reality, G)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski
Warnings: None
Summary: There is a system. There is a system based on tradition and how things work.

Call of the Waves by aingeal8c (Whimsy, PG)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Vecchio
Warnings: None
Summary: When a whale goes missing from the local aquarium Fraser has to persuade Ray that the sea is full of strange creatures...and people.

Day 12 - "Actually, I was hoping to circumvent the explanation."

Brushing Shoulders With Vice by mlyn (Reality, NC-17)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Vecchio, Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio preslash
Warnings: None
Summary: Fraser has something on his mind, and Vecchio wants it out of him.

Weak Men Must Fall by caersmane (Whimsy, PG-13)
Pairing(s): Vecchio/Kowalski
Warnings: Dark, some swearing
Summary: Angels can fall, and men can be broken. But will one give up his chance at redemption to help another heal?

Day 13 - "I never said they were poisonous."

Five Times Ray Kowalski Was Ashamed of His Dick and One Time He Wasn't by j_s_cavalcante (Reality, NC-17)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski, (Kowalski/Stella)
Warnings: Some brief scenes concern issues of teen sexuality and development (ages 14-17), frankly depicted.
Summary: Uncovering the root of Ray Kowalski's self-esteem issues. ;)

Want by dessert_first (Whimsy, PG)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski
Warnings: None
Summary: Fraser has thought it over a thousand times, gone over every single interaction, every crumb of information, every scrap or clue.

Day 14 - "Well, it would be rather entertaining... under different circumstances."

Truths Like Gravity by nos4a2no9 (Reality, R)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski
Warnings: None
Summary: He and Fraser have been preparing for this inevitability for years, glancing at each other sadly over yet another birthday cake, a New Year's toast, a graduation dinner. Their children aren't really children anymore.

I can see the stars from a million miles by green_grrl (Whimsy, PG-13)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski
Warnings: Spoilers for Starman and Mountie Sings the Blues
Summary: You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. Or in some cases, sort of gone.

Backup stories:

And these are all for you by innocentsmith (Reality, PG)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski, Fraser/other canon characters
Warnings: None
Summary: The loves Fraser's been offered.

Soul to Keep by torra (Whimsy, PG)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski
Warnings: Hum, blasphemy? Maybe?
Summary: Ray Kowalski thought his life was going along just fine, but the Powers In Charge have a different idea, and it's Fraser's assignment to fix things.

Frozen by miss_zedem (Whimsy, PG)
Pairing(s): Fraser/Kowalski
Warnings: Off-screen character death.
Summary: Sometimes it's the people you love the most are the ones who can see what you need...

Other fic, ficlets, etc.:

Masterlist of matched Whimsy and Reality ficlets by ficlateer (aka etcetera_cat)
The Whimsy Team Cheer by catwalksalone
Whimsy/Reality anthropomorfic by catwalksalone
Masterlist of Whimsical ficlet gifts
Masterlist of Realistic ficlet gifts
Bonus whimsical fic by caersmane
Team Reality's drabble tree
Team Whimsy's drabble tree
Pornlets by aingeal8c, catwalksalone, and torra

Art, icons, etc.:

Round-up of DS Match 2 Icon Challenge submissions
Team Reality banner by moon_brain
Team Whimsy banner by catwalksalone
Whimsical icons by catwalksalone
Whimsical icons by caersmane
Whimsical icons by simplystars
Team Whimsy story-specific icons by simplystars here and here
Drawing of Fraser and Kowalski by wihluta
Art for Weak Men Must Fall by wihluta (story by caersmane)
Faerie!Kowalski drawing by j_s_cavalcante

DS Match Movie Trailers by sdwolfpup: Mountie Maguire (for Team Reality) and Mountchanted (for Team Whimsy)

Please let us know if we've missed anything!

ds match 2, admin

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